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      The purpose of this document is to provide technical details about the API's. This document outlines the business processes supported by the API and details about specifications of API’s. It assumes that reader has a technical background and is familiar with JSON, API's.

Connection properties

Request MethodPOSTThe requested method.
Content-Typeapplication/jsonThe content type.


It is recommended that at least all booking and cancellation transactions sent through the Test / Live environment should be logged and maintained by the hotel agent for at least 6 months.

Go-Test/Live Process

In order to start testing, please notify our support team via e-mail at

      When you have completed your development, contact your Account Manager for the activation of the access IP address of Test/Live Server is essential for whitelisting

Client Requirements

  • Client requests must be issued from a public, static IP address registered with System.
  • Client requests must be made via an HTTPS POST request.
  • SSL.
  • All data sent and received via the interface will be encoded in UTF-8.
  • we use deflate compression for response.

Development Phase

      Once you receive your Access token, you can start the development of your application/framework. The whole process of communication consists of simple JSON messages exchange (request /response) between your application/framework and system. Each request needs to be posted (through POST method) using https protocols. For details regarding requests and answers formats please consult the dedicated area of each request. For further assistance in development process do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Status & Error Code

NoStatus CodeDescription
2400Bad Request
5404Not Found
6500Internal Server Error
7503Service Unavailable
8429Too Many Requests (QPS Limit exceeds)

Process Flow Diagram


Implementation Approach

  1. Client review of the API specifications
    1. Review of API specifications
  2. Test Environment Integration
    1. API Integration.
    2. Test Execution by your Tech Team.
  3. Integration Testing
    1. Determining the necessary test cases based on the API's by Our Tech Team
    2. Test Execution
    3. Certification by Our Tech Team
    4. Before you go live you need to share pdf sample voucher after booking.

  4. Production Environment
    1. API Integration
    2. Schedule Go Live Date
    3. Transaction Monitoring and issue Resolution

Important note

  • Follow these guidelines when searching for properties for your test bookings, even for static tests. Being diligent in your property selection will help you avoid incurring any accidental charges during your booking tests.
  • Please use city id : 20097 = kuala lumpur. for testing purpose.
  • To use different nationality of different countries use same name in countries api response.
  • Verify the booking will be outside of the hotel's cancellation policy.
  • Never pick next-day or same-day availabilities, even to test promos.
  • Shop a few months ahead whenever possible.
  • Use Real Name for first name and last name.Do not use test name.
  • Never automate static booking tests -we may flag or temporarily disable your account.
  • Shopping at least a few months ahead and paying attention to Policy will help you avoid the most common problems with test bookings. Remember, client is not responsible for any unintentional live or nonrefundable bookings you place during testing.
  • Make sure you cancel each test booking using api, if face any issue in cancellation contact us immediately.
  • Always do refundable feature booking and cancel booking after done.
  • No duplication allowed for internalreference, it must be unique for each time you hit that api.

Documentation and Download

JSON Request Format:-

JSON Response Format:-

Date Format

  • Date format send to Payload MM-DD-YYYY

Error and Description

ErrorCode ErrorType ErrorDescription
INTERNAL_ERRORAPI_ERROR The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error
NOTPERMITTED_ERRORPermission1.Bookings within cancellation deadline are not permitted for this User.

2.Bookings are not permitted for this User.
CacheNotAvailableCacheNotAvailableAccess to one of the cache failed. The cache for this search key is no longer available
DUPLICATION_ERRORDuplicate1.Bookings within cancellation deadline are not permitted for this User

2.Booking token already exist for this criteria
MISMATCH_ERRORMismatch1.Pricing could not complete - rate missing.

2.Data mismatch from previous response.
CacheNotAvailableCacheNotAvailableAccess to one of the cache failed. The cache for this search key is no longer available
INVALID_REQUESTRequestErrorRequest is not well formed please check and try again.
NOCOUNT_ERRORGENERAL1.No record found for given criteria

2.No availability found for given criteria try search with other criteria


The Countries API has been designed to provide All Countries data. The following sections describe the Countries API Request and Response Format.

JSON Request format:

TagDescription Optionality
TokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the systemMandatory

JSON Response format:

CountryIdRepresent unique CountryId.
NameRepresent Name


The Hotel List Search API has been designed to provide list of all Hotels with display Minimum price for particular city. The following sections describe the Hotel List Search request and response format

Request URL

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
RequestCountryIdRepresents unique CountryId Mandatory
TokenTokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the systemMandatory

JSON Response Format:

CityIdRepresents unique CityId.
NameRepresents unique city name.

All Cities with Country

AllCitieswithCountry API has been designed to provide list of all cities with country .The following sections describe the AllCitieswithCountry in one API call request and response format.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the system. Mandatory
RequestonlyhotelRepresents onlyhotelonlyhotel: 1 you will get all cities
onlyhotel: 0 you will get active cities

JSON Response Format:

Tag Description
cityidRepresents cityid
citynameRepresents cityname
CountryidRepresents Country id
countrynameRepresents country name.

All Hotels By City

AllHotelsByCity API has been designed to provide list of all Hotel details for that particular City.
  The following sections describe the AllHotelsByCity API request and response format.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
RequestCityIdRepresents unique CityIdMandatory
TokenTokenYou have to put unique token which is provided by the system.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Tag DescriptionOptionality
HotelIdRepresents HotelIdMandatory
HotelNameRepresents HotelName Mandatory
LatitudeRepresents LatitudeMandatory
longitudeRepresents longitudeMandatory
AddressRepresents AddressMandatory
RatingRepresents RatingMandatory


      The Availability API has been designed to provide list of all Hotels The following sections describe the hotellistsearch API request and response format. Currency set up done only once account is created and you have to use that Currency for transaction with api.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
RoomAn array represents Room Mandatory
RoomNoRepresents RoomNo Mandatory
NoofAdultsRepresents total number of AdultsMandatory
NoOfChildRepresents total number of child. Mandatory
ChildAgeArray represents child Age. (1 to 12)Mandatory
CityIDRepresents unique CityID.Mandatory
NationalityRepresents unique Nationality.Mandatory
CheckInDateRepresents CheckInDate. Date should be in the format: MM-DD-YYYY Example: 08-12-2018Mandatory
CheckOutDateRepresents CheckOutDate. Date should be in the format: MM-DD-YYYY Example: 08-12-2018Mandatory
NoofNightsRepresents number of NightsMandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory
IsShowRooms1 Show Rooms 0 HotelOnly Mandatory
IsRecommendedOnly1 Only Preferred Hotels 0 All Hotels Mandatory
IsOnlyAvailable1 Available only 0 Include OnrequestMandatory
StarRatingSelection of star rating between two categories.
Minmin=min star rating0 star rating for unspecified or apartment
maxmax=max star ratingMandatory
HotelIDsRepresents list of comma seperated HotelIDs by cityOptional
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Tag Description
CountRepresents Count.
SearchKeySearchKey will use in next steps ,expires after 25 minutes. You have to do booking within that time limits.
Start priceRepresents unique Price
HotelIDRepresents unique Hotel id
HotelCodeRepresents unique hotel code
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
HoteloptionArray display detail.
HoteloptionIdRepresents unique hoteloptionid
MinPriceRepresent Min Price
IsCombinedTrue = Multiple rooms are combined in one
False = recieve list of rooms
HotelRoomsArray display details
RoomNoRepresents room number. You will get some combine rooms for multiple rooms search.
RoomTypeNameRepresents room type
MealNameRepresents MealName
MappedMealName Represents mealname mapped in the system, "NotMapped" Represent not in the system
PriceRepresents Price
BookingStatusRepresents BookingStatus.
RoomTokenIt display unique AvailToken which is provided by the system


As we have both direct inventories and dynamic rates also so for some cases you will receive combined room in multiple room search ,
so for easy to identify these rates we have now added new parameter in availability response IsCombined (true,false) if its true then rooms are combined to one room .
for example : if search is for
rooms :2
room 1 : 1 adult
room 2 : 2 adult
then id IsCombined =true that means both rooms are combined in one (roomNo: "1") ;
if False : then you recieve list of rooms(RoomNo:1,RoomNo:2).
and when you try to book such combined room you have to pass pax details separately for both the rooms.
- For Essential information you need to hit CancellationPolicy/Multi API

Availability With Cancellation

      The AvailabilityWithCancellation API has been designed to provide list of Hotels with cancellation policy. The following sections describe the hotellistsearch API request and response format. Currency set up done only once account is created and you have to use that Currency for transaction with api.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
RoomAn array represents Room Mandatory
RoomNoRepresents RoomNo Mandatory
NoofAdultsRepresents total number of AdultsMandatory
NoOfChildRepresents total number of child. Mandatory
ChildAgeArray represents child Age. (1 to 12)Mandatory
CityIDRepresents unique CityID.Mandatory
NationalityRepresents unique Nationality.Mandatory
CheckInDateRepresents CheckInDate. Date should be in the format: MM-DD-YYYY Example: 08-12-2018Mandatory
CheckOutDateRepresents CheckOutDate. Date should be in the format: MM-DD-YYYY Example: 08-12-2018Mandatory
NoofNightsRepresents number of NightsMandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory
IsShowRooms1 Show Rooms 0 HotelOnly Mandatory
IsRecommendedOnly1 Only Preferred Hotels 0 All Hotels Mandatory
IsOnlyAvailable1 Available only 0 Include OnrequestMandatory
StarRatingSelection of star rating between two categories.
Minmin=min star rating0 star rating for unspecified or apartment
maxmax=max star ratingMandatory
HotelIDsRepresents list of comma seperated HotelIDs by cityOptional
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Tag Description
CountRepresents Count.
SearchKeySearchKey will use in next steps ,expires after 25 minutes. You have to do booking within that time limits.
Start priceRepresents unique Price
HotelIDRepresents unique Hotel id
HotelCodeRepresents unique hotel code
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
HoteloptionArray display detail.
HoteloptionIdRepresents unique hoteloptionid
MinPriceRepresent Min Price
IsCombinedTrue = Multiple rooms are combined in one
False = recieve list of rooms
HotelRoomsArray display details
RoomNoRepresents room number. You will get some combine rooms for multiple rooms search.
RoomTypeNameRepresents room type
MealNameRepresents MealName
MappedMealName Represents mealname mapped in the system, "NotMapped" Represent not in the system
CancellationPolicyRepresents cancellation policy
PriceRepresents Price
BookingStatusRepresents BookingStatus.
RoomTokenIt display unique AvailToken which is provided by the system


- As we have both direct inventories and dynamic rates also so for some cases you will receive combined room in multiple room search ,
so for easy to identify these rates we have now added new parameter in availability response IsCombined (true,false) if its true then rooms are combined to one room .
for example : if search is for
rooms :2
room 1 : 1 adult
room 2 : 2 adult
then id IsCombined =true that means both rooms are combined in one (roomNo: "1") ;
if False : then you recieve list of rooms(RoomNo:1,RoomNo:2).
and when you try to book such combined room you have to pass pax details separately for both the rooms.
- For Essential information you need to hit CancellationPolicy/Multi API

Cancellation Policy

The CancellationPolicy for Hotel API has been designed to provide Price of cancellation for particular Room. The following section describes API request and response format.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenToken Mandatory
RequestSearch key
HotelOptionIdRepresents unique HotelOptionID. Mandatory
RoomTokenUnique RoomToken which is provided by the system.Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTag Description
CancellationPolicyFromDateRepresents FromDate
ToDateRepresents ToDate.
CancellationPriceRepresents cancellation price.
CurrencyRepresents Currency.

Cancellation Policy Multi

The CancellationPolicyMulti for Hotel API has been designed to provide Price of cancellation for multiple Room in single request. The following section describes API request and response format.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenToken Mandatory
RequestSearch key
HotelOptionIdRepresents unique HotelOptionID. Mandatory
HotelRoomsRepresents HotelRoomsMandatory
RoomTokenRepresents RoomNoMandatory
RoomTokenUnique RoomToken which is provided by the system.Mandatory
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTag Description
ToDateRepresents ToDate.
CurrencyRepresents Currency
RoomNoRepresents RoomNo
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
MealNameRepresents MealName
EssentialInformationRepresents EssentialInformation
CancellationPolicyFromDateRepresents FromDate
ToDateRepresents ToDate
CancellationPriceRepresents cancellation price.


The PreBook API has been designed to check availability status of booking before book.This APImust hit once for one booking or you will get duplication error.The following section describesAPI request and response case of isCombineRoom= true we are going to do one change inprevious response we sending price = 0 in other rooms and in roomNo=1 we giving you total price , butin new response we divide price in each room Total price will not change.only price is divided insideroom.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenToken Mandatory
RequestSearch key
HotelOptionIdRepresents unique HotelID.Mandatory
HotelRoomsAn array represents room details Mandatory
RoomNoRepresents room numberMandatory
RoomTokenUnique RoomToken which is provided by the system. Mandatory
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

JSON Response (Example ) IsCombineRoom=true

Parent TagTag Description
HotelNameRepresents HotelName
Nationality Represents Nationality
BookingTokenUnique BookingToken which is provided by the system. And used for final booking request
Status If status is bookable than only proceed for booking.
IsPriceChange0 Represents Not Change in IsPriceChange
1 you have to notify price to customer before booking
CheckInDate Represents CheckInDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
CheckOutDateRepresents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
TotalPriceRepresents TotalPrice
HotelRoomsArrary represents Hotelrooms
UniqueIdRepresents UniqueId
RoomNoRepresents RoomNo
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
MealNameRepresents MealName
PriceRepresents Price
PriceChange Represents PriceChange
OldPrice Represents OldPrice
NewPrice Represents NewPrice
Currency Represents Currency.


The Book API has been designed to give booking details .The following section describes API request and response format. After getting response or error in book response. you have to mandatory perform booking detail api to get the actual status of booking using your internal reference or reference number from Bookresponse.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenToken Mandatory
RequestSearch key
BookBookingTokenUnique BookingToken which is provided by the system.Mandatory
TotalPriceRepresents Price Mandatory
InternalReferenceyour internal reference. should be 10 max character (No duplication allowed)Mandatory
HotelRoomsAn array represent HotelRoom Details. Mandatory
UniqueIdRepresents UniqeIdMandatory
RoomNoRepresents RoomNoMandatory
IsLead0 Represents No IsLead
For 1 booking you have to set ISLead = 1 and IsLead passeger must adult.
PaxTypeRepresents Adult / Child.Mandatory
PrefixRepresents Mr. / Mrs. /Ms.Mandatory
FirstNameRepresents FirstNameMandatory
LastNameRepresents LastNameMandatory
ChildAgeRepresents ChildAgeMandatory
UniqueIdRepresents UniqeIdMandatory
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent Tag TagDescription
BookingId Represents BookingId
ReferenceNoYou need to show reference number on your voucher.
InternalReferenceRepresents InternalReference
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
ErrorArray Represents Error

Booking Detail

API has been designed to Generate bookingDetails .The following section describes API request and response format. Only one ID can be passed. You can get booking details using either BookigID or your internalReference

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenToken Mandatory
BookingIdRepresents BookingId Optional
InternalReferenceRepresents InternalReference optional
ReferenceNoRepresents ReferenceNooptional
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTag Description
HotelNameRepresent HotelName
HotelId Represent HotelId
Nationality Represent Nationality
BookingId Represent BookingId
InternalReferenceRepresents InternalReference
CheckInDate Represents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
CheckOutDateRepresents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
BookingDateRepresents BookingDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
LeadPaxNameRepresents LeadPaxName
TotalPriceRepresents TotalPrice
HotelRooms Array Represents HotelRooms
BookingStatusRepresents booking status with details
Vouchered : Confirmed
Confirmed : Confirmed
Completed : Travel done.
Cancelled : booking cancelled
On Request : On Request
Not Confirmed : Not Confirmed
Cancel Charge: cancel charges if any for booking
RoomNoRepresents RoomNo
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
MealName Represents MealName
Price Represents Price
CancellationPolicy Array represents CancellationPolicy
FromDate Represents FromDate. Date should be in the format: MM-DD-YYYY Example: 08-12-2018
ToDate Represents ToDate. Date should be in the format: MM-DD-YYYY Example: 08-12-2018
CancellationPriceRepresents CancellationPrice
PassengerNo special character allowed max length 20 character. Douplication passenger not allowed.
IsLeadRepresents lead pax
PaxTypeRepresents Adult / Child
PrefixRepresents Mr./Ms./Miss
NameRepresents Name
ChildAgeRepresents ChildAge
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
ErrorArray Represents Error

Check HotelCancellation Charges

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenToken Mandatory
BookingIdRepresents BookingId Mandatory
InternalReferenceyour internal reference.Mandatory
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent Tag TagDescription
HotelOptionRepresents HotelOption
BookingIdRepresents BookingId
TotalPriceRepresents TotalPrice
TotalChargeRepresents TotalCharge
TotalRefundRepresents TotalRefund
CancelCodeRepresents CancelCode
HotelRoomsAn Array Represents HotelRooms
BookingDetailIdRepresents BookingDetailId
RoomTypeNameRepresents RoomTypeName
PriceRepresent Price
RefundAmountRepresents RefundAmount
CurrencyRepresents Currency.
ErrorAn Array Represent Error

Cancel Booking

API has been designed to cancle booking .The following section describes API request and response format.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenToken Mandatory
CancelRQBookingIDRepresent BookingIDMandatory
BookingDetailIdBookingDetailIdValue = 0 to cancel whole booking.
ReasonRepresents ReasonMandatory
CancelAllCancelAllValue = 1 to cancel whole booking.
CustomerIpAddressRepresents CustomerIpAddress Ip address of final end user Mandatory
currencyRepresents currency Mandatory
Note : To cancel whole booking you must have to pass cancelAll with value 1 and BookingDetailId=0

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTag Description
BookingId Represents BookingId
HotelRoomsArray Represents HotelRooms
RoomTypeName Represents RoomTypeName
MessageRepresents Message
CancelStatus1 Represents booking cancel
Currency Represents Currency.
ErrorArray Represents Error

Booking Search

API has been designed to Generate bookingDetails .Date range allowed 31 days. The following section describes API request and response format.

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTag DescriptionOptionality
TokenTokenToken Mandatory
SearchBySearch By BookingDate or CheckingDate Mandatory
OnlyAPI0 Represents All booking
1 Represents only apibookings
FromDateRepresents FromDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
ToDate Represents ToDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
AdvancedOptionsCurrency Represents CurrencyMandatory
Note : OnlyAPI = 0 Represents All booking OnlyAPI = 1 Represents Api booking

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTag Description
HotelIdRepresents HotelId
InternalReference Represent InternalReference
ReferenceNo Represent ReferenceNo
CheckinDate Represents CheckinDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
CheckOutDate Represents CheckOutDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
BookingDate Represents BookingDate.
Date should be in the format:
Example: 08-12-2018
TotalPrice Represents TotalPrice
BookingStatus Represents BookingStatus
IsAPI IsAPI = True Represents booking made via api IsAPI = False Represents booking made direct on client portal
Currency Represents Currency.

Certification process

Please go through certification process in order to get live access.

Step 1 : Work Flow.

To ensure what API methods you are using, flow of method calls for these methods. This will help us to verify the integration.

Step 2 : Test Cases Execution by client.

Here we are providing a list of test cases needs to be executed .
Request / response for these cases will be required for verification .

[Test 1] :
Room 1 – Adult 1 (1 night)
[Test 2] :
Room 1 – Adult 2, Child 2 (3 night)
[Test 3] :
Room 1 – Adult 1 | Room 2 – Adult 1 both (2 night)
[Test 4] :
Room 1 – Adult 1, Child 1 | Room 2 – Adult 1 (1 night)
Provide Logs As below
[Test 1] : Availability→CancellationPolicy→PreBook→Book

Step 3: Test Verification

Technical team will verify the test cases using Request / Response and suggest if there is any change required.

Step 4: Client Portal verification

After completion of step 3, you have to provide test link of your integration website to verify the integration flow.

Step 5: Sign off and Live access

On successful completion of all the above steps, we will give sign off and provide Live access details.


The purpose of this document is to provide technical details about the API's. This document outlines the business processes supported by the API and details about specifications of API’s. It assumes that reader has a technical background and is familiar with JSON, API's.

Connection properties

The communication with the system is performed through https connections. The following table enlists the properties of the request that must be employed:

Request MethodPOSTThe requested method.
Content-Typeapplication/jsonThe content type.


It is recommended that at least all booking and cancellation transactions sent through the Test / Live environment should be logged and maintained by the travel agent for at least 6 months.

Go-Test/Live Process

In order to start testing, please notify our support team via e-mail at info@activitylinker.comPlease note that all transactions through the test system are simply test transactions.

Please be advised few activities are available in Test Environment, Do not compare the products with Live Environment The system functionality between the Test and Live system is exactly the same except for the fact that Bookings processed in the Test environment are not sent to the Suppliers. When you have completed your development, contact your Account Manager for the activation of the access IP address of Test/Live Server is essential for whitelisting

Client Requirements

  • Client requests must be issued from a public, static IP address registered with System.
  • Client requests must be made via an HTTPS POST request.
  • SSL.
  • All data sent and received via the interface will be encoded in UTF-8.

Development Phase

Once you receive your Access token, you can start the development of your application/framework. The whole process of communication consists of simple JSON messages exchange (request /response) between your application/framework and system. Each request needs to be posted (through POST method) using https protocols. For details regarding requests and answers formats please consult the dedicated area of each request. For further assistance in development process do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Implementation Approach

  1. Client review of the API specifications
    1. Review of API specifications
  2. Test Environment Integration
    1. API Integration
    2. Test Execution by your Tech Team
  3. Integration Testing
    1. Determining the necessary test cases based on the API's by Our Tech Team
    2. Test Execution.
    3. Certification by Our Tech Team
  4. Production Environment
    1. API Integration
    2. Schedule Go Live Date
    3. Transaction Monitoring and Issue Resolution

Documentation and Downloads

Status & Error Code

NoStatus CodeDescription
4404Not Found
5500Internal Server Error
6503Service Unavailable

Custom Error Code

NoError CodeDescription
1100AdultRate or ChildRate is lower than system price.
2101You do not have a sufficient credit limit. Please contact administrator.
3102Travel date should not be less than current date.
4103Adult should be more than zero.
5104Pickup Details is compulsory in Private and Sharing Transfer.
6105Start Time is compulsory.
7106You must pass Pax Type. /Invalid Pax Type.
8107This Tour is not Available.
9108Your Event Id and Start Date and Time should be correct.
10109You have put wrong City Id.
11110Tour is not available for this City.
12111Travel date should be Compulsory
13112Travel date should be MM-DD-YYYY
14113Invalid Transfer Type

Transfer Type

Every product has a default transfer type and the Below id is passed along with the specific product ids.

No.Transfer NameTransfer ID
1Without Transfer41865
2Sharing Transfer41843
3Private Transfer41844
4Private Boat Without Transfers43129
5Pvt Yach Without Transfer43110

  • Without Transfer: Skip the transfer and travel to the selected attraction or destination on your own.
  • Shared Transfer: When you request for this transfer, you’ll share the ride with other guests who travel on the same route.
  • Private Transfer: This non-shared, personalized transfer is reserved exclusively for you and your travel companions.
  • Private Boat Without Transfers: Privatly organized tour withour transfer.
  • Pvt Yach Without Transfer: Privatly organized tour withour transfer.

Booking Status

NoBooking Status Description
1SuccessIf your booking status is success, you will get referenceNo which is guaranteed proof of your reservation.
2RejectedRejected The booking can be rejected due to Following reasons : Price change, allocation not available, stop sale at last minute, inventory sold out and session timed out. On rejection the amount will be credited to your wallet instantly, you can use the amount for making new booking.
3CancelledCancelled The booking can be cancelled due to Following reasons : If it is not confirmed at supplier side. It is cancelled by the user.
4InQueueInQueue For Tours like Burj Khalifa, Supplier allows confirmation 30 days prior to travel date. If Booking Status is In Queue, the booking will be Confirmed or Vouchered after 30 days.

Image Path

  • Root URL :
  • You will get this in static json data .
  • Complete URL :

Image Size

ImageImage Size
Front Image270px * 180px
Gallary900px * 500px
Background1902px * 572px

Date Format

  • Date format send to Payload
    1) MM/dd/yyyy
    2) MM-dd-yyyy
    3) yyyy-MM-dd
    4) yyyy/MM/dd
    5) MM.dd.yyyy

Access Information

API NAMEAccess Type
Mandatory Optional
Static Data API
Price Request/Get Tour Price API
Tour Option API
Get Tour Time Slot API
Tour Availability Request API
Booking Request API
Booking Cancellation Request API

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you offer any REST/SOAP API in order to provide a communication channel to the Activity Linker LTD platform?

A:We provide the REST API, request and response is in the JSON format ( JavaScript Object Notation).

Q: In case there is an API, what kinds of services are available through this API?

A:API Services having vast pool of UAE / Singapore / Malaysia /Thailand / Hong kong Tours to help you to distribute the product globally which contains attraction / activities.

Q: Is there a way to discover available ticket options through you service? For example adult ticket day pass, child day pass, weekly pass, etc.

A:We provide tours time slots & tickets availability in the apis so you can select the timeslot, transfer option & tickets for adult , child , infant.

Q: Is there a sandbox environment available where we can perform some tests?

A:Yes , we provide Sandbox environment with test booking details.

Contact Us



Ticketing tours

NonTicketing tours

Country / City


The following sections describes the Country request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Country data

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescription
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path. (Note: If required)
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available country searches.
countryIdintTour's country id.
countryNamestringTour's country name.


The following sections describes the City request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching City data

JSON Request Format:

CountryIdTour's country id, You will get countryId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/country API.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent Tag TagTypeDescription
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path. (Note: If required)
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available city searches.
cityIdintTour's city id.
cityNamestringTour's city name.

Static Data

Tour Static Data

The following sections describes the Tour static data request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour Static Data

JSON Request Format:

CountryIdintTour's country id, You will get countryId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/country API.Mandatory
CityIdintTour's city id, You will get cityId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/city API.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent Tag TagTypeDescriptionNote:
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path. (Note: If required)If required.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available tour static searches.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
countryIdintTour's country id.
countryNamestringTour's country name.
cityIdintTour's city id.
cityNamestringTour's city name.
tourNamestringTour name.
reviewCountintAverage review of tours.
ratingdoubleRetrieving the reviews of all available travel group & customer.
durationstringTime duration between tour available.
imagePathstringImage url of tour's.
imageCaptionNamestringImage caption name.
cityTourTypeIdintUnique identifier of the tour types.
cityTourTypestringName of city tour types.
tourShortDescriptionstringShort information about the tour.
cancellationPolicyNamestringCancellation policy name of the tours.
isSlotboolIf "isSlot" true, you will get multiple time slote list.Required tour timeslot should pass.
onlyChildboolIf "true", Only child inventory can book.Tour can book for child without adult.
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.

Tour Static Data by Id

The following sections describes the Tour Static Data by Id request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour Static Data by Id

JSON Request Format:

countryIdintTour's country id, You will get countryId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/country API.Mandatory
cityIdintTour's city id, You will get cityId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/city API.Mandatory
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour, You will get tourId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/tourlist API.Mandatory
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.
travelDatestringTour travel date with Formats.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent Tag TagChild TagTypeDescriptionNote:
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path.If required.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available tour static searches.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
countryIdintTour's country id.
countryNamestringTour's country name.
cityIdintTour's city id.
cityNamestringTour's city name.
tourNamestringTour name.
reviewCountintTotal number of tours review.
ratingdoubleRetrieving the reviews of all available travel group & customer.
durationstringTime duration of tours.
departurePointstringLocation of tours.
reportingTimestringTours reporting time.
tourLanguagestringAvailable language for tour.
imagePathstringImage url of tour's.
imageCaptionNamestringImage caption name.
cityTourTypeIdintUnique identifier of the tour types.
cityTourTypestringName of city tour types.
tourDescriptionstringInformation about the tour.
tourInclusionstringTour inclusion.
tourShortDescriptionstringShort description about the tours.
Activity Linker LTD AdvantagestringAdvantages of the tours.
importantInformationstringImportant information about the tours.
itenararyDescriptionstringItenarary description about the tours.
usefulInformationstringUsefull information about the tours.
faqDetailsstringFAQ details of the tours.
termsAndConditionsstringTerms and conditions of tours.
cancellationPolicyNamestringCancellation policy name of the tours.
cancellationPolicyDescriptionstringCancellation policy description of the tours.
childCancellationPolicyNamestringChild cancellation policy name of the tours.
childCancellationPolicyDescriptionstringChild cancellation policy description of the tours.
childAgestringAs per child policy.
infantAgestringAs per child policy.
infantCountintTotal number of infant.
isSlotboolIf "isSlot" true, you will get multiple time slote list.Required tour timeslot should pass.
onlyChildboolIf "true", Only child inventory can book.Tour can book for child without adult.
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.
tourImagesarrayInformation about tours image.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
imagePathstringImage url of tour's.
imageCaptionNamestringImage caption name.
isFrontImageintThis image will use for front.
isBannerImageintThis image will use as banner.
isBannerRotateImageintThis image will use as rotate image.
tourReviewarrayAbout tour review.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
reviewIdintTour review id.
reviewTitlestringReview title.
reviewContentstringReview content of tours.
visitMonthstringVisited month.
ratingintReview rationg.
imagePathstringImage url of tour's.
guestNamestringTour visited guest name.

Option Static Data

The following sections describes the Option Static Data request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Option Static Data

JSON Request Format:

tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour, You will get tourId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/tourlist API.Mandatory
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent Tag TagChild TagTypeDescription
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path. (Note: If required)
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available tour static option searches.
touroptionarrayTour options.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
tourOptionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options.
optionNamestringTours option name.
childAgestringAs per child policy.
infantAgestringAs per child policy.
optionDescriptionstringA short information about tours option.
cancellationPolicystringCancellation policy of the tours option.
cancellationPolicyDescriptionstringCancellation policy description of the tours option.
childPolicyDescriptionstringChild cancellation policy name of the tours option.
xmlcodestringXML code.
xmloptioncodestringXML option code.
countryIdintTour's country id.
cityIdintTour's city id.
minPaxintMinimum number of passangers.
cityIdintTour's city id.
maxPaxintMaximum number of passangers.
durationstringTime duration of tours.
timeZonestringTours time zone.
operationdaysarrayAvailiblity of tour on days.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
tourOptionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options.
specialdatesarrayTour available on dates or festivals.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
tourOptionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options.
transferTypestringAvailable transferId for tour. Available transfer types.
durationstringTime duration of tours.

Tour Price

The following sections describes the Tour Price request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour Price data

JSON Request Format:

countryIdintTour's country id, You will get countryId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/country API.Mandatory
cityIdintTour's city id, You will get cityId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/city API.Mandatory
travelDatestringTour travel date Formats.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescriptionNote:
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path.If required.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for tour price.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.
amountdecimalTour amount.
discountdecimalDiscount for tour.

Tour Options

The following sections describes the Tour Options request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour Options data

JSON Request Format:

tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour, You will get tourId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/tourlist API.Mandatory
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.Mandatory
travelDatestringTour travel date Formats.Mandatory
noOfAdultintNumber of adult.Mandatory
noOfChildintNumber of child.
noOfInfantintTotal number of adult and child.

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescriptionNote:
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path.If required.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available tour option.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
tourOptionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options.
transferIdintAvailable transferId and transferName for tour. Available transfer types.
adultPricedecimalPrice per adult, as per transferType.
childPricedecimalPrice per child, as per transferType.
infantPricedecimalTotal price.
withoutDiscountAmountdecimalAmount without discount.
finalAmountdecimalTotal amount as per booking. (adult + child)
startTimestringStart time of tour.
departureTimestringDeparture time of tours.
disableChildboolIf disable child is allow.
disableInfantboolIf disable adult is allow.
allowTodaysBookingboolBooking allow for today.
isSlotboolIf "isSlot" true, you will get multiple time slote list.Required tour timeslot should pass.
isDefaultTransferintIf tour option have default transfer.
inventoryIdintUnique inventory id.

Tour Timeslot

The following sections describes the Tour Timeslot request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour Timeslot data

JSON Request Format:

tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour, You will get tourId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/tourlist API.Mandatory
tourOptionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options, You will get tourOptionId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/touroptions API.Mandatory
TravelDatestringTour travel date Formats.Mandatory
transferIdintThe transferId, Required as per tour requirement.
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescriptionNote:
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path.If required.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available tour time slot.
tourOptionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options.
timeSlotIdintUnique identifier of the tour options time slot.
timeSlotstringAvailable time slot for tour.
availableintNumber of slot available.
adultPricedecimalPrice per adult, as per transferType.
childPricedecimalPrice per child, as per transferType.
isDynamicPriceboolIf the flag is False then you have to consider the price from the Option API.

Tour Availability

The following sections describes the Tour Availability request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour Availability data

JSON Request Format:

tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour, You will get tourId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/tourlist API.Mandatory
tourOptionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options, You will get tourOptionId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/touroptions API.Mandatory
transferIdintThe transferId.Mandatory
TravelDatestringTour travel date Formats.Mandatory
adultintTotal number of adult.Mandatory
childintTotal number of child.
infantintTotal number of infant.
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescriptionNote:
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path.If required.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available tour.
statusintStatus code as per availiblity
messagestringYou will got the massages as tour availiblity.

"success": tour is available.

"This tour is available only for 12/12/2021": Tour is abailable for (Eg: 12/12/2021) specify date only, Please select other date.

"This tour is available only From 12/12/2021 To 31/12/2021": Tour is available between (Eg: 12/12/2021 To 31/12/2021), Please select other date.

"This tour is not available From 12/12/2021 To 31/12/2021": Tour is not available between (Eg: 12/12/2021 To 31/12/2021), Please select other date.

"Sorry, the tour is not available on the selected date. Kindly choose the other date": Tour is not abailable for selected date, Please select other date.

"Sorry The Tour is Not Operational on the Selected Date.":

"Selected transfer type not available": Selected transfer type is not available for selected tour.

"Sorry, Child are not allowed in TourOptionName": Children are not allowed for this tour option.

"Sorry, Infant are not allowed in TourOptionName": Infant are not allowed for this tour option.

"We regret to inform you the tickets are not available for this option": Tickets are not available for this tour.

"Sorry, the tour is not available on the selected date due to stop sell, Kindly choose the other date": Tour is not abailable due to stop selling.

"You cannot book this tour for 12/12/2021":

Tour Cancellation Policy

The following sections describes the Tour Availability request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour cancellation policy.

JSON Request Format:

tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour, You will get tourId from {{BaseURL}}/api/apiTour/tourlist API.Mandatory
travelDatestringTour travel date. (Note: Date format is yyyy-MM-dd)Mandatory
startTimestringStart time of tour.Mandatory
currentDatestringYou should enter current date time (yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm).Mandatory
contractIdintContractId we use internally to identify to tour is supplier tour or not in API you get this contractid in "tourStaticData" API.Mandatory
tourOptionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescriptionNote:
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
currencystringYou will get currency name.
currencysymbolstringYou will get the currency symbol.
errormessagestringYou will get the error massage if error acour.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for cancallation policys.
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour.
optionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options.
fromDatestringRepresents FromDate.
Date format is: MM-DD-YYYY
Example: 12-18-2018
toDatestringRepresents ToDate.
Date format is: MM-DD-YYYY
Example: 12-18-2018
percentageintThis is indicate cancellation charges percentage.

Tour Booking

The following sections describes the Tour Booking request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour Booking data

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescriptionOptionality
uniqueNointIdentifier of the booking (at the partner) made by the partner. Shall be unique for the contract, otherwise an error will be returned. (Note: Max 6 digit)Mandatory
serviceUniqueIdintService uniqueId must be unique for each tour booked under the same referance. If the referanceNo having only one tour then you can pass same uniqueId. (Note: Max 6 digit)Mandatory
tourIdintUnique identifier of the tour, You will get tourId from tourlist API.Mandatory
optionIdintUnique identifier of the tour options, You will get tourOptionId from touroption API.Mandatory
adultintTotal number of adult.Mandatory
childintTotal number of child.Mandatory
infantintTotal number of infant.Mandatory
tourDatestringTour booking date Formats.Mandatory
timeSlotIdintUnique identifier of the tour options time slot. (Note: If required)Mandatory
startTimestringStart timing of tour.Mandatory
transferIdintYou should enter the transferId as per requierment.Mandatory
pickupstringEnter pickup location. (If requier)Mandatory
adultRatedecimalTotal adult price.Mandatory
childRatedecimalTotal child price.Mandatory
serviceTotalstringTotal amount of service. (adultRate + childRate)Mandatory
passengersarrayPassanger details.Mandatory
serviceTypestringService type is tour.Mandatory
prefixstringMr./ Ms./ Mrs.Mandatory
firstNamestringFirst name of passanger.Mandatory
lastNamestringLast name of passanger.Mandatory
emailstringEmailId of passanger's, manager for contact purposes & transactional emails.Mandatory
mobilestringMobile number of the passanger's manager for contact purposes.Mandatory
nationalitystringPassanger's nationality.Mandatory
pickupstringPickup location of passanger. (If requier)Mandatory
messagestringShort information about the passanger.Mandatory
leadPassengerboolLead passanger name, who guid and lead the tours.Mandatory
adultRatedecimalPrice per adult, as per transferType. You will get tourRates from tourlist API.Mandatory
paxTypestringThe passanger is Adult, Chind or Infant.Mandatory
clientReferenceNostringYour referenceNo.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescription
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult for available tour time slot.
refernceNostringActivity Linker LTD booking confirmation number.
statusstringRepresents booking status with details.
bookingIdintThe bookingId unique booking identifier.
downloadRequiredboolIf "downloadRequired" true, the tour must hit Ticket Details API. and you must hit the tour ticket detail API.
serviceUniqueIdstringService uniqueId must be unique for each tour. You can enter uniqueNo if book only one tour.
servicetypestringService type is tour.
confirmationNostringIdentifier of the booking (at the supplier) made by the supplier.

Ticket Details

The following sections describes the Ticket request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Ticket data

JSON Request Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescriptionOptionality
uniqueNointIdentifier of the booking (at the partner) made by the partner while booking (Booking uniqueNo).Mandatory
referenceNostringThe refernceNo unique booking identifier (you will get it from booking response).Mandatory
serviceUniqueIdstringService uniqueId must be unique for each tour (Booking serviceUniqueId).Mandatory
bookingIdintThe bookingId unique booking identifier (get from booking response).Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagChild TagTypeDescription
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
resultarrayResult for tours tecket details.
bookingIdintThe bookingId unique booking identifier.
referenceNostringThe refernceNo unique booking identifier (you will get it from booking response).
BookingStatusstringYou will get the booking status.
ticketURLstringFrom ticket url you will download the ticket.
optionNamestringTour option name.
validitystringValidity of tours ticket download.
validityExtraDetailsstringSome more information about validity of booked tour.
printTypestringThis is identfy that barcode or QR cord.
slotstringTour slot timing, if tour have slot
pnrNumberstringSupplier confirmation number, You will get it from booking response.
barCodestringBarcode number.
typestringTour type.
noOfAdultintNumber of adult.
noOfchildintNumber of child.

Tour Cancellation

The following sections describes the Tour Cancellation request and response format

Request URL

This URL is for fetching Tour Cancellation data

JSON Request Format:

bookingIdintThe bookingId unique booking identifier (get from booking response).Mandatory
referenceNostringThe refernceNo unique booking identifier (get from booking response).Mandatory
cancellationReasonstringReason for cancle the tour.Mandatory

JSON Response Format:

Parent TagTagTypeDescription
statuscodeintResponse status & custom error code.
errorstringFields with error description, shown if error occurs.
urlstringCDN path.
countintCount REST API to obtain the number of Informatica resources based on a search expression.
resultarrayResult of cancel tour.

What's New

our recent releases and feature updates

Feature - Dynamic PAX Name Limit

In the airline industry, few airlines are using legacy technologies that has the limitation in character name length for bookings. Activity Linker LTD being connected to multiple airline and GDS systems, earlier when there was no limitation on Activity Linker LTD platform. Passengers had to face hurdles at the check-in due to incomplete name was printed on the ticket. In order to reduce the hassle & to synchronize with airline systems, Activity Linker LTD restricted the character length for PAX name to 28 characters (including Title and spaces).

purush | Mon Jul 02 2018 07:08:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Feature – Baggage Allowance

Travel means baggage, every airline has specifications of allowance in baggage, and Activity Linker LTD was showing the baggage information of the flight in Air rules API. So if an end customer on OTA website would want to see baggage had to call an additional API AirRules1_1 API, which was leading to a load on the system and unsatisfactory experience.

purush | Mon May 21 2018 10:30:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Activity Linker LTD ASR Hub API Services

Do you have an app, tool, or product you want to integrate with Activity Linker LTD ASR Hub API Service?
Well, that’s great!
We have built a flexible API just for you!!

ASR Hub API Protocol

REST API: Protocol is served through Activity Linker LTD API which stands for REpresentational State Transfer using HTTPs methods GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT in JSON format for storing and transporting data

ASR Hub REST API list:

Below is the list of all Activity Linker LTD ASR API for both Pre and Post Booking services which is ready to be integrated and available to use.

Activity Linker LTD ASR Hub Pre - Booking APIs
API NamesMandate API

Activity Linker LTD ASR Hub Others - APIs
API NamesMandate API

Activity Linker LTD ASR Hub Post - Booking APIs
API NamesMandate API

ASR Hub API Certification Process

Applications using ASR Hub API must go through the certification process to access our live environment. During the API certification, the integration will be examined to be in line with the ASR Hub API workflow for providing full support post application launch.

Step 1: Complete integration of Activity Linker LTD ASR Hub API in your platform.

Step 2: Download the Excel sheet from the link below and update the information.

Step 3: Share the updated Excel sheet with Activity Linker LTD API team at

Step 4: Activity Linker LTD API team will validate the test cases performed on your platform.

Step 5: API Certification usually takes around 3 to 5 business days.

Step 6: The commercial clearance will be provided by your Account Manager.

Step 7: The Production credentials and Mytifly ASR certificate will be provided by Activity Linker LTD API team.

Step 8: Completion of Certification process and Go-Live

ASR Hub API Assistance:

Activity Linker LTD offers a lot of free resources to aid developers in building their integration.

  1. We provide a large amount of documentation for our API Walkthrough and API Consultation. /li>
  2. Our Support team works from 9am IST to 12am IST. Developers can ask their ASR API integration related questions to provide general knowledge sharing.
  3. For any questions, please email Activity Linker LTD API team at

ASR Web Services workflow


About the Basic Workflows

These sample travel workflows illustrate how to combine various ASR Web Services to complete business processes that use air, Passenger Name Records (PNRs) and queues.

Sample workflows are provided for the following:

  • Air booking
  • Queues

Booking Status Workflow


Best Practices for ASR API


  • Each Session ID should be utilized to the fullest for 20 Min’s.
  • Avoid unnecessary CreateSession Calls for each web service request. Maintain a Session Management at your end to avoid unnecessary CreateSession API calls.


  • Use the valid Session Id for the search request.
  • For search, it is necessary to pass the following information

    • Origin Location Code /Destination Location Code.
    • Journey type: - OneWay /Return/Multicity.
    • Departure Date /Return Date (If journey is Return or Multicity).
    • Passenger Quantity and Passenger Code
    • Cabin Class (Economy/ Business/First).

AirRevalidate API:

  • Use a Valid Session id for Revalidation.
  • RevalidationAPI can be called maximum twice to make sure that Fare is valid.
  • Always capture & utilize valid FareSourceCode always from the Search Response API.
  • Each FareSourceCode is unique, do not duplicate it.
  • Fare from AirLowFareSearch should be compared with the Fares from 6. Revalidation response to identify the change in the fare.

FareRules API:

  • It is mandatory to integrate FareRules1_1 API.
  • Always display the rules & conditions for the selected itinerary to the user.
  • Before cancellation or refunds or re-issuance, always check the rules & conditions to determine the restrictions which are applicable on the selected fare.
  • Use the Valid Session id and FareSource code to check the FareRules.

BookFlight API:

  • Use a Valid Session Id for Booking.
  • If a booking fails, we suggest you not to reuse the same FareSourceCode
  • Do not duplicate the FareSourceCode for which already a valid booking is available
  • All the elements from RequiredFieldsToBook in AirRevalidation Response should be passed in Booking Request.
  • For Each passenger name length should not exceed more than 28 characters.
  • For Child the age should be less than 12 years and for infant age should be less than 2 years.
  • Country Code value is always numeric
  • Country value is always alphabetical
  • Phone Number, AreaCode and Country Code in AirBookRQ are mandatory.

OrderTicket API:

  • Use a valid SessionId for the OrderTicket API
  • Call The OrderTicketAPI with Valid Booking Reference Number whose status is Booked.
  • Call the OrderTicketAPI only in case of GDS Bookings.

TripDetail API:

  • Pass valid session id and MF Reference number.

Message Queues:

  • Call the MessageQueue API with valid SessionId and Booking Reference Number
  • Call the MessageQueue API with category Id Urgent, Ticketed, Booking, ScheduleChange and Cancel.


  • Call the RemoveMessageQueue API with valid SessionId and Booking Reference Number
  • Call the RemoveMessageQueue API with category Id Urgent, Ticketed, Booking, ScheduleChange and Booking.
  • Clear the queues at regular interval. Else ASR API will keep returning old booking ref numbers.


AirLowFareSearch web service is used to request the lowest fares for various trip types such as – OneWay, RoundTrip, OpenJaw and Multi-City air travel from anywhere to anywhere across 70 countries and 900+ airlines.

Public & Private Fares are GDS fares wheras Webfare is a LCC fare.
Nearby airport works only for location code, Please use city code instead of Airport code
Calendar search or +/- search is not available in One point API.
Yes, please utilise the change journey TypeCircle or OpenJaw as per requirement
Please read the tag<'ItinTotalFare'> which specifies the total fare for the itinerary, TotalTax tag specifies the total tax of the itinerary and Currecycode tag specifies the client agreed currency registered in its profile.

Please utilise the tagtag and the value 'Restricted' will retrieve only the same cabin class itinerary results in response.
ResBookDesigCode provides the code of the particular CabinClass which is used in the flight segment. FareReferences is part of PTC farebreakdown, It suggest on the FareInfo corresponding to each Passenger Fare
API provides results in 3 range : Fifty, Hundred and TwoHundred
Please utilise the tag IsRefundable tag to request only refundable fares. Note: Not all tickets are 100% refundable so please refer Fare Rules for refund policy

Please read the tag IsRefundable Yes or No.
Please utilise the tag MaxStopsQuantity for Direct/OneStop/All flights.
Step 1: Each Fare Source code is valid for 20 minutes, so request you to use the FSC within 20 minutes.
Step 2: Kindly ensure you are always using the recent / latest FSC which you got from your previous revalidation response.
When there is no itinerary in revalidation response, it means that particular itinerary has been sold out or not available. In such cases request you to consider other itineraries in response or do a new search.
2 Revalidation is mandatory, the first revalidation after search and second revalidation just before the booking request. The reason for second revalidation is to confirm whether the itinerary is avilable or not as there may be chance of change of fare during adding PAX details.
Yes, In development/ test environment you can do test bookings kindly ensure you are utilising appropriate names.
"We have many Airlines where the maximum character length is 28 including PAX title and any space between name. So we request you to pass the PAX first name & PAX last name as per the passport/ travel document since it’s a mandatory requirement for ticket issuance. And in case of middle name you can consider passing only initial of the middle name in PassengerFirstName tag."
In general test bookings on live platform is not allowed and still if you require, please Contact your Account Manager .
You can send multiple Frequent flyer number in request but while ticketing only the validating carrier is used.
Wheel chairs and other Special Service Request are offline process, please email to CRM Team.
Extraservices are available only on LCC tickets, you can use this service to avail Excess Baggage, Speedy Boarding and CheckIn.
"Step 1: Check your account code, username and password is correct.
Step 2: Check you are using Test Endpoint Step
3: Kindly ensure you are cross verifying in the SOAP tool first. Step 4: Please ensure you are using the following format in SOAP"
One SessionID can be shared with 'n' number of users and service request.
Each Session ID is valid for 20 minutes.
Some of the LCC Airline may provide only URL link for the Air Rules. We request you to refer the Airline Website for complete fare rules.

CreateSession > AirLowFareSearchRQ > FareRules1_1RQ > First_AirRevalidateRQ > Passenger Details (Payment Details) > Second_AirRevalidateRQ > BookFlightRQ > OrderTicketRQ > TripDetailRQ
CreateSession > AirLowFareSearchRQ > FareRules1_1RQ > First_AirRevalidateRQ > Passenger Details (Payment Details) > Second_AirRevalidateRQ > BookFlightRQ > TripDetailRQ
Please check your schedule change message queues and kindly alert your customers on the schedule change.
Ticket Order request is only for GDS Bookings (Public & Private). Ticket Order is not required for LCC bookings ( Webfare) . LCC bookings are instant Purchase
E-Ticket update is a Manual process in Test bookings, so send an email to API Team with MF reference number.
Tripdetails response will provide Airline PNR
To handle such scenario, polling machanism will help to understand the booking status
Use message queues to check the status of the bookings.
In development/ test environment there is no limitation for booking and ticket order.
200 Session ID is maximum per day is good enough for an user account.
This is an offline process manually handled by our 24/7 operations team.
Use ExtraServices from Revalidation Response to send the Service ID tag in AirBookRQ
This is an offline process manually handled by our 24/7 operations team.
An Infant had to be less than 2 years or exactly 2 years.A Child should be less than 12 year or exactly 12 years. Age should be calculated considering the return travel date not the booking date.
This is an offline process manually handled by our 24/7 operations team.
Please refer tag<'VendorExcludeCodes'> where you can specify 2 letter IATA ariline code.

Please refer tag<'VendorPreferenceCodes'> where you can specify 2 letter IATA ariline code.


Yes, in minutes.

A validating carrier is an airline that issues tickets and holds people's money until they take their flights. Marketing Carrier that sells with its own code as part of a code-share agreement on a flight actually operated by another carrier. The Carrier that holds the Air Operator's Certificate for the aircraft used for that flight. The airline actually providing carriage or other services incidental to such air carriage. The Operating Carrier may be different from the Marketing Carrier.
"Adults Childrens and infants together should not be more than 9. "
FSC changes due to non availability of the itinerary, if the fare is not valid, if there is a change in schedule also.
AirRevalidate API service verifies the valid fare for the available itinerary.
AirRevalidate provides the information with regards to the Extra services and Special Service Request.
AirRevalidate response provide all the mandatory fileds for booking.
FareRules provide the details about baggage allowance, Cancellation policy, Changes policy, Penalties.
Fare rules are not available for this particular itinerary. Please contact CRM team for Fare Rules.
Ticketing time limit for the booking, within which the booking to be ticketed.

Master Error List

Master Error List defines all the possible errors while calling ASR API services. All the errors are specified with a code which determines the respective API.

Error Code is associated with an error message to provide a gist of the error.

Error Codes help to Integrate ASR API services in an effective way.

TicketOrder API: Request

ErrorCodeError DetailAPI
ERCRS001 Target cannot be null Authenticate
ERCRS002 UserName cannot be null Authenticate
ERCRS003 Password cannot be null Authenticate
ERCRS004 AccountNumber cannot be null Authenticate
ERCRS005 Invalid login credentials supplied Authenticate
ERSER001 SessionId cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER002 Invalid SessionId IntelliFarePricer
ERSER003 OriginDestinationInformations cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER004 TravelPreferences cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER005 OriginDestinationInformation cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER006 OriginLocationCode cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER007 Invalid OriginLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ IntelliFarePricer
ERSER008 DestinationLocationCode cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER009 Invalid DestinationLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ IntelliFarePricer
ERSER010 VendorPreferenceCode cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER011 Invalid VendorPreferenceCode. Should be two letter ailine code of format ^[A-Z|0-9][A-Z|0-9]$ IntelliFarePricer
ERSER012 VendorExcludeCode cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER013 Invalid VendorExcludeCode. Should be two letter ailine code of format ^[A-Z|0-9][A-Z|0-9]$ IntelliFarePricer
ERSER014 Invalid AirTripType. OneWay cannot have more than one OriginDestinationInformation. IntelliFarePricer
ERSER015 Invalid AirTripType. Return cannot have only two OriginDestinationInformation. IntelliFarePricer
ERSER016 Invalid AirTripType. OpenJaw or Circle should have two or more OriginDestinationInformation. IntelliFarePricer
ERSER017 PassengerTypeQuantities cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER018 PassengerTypeQuantity cannot be null IntelliFarePricer
ERSER019 There should be atleast one ADT passenger. IntelliFarePricer
ERSER020 You are not allowed to select multiple fare type for adult. IntelliFarePricer
ERSER021 Flights not found for the given search condition IntelliFarePricer
ERSER022 Travel date should be more than or equal to today IntelliFarePricer
ERSER023 Infant count should be less than Adults IntelliFarePricer
ERSER024 Adults and Children together should not be more than 9 IntelliFarePricer
ERSER025 The vendor doesn't support resident fare for this city pair. IntelliFarePricer
ERSER026 We don't support resident fare for multidestination. IntelliFarePricer
ERSER027 Sorry,you have reached the maximum search limit for the day. IntelliFarePricer
ERFRU001 SessionId cannot be null FareRules
ERFRU002 FareSourceCode cannot be null FareRules
ERFRU003 Invalid FareSourceCode FareRules
ERFRU004 FareInfo cannot be null FareRules
ERFRU005 OperatingAirlineCode cannot be null FareRules
ERFRU006 Invalid OperatingAirlineCode. Should be a valid two letter Airline code of format ^[0-9|A-Z][0-9|A-Z]$ FareRules
ERFRU007 MarketingAirlineCode cannot be null FareRules
ERFRU008 DepartureAirportLocationCode cannot be null FareRules
ERFRU009 Invalid DepartureAirportLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ FareRules
ERFRU010 ArrivalAirportLocationCode cannot be null FareRules
ERFRU011 Invalid ArrivalAirportLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ FareRules
ERFRU012 Fare rules not available FareRules
ERFRU013 Invalid SessionId FareRules
ERFRU014 Invalid MarketingAirlineCode. Should be a valid two letter Airline code of format ^[0-9|A-Z][0-9|A-Z]$ FareRules
ERREV001 SessionId cannot be null AirRevalidate
ERREV002 Invalid SessionId AirRevalidate
ERREV003 FareSourceCode cannot be null AirRevalidate
ERREV004 Invalid FareSourceCode AirRevalidate
ERREV005 Error in validating flight option. AirRevalidate
ERBUK001 SessionId cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK002 Invalid SessionId IntelliBook
ERBUK003 FareSourceCode cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK004 TravelerInfo cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK005 AirTravelers cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK006 There should be atleast one traveller for booking IntelliBook
ERBUK007 AirTraveler cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK008 PassengerName cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK009 Adult Title is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK010 Child Title is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK011 Infant Title is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK012 PassengerFirstName cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK013 PassengerLastName cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK014 PassportNumber cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK015 Passport expiry date is not valid. IntelliBook
ERBUK016 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ IntelliBook
ERBUK017 PhoneNumber cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK018 Invalid FareSourceCode IntelliBook
ERBUK019 TravelerInfo cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK020 AirTravelers cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK021 AirTraveler cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK022 PassengerTitle cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK023 Adult Title can be only LORD or MISS or MR or MRS or SIR IntelliBook
ERBUK024 Child Title can be only MISS or MSTR IntelliBook
ERBUK025 Infant Title can be only MISS or MSTR or INF IntelliBook
ERBUK026 PassengerFirstName cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK027 Passanger FirstName cannot have special characters. IntelliBook
ERBUK028 PassengerLastName cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK029 Passanger last name should be more than one character for this airline host IntelliBook
ERBUK030 Passanger LastName cannot have special characters. IntelliBook
ERBUK031 DateOfBirth cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK032 Invalid Child's Age. Should be less than or equal to 12 years IntelliBook
ERBUK033 Invalid Infant's Age. Should be less than or equal to 2 years. IntelliBook
ERBUK034 Date of birth is mandatory for Child and Infant. IntelliBook
ERBUK035 PassportNumber cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK036 Passport expiry date is not valid. IntelliBook
ERBUK037 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ IntelliBook
ERBUK038 Passport details is required. IntelliBook
ERBUK039 PhoneNumber cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK040 CountryCode cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK041 AreaCode cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK042 1 ADULT given while search but 0 ADULT information present in booking request IntelliBook
ERBUK043 1 CHILD given while search but 0 CHILD information present in booking request IntelliBook
ERBUK044 1 INFANT given while search but 0 INFANT information present in booking request IntelliBook
ERBUK045 There should be atleast one traveller for booking IntelliBook
ERBUK046 FareSourceCode has failed the Revalidation and is not valid to Book. IntelliBook
ERBUK047 Phone Number should contain only numbers. IntelliBook
ERBUK048 CardScheme no. is invalid. IntelliBook
ERBUK049 CardScheme is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK050 CardType no. is invalid. IntelliBook
ERBUK051 CardNumber no. is invalid. IntelliBook
ERBUK052 CardNumber is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK053 Verify the entered CVV number. IntelliBook
ERBUK054 CVV is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK055 Month is missing in CardValidFrom element. IntelliBook
ERBUK056 Year is missing in CardValidFrom element. IntelliBook
ERBUK057 Month attribute is missing in CardExpiry element. IntelliBook
ERBUK058 Year attribute is missing in CardExpiry element. IntelliBook
ERBUK059 CardExpiry element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK060 CardHolderName element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK061 CustomerFirstName element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK062 Address1 element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK063 City element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK064 State element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK065 Country code entered in Credit Card details is invalid. IntelliBook
ERBUK066 Country code entered in passport details is invalid. IntelliBook
ERBUK067 Passport number should be of format ^([0-9A-Za-z]+)$. IntelliBook
ERBUK068 Country element is missing in Credit Card details. IntelliBook
ERBUK069 Zip element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK070 BillingAddress element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK071 ComputerIP element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK072 Credit Card payment is not available for supplier IntelliBook
ERBUK073 Payment Gateway Trasaction not success booking cannot be done IntelliBook
ERBUK074 Payment Gateway Trasaction is in process please try booking for after some time IntelliBook
ERBUK075 Payment Gateway Trasaction ID entered is not correct please check IntelliBook
ERBUK076 Oops! The FareSourceCode belongs to the search results already used for a Booking. Please request fresh search results. IntelliBook
ERBUK077 CardType is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK078 You do not have sufficient balance in your account for booking IntelliBook
ERBUK079 Booking Failed! IntelliBook
ERBUK080 Pending airline PNR - Booking UnConfirmed. IntelliBook
ERBUK081 Host not responding - Unable to end the record. IntelliBook
ERBUK082 Pending Need - Awaiting carrier response - Booking Unconfirmed. IntelliBook
ERBUK083 Unable to confirm - Request an alternate flight. IntelliBook
ERBUK084 Booking already exists! IntelliBook
ERBUK085 Host did not respond - Unable to complete the Book Request. IntelliBook
ERBUK086 Extra service requested quantity is more than the max available. ExtraServiceId 123 IntelliBook
ERBUK087 Booking is already in Progress. IntelliBook
ERBUK088 Only first passanger allowed to add extrasercices IntelliBook
ERBUK089 There is no Extra services for the given flight option. IntelliBook
ERBUK090 Invalid ExtraServiceId123 IntelliBook
ERBUK091 CustomerTitle element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK092 CustomerLastName element is missing. IntelliBook
ERBUK093 ResidentFareDocumentType details is required. IntelliBook
ERBUK094 ResidentFareDocumentType details is not required. IntelliBook
ERBUK095 Municipality cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK096 Municipality is not valid. IntelliBook
ERBUK097 DocumentNumber cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK098 DocumentType cannot be null IntelliBook
ERBUK099 Invalid document type. IntelliBook
ERBUK100 PassengerName cannot be null. IntelliBook
ERBUK101 Booking already exists! Status: Ticket In Process. IntelliBook
ERBUK102 Name should not be more than 28 characters IntelliBook
ERCBK001 SessionId cannot be null CancelBooking
ERCBK002 Invalid SessionId CancelBooking
ERCBK003 Invalid UniqueID. CancelBooking
ERCBK004 UniqueID cannot be null CancelBooking
ERCBK005 Cancellation Failed. CancelBooking
ERCBK006 Webfares cannot be cancelled. CancelBooking
ERCBK007 Booking in Tkt-in-process or Ticketed Status - Cancellation Denied! Request Cancellation to CancelBooking
ERSMP001 SessionId cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP002 Invalid SessionId SeatMap
ERSMP003 FlightInformation cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP004 DepartureAirport cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP005 Invalid DepartureAirport. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ SeatMap
ERSMP006 ArrivalAirport cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP007 Invalid ArrivalAirport. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ SeatMap
ERSMP008 AirlineCode cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP009 FlightNumber cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP010 ResBookDesigCode cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP011 DepartureDateTime cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP012 Seats are not available for the given flight search condition SeatMap
ERSMP013 FareSourceCode cannot be null SeatMap
ERSMP014 Invalid FareSourceCode SeatMap
ERSRV001 SessionId cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV002 Invalid SessionId SeatReserve
ERSRV003 UniqueID cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV004 DepartureDate cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV005 DestinationLocation cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV006 FlightNo cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV007 OriginLocation cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV008 PassangerInfoList cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV009 PassangerFirstName cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV010 PassangerLastName cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV011 SeatNo cannot be null SeatReserve
ERSRV012 Invalid UniqueID" SeatReserve
ERSRV013 Flight segment is not correct SeatReserve
ERSRV014 Infant without seat! Seat cannot be assigned for - Test test SeatReserve
ERSRV015 Seat request is mandatory for all the passangers. SeatReserve
ERSRV016 Seat reserve functionality is not available for web fare SeatReserve
ERSRV017 Test test is not correct passanger name. SeatReserve
EROTK001 SessionId cannot be null OrderTicket
EROTK002 Invalid SessionId OrderTicket
EROTK003 UniqueID cannot be null OrderTicket
EROTK004 Invalid UniqueID. OrderTicket
EROTK005 Invalid FareSourceCode OrderTicket
EROTK006 Invalid Booking Reference number. OrderTicket
EROTK007 Booking may be already ordered for ticket or ticketed or cancelled. OrderTicket
EROTK008 You do not have sufficient balance in your account to order the ticket. OrderTicket
EROTK009 The ticketing time limit has expired for the given booking OrderTicket
ERAQT001 SessionId cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT002 Invalid SessionId AirQuote
ERAQT003 FareSourceCode cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT004 TravelerInfo cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT005 AirTravelers cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT006 There should be atleast one traveller for booking AirQuote
ERAQT007 AirTraveler cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT008 PassengerName cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT009 Adult Title can be only LORD or MISS or MR or MRS or SIR AirQuote
ERAQT010 Child Title can be only MISS or MSTR AirQuote
ERAQT011 Infant Title can be only MISS or MSTR or INF AirQuote
ERAQT012 PassengerFirstName cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT013 PassengerLastName cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT014 PassportNumber cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT015 Passport expiry date is not valid. AirQuote
ERAQT016 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ AirQuote
ERAQT017 PhoneNumber cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT018 Invalid FareSourceCode AirQuote
ERAQT019 Passanger last name should be more than one character for this airline host AirQuote
ERAQT020 DateOfBirth cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT021 Invalid Child's Age. Should be less than or equal to 12 years AirQuote
ERAQT022 Invalid Infant's Age. Should be less than or equal to 2 years. AirQuote
ERAQT023 Date of birth is mandatory for Child and Infant. AirQuote
ERAQT024 Passport details is required. AirQuote
ERAQT025 CountryCode cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT026 AreaCode cannot be null AirQuote
ERAQT027 Failed to Generate Quote. AirQuote
ERAQT028 2 ADULT given while search but 1 ADULT information present in quote request AirQuote
ERAQT029 2 CHILD given while search but 1 CHILD information present in quote request AirQuote
ERAQT030 2 INFANT given while search but 1 INFANT information present in quote request AirQuote
ERTDT001 SessionId cannot be null TripDetails
ERTDT002 Invalid SessionId TripDetails
ERTDT003 UniqueID cannot be null TripDetails
ERTDT004 Invalid UniqueID. TripDetails
ERTDT005 Trip details not found for given Booking reference number. TripDetails
ERTDT006 There is no itinarary presents for selected criteria. TripDetails
ERMQU001 SessionId cannot be null MessageQueue
ERMQU002 There are no Queue messages. MessageQueue
ERMQU003 Invalid SessionId MessageQueue
ERRMQ001 SessionId cannot be null RemoveMessageQueue
ERRMQ002 Invalid UniqueID. RemoveMessageQueue
ERRMQ003 Invalid CategoryId. RemoveMessageQueue
ERRMQ004 Failed to remove queue message. RemoveMessageQueue
ERRMQ005 No Items are present RemoveMessageQueue
ERRMQ006 Invalid SessionId RemoveMessageQueue
ERABN001 SessionId cannot be null AddBookingNotes
ERABN002 UniqueID cannot be null AddBookingNotes
ERABN003 Invalid UniqueID. AddBookingNotes
ERABN004 Maximum character allowed in 950. AddBookingNotes
ERABN005 Notes not saved. AddBookingNotes
ERABN006 Invalid SessionId AddBookingNotes
ERABD001 SessionId cannot be null AirBookingData
ERABD002 Invalid SessionId AirBookingData
ERABD003 UniqueID cannot be null AirBookingData
ERABD004 Invalid UniqueID. AirBookingData
ERABD005 Trip details not found for given Booking reference number. AirBookingData
ERMAR001 SessionId cannot be null MultiAirRevalidate
ERMAR002 Invalid SessionId MultiAirRevalidate
ERMAR003 FareSourceCode cannot be null MultiAirRevalidate
ERMAR004 Multi-AirRevalidation is not available for Webfares. Please request AirRevalidation! MultiAirRevalidate
ERMAR005 Duplicate Flight(s) found in the selected options - 123 MultiAirRevalidate
ERMAR006 Error in validating flight option. MultiAirRevalidate
ERMAR007 Invalid FareSourceCode MultiAirRevalidate
ERMAR008 Invalid FareSourceCode - "" MultiAirRevalidate
ERMAB001 SessionId cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB002 Invalid SessionId MultiAirBook
ERMAB003 FareSourceCode cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB004 TravelerInfo cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB005 AirTravelers cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB006 There should be atleast one traveller for booking MultiAirBook
ERMAB007 AirTraveler cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB008 PassengerName cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB009 Adult Title is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB010 Child Title is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB011 Infant Title is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB012 PassengerFirstName cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB013 PassengerLastName cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB014 PassportNumber cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB015 Passport expiry date is not valid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB016 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ MultiAirBook
ERMAB017 PhoneNumber cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB018 Invalid FareSourceCode MultiAirBook
ERMAB019 TravelerInfo cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB020 AirTravelers cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB021 AirTraveler cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB022 PassengerName cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB023 Adult Title can be only LORD or MISS or MR or MRS or SIR MultiAirBook
ERMAB024 Child Title can be only MISS or MSTR MultiAirBook
ERMAB025 Infant Title can be only MISS or MSTR or INF MultiAirBook
ERMAB026 PassengerFirstName cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB027 Passanger FirstName cannot have special characters. MultiAirBook
ERMAB028 PassengerLastName cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB029 Passanger last name should be more than one character for this airline host MultiAirBook
ERMAB030 Passanger LastName cannot have special characters. MultiAirBook
ERMAB031 Country cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB032 Invalid Child's Age. Should be less than or equal to 12 years MultiAirBook
ERMAB033 Invalid Infant's Age. Should be less than or equal to 2 years. MultiAirBook
ERMAB034 Date of birth is mandatory for Child and Infant. MultiAirBook
ERMAB035 PassportNumber cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB036 Passport expiry date is not valid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB037 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ MultiAirBook
ERMAB038 Passport details is required. MultiAirBook
ERMAB039 PhoneNumber cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB040 CountryCode cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB041 AreaCode cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB042 2 ADULT given while search but 1 ADULT information present in booking request MultiAirBook
ERMAB043 2 CHILD given while search but 1 CHILD information present in booking request MultiAirBook
ERMAB044 2 INFANT given while search but 1 INFANT information present in booking request MultiAirBook
ERMAB045 There should be atleast one traveller for booking MultiAirBook
ERMAB046 Phone Number should contain only numbers. MultiAirBook
ERMAB047 CardType is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB048 CardScheme no. is invalid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB049 CardScheme is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB050 CardType no. is invalid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB051 CardNumber no. is invalid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB052 CardNumber is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB053 CVV no. is invalid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB054 CVV is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB055 Month is missing in CardValidFrom element. MultiAirBook
ERMAB056 Year is missing in CardValidFrom element. MultiAirBook
ERMAB057 Month attribute is missing in CardExpiry element. MultiAirBook
ERMAB058 Year attribute is missing in CardExpiry element. MultiAirBook
ERMAB059 CardExpiry element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB060 CardHolderName element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB061 CustomerFirstName element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB062 Address1 element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB063 City element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB064 State element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB065 Country code entered in Credit Card details is invalid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB066 Country code entered in passport details is invalid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB067 Passport number should be of format ^([0-9A-Za-z]+)$. MultiAirBook
ERMAB068 Country element is missing in Credit Card details. MultiAirBook
ERMAB069 Zip element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB070 BillingAddress element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB071 ComputerIP element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB072 Credit Card payment is not available for supplier MultiAirBook
ERMAB073 Payment Gateway Trasaction not success booking cannot be done MultiAirBook
ERMAB074 Payment Gateway Trasaction is in process please try booking for after some time MultiAirBook
ERMAB075 Payment Gateway Trasaction ID entered is not correct please check MultiAirBook
ERMAB076 Multi-AirBook is not available for Webfares. Please request AirBook! MultiAirBook
ERMAB077 Host did not respond - Unable to complete the Book Request. MultiAirBook
ERMAB078 You do not have sufficient balance in your account for booking MultiAirBook
ERMAB079 Duplicate Flight(s) found in the selected options - 568,562 MultiAirBook
ERMAB081 Host not responding - Unable to end the record. MultiAirBook
ERMAB082 Pending Need - Awaiting carrier response - Booking Unconfirmed. MultiAirBook
ERMAB083 Unable to confirm - Request an alternate flight. MultiAirBook
ERMAB084 Extra service requested quantity is more than the max available. ExtraServiceId 123 MultiAirBook
ERMAB085 Only first passanger allowed to add extrasercices MultiAirBook
ERMAB086 Invalid ExtraServiceId 123 MultiAirBook
ERMAB087 There is no Extra services for the given flight option. MultiAirBook
ERMAB088 Booking is already in Progress. MultiAirBook
ERMAB089 CustomerTitle element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB090 CustomerLastName element is missing. MultiAirBook
ERMAB091 ResidentFareDocumentType details is required. MultiAirBook
ERMAB092 ResidentFareDocumentType details is not required. MultiAirBook
ERMAB093 Municipality cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB094 Municipality is not valid. MultiAirBook
ERMAB095 DocumentNumber cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB096 DocumentType cannot be null MultiAirBook
ERMAB097 Invalid document type. MultiAirBook
ERMAB098 Invalid FareSourceCode - "" MultiAirBook
ERMAB099 Name should not be more than 28 characters MultiAirBook
ERIFS001 SessionId cannot be null IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS002 Invalid SessionId IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS003 IntelliFareInformations cannot be null IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS004 There should be atleast one ADT passenger. IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS005 IntelliFareInformation cannot be null IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS006 OriginLocationCode cannot be null IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS007 Invalid OriginLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS008 DestinationLocationCode cannot be null IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS009 Invalid DestinationLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS010 PassengerTypeQuantities cannot be null IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS011 PassengerTypeQuantity cannot be null IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS012 Flights not available for the requested criteria! IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS013 Fare not available for the requested criteria IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS014 Flights not found for the given search condition IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS015 CabinPreference cannot be null IntelliBestBuy
ERIFS016 Invalid CabinPreference. IntelliBestBuy
ERPAY001 SessionId cannot be null OnePointPayment
ERPAY002 Invalid SessionId OnePointPayment
ERPAY003 Amount Should not be Zero and less than zero OnePointPayment
ERPAY004 Amount Should not be null OnePointPayment
ERPAY005 Currency should not be left empty OnePointPayment
ERPAY006 RespUrl should not be left empty OnePointPayment
ERPAY007 please enter client IP OnePointPayment
ERPAY008 please enter valid IP address in Client IP OnePointPayment
ERPAY009 Invalid Target specified OnePointPayment
ERPAY010 Payment requested not completed successfully OnePointPayment
ERGEN001 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"Authentication\" call. API Support notified! Authenticate
ERGEN002 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"AirLowFareSearch\" call. API Support notified! IntelliFarePricer
ERGEN003 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"BookFlight\" call. API Support notified! IntelliBook
ERGEN004 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"AirRevalidate\" call. API Support notified! AirRevalidate
ERGEN005 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"FareRules\" call. API Support notified! FareRules
ERGEN006 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"TripDetails\" call. API Support notified! TripDetails
ERGEN007 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"TicketOrder\" call. API Support notified! OrderTicket
ERGEN008 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"CancelBooking\" call. API Support notified! CancelBooking
ERGEN009 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"AddBookingNotes\" call. API Support notified! AddBookingNotes
ERGEN010 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"MessageQueues\" call. API Support notified! MessageQueue
ERGEN011 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"RemoveMessageQueues\" call. API Support notified! RemoveMessageQueue
ERGEN012 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"AirSeatMap\" call. API Support notified! SeatMap
ERGEN013 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"AirSeatReserve\" call. API Support notified! SeatReserve
ERGEN014 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"AirBookingData\" call. API Support notified! AirBookingData
ERGEN015 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"MultiAirRevalidate\" call. API Support notified! MultiAirRevalidate
ERGEN016 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"MultiAirBookFlight\" call. API Support notified! MultiAirBook
ERGEN017 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"IntelliFareSearch\" call. API Support notified! IntilliFareSearch
ERGEN018 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"IntelliBestBuy\" call. API Support notified! IntelliFarePricer
ERGEN019 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"AirQuote\" call. API Support notified! AirQuote
ERMAI001 OnePoint is Under Maintenance OnePoint.svc.cs

CreateSession API

CreateSession API, creates a SessionID for the account by using the access credentials.


It provides a SessionId which has to be used while requesting ASR APIs. By reducing the hassle of using access credentials in every API request. SessionId will never expire and a static sessionID is created with the credentials consumed.

CreateSession Request
CreateSessionRequiredNested XML TAGCreate Session is a nested XML tag under the tag the below are properties.
AccountNumberRequiredMCNXXXXXAccount number always starts with MCN, A Unique identification number for your account.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Any specific ID to track the API call
PasswordRequiredXYZ20XX_xmlA mix of lowercase and uppercase and special characters.
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
UserNameRequiredXYZ_XMLGenerated username associated with the account number.

CreateSession Response
ConversationId1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
Session ID3b417780-3aa1-4638-82a1-a2857d228f54A unique sessionID will be created to store and access, We do have an option to shate a static SessionID in the response which will never expires
Session StatusTrue/FalseBoolean Value
TargetTest/ProductionResponse as provided for the CreateSession Request

Process Steps

Step 1: Input the Account number, Username and Password in the alphabetical order as in the below sample code.
Step 2: Receive the response providing a session ID and store accordingly for further usage of the session ID.

Sample code

Shown below are samples of the request from soap and the corresponding response.

CreateSession Request

CreateSession Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERCRS followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageMessage
ERCRS001 Target cannot be null. Make sure that Target is mentioned as “Test” or “Production”
ERCRS002 User Name cannot be null Make sure that the username is mentioned as provided.
ERCRS003 Password cannot be null Make sure the password is mentioned as provided.
ERCRS004 Account Number cannot be null Make sure the account number is mentioned as provided.
ERCRS005 Invalid login credentials supplied Check if the credentials provided are used correctly.

AirLowFareSearch API

AirLowFareSearch API returns ‘Activity Linker LTD’ best fares in an XML response with various parameters for seamless data sorting.


AirLowFareSearch is a single access to the airline data with very few parameters in the request but with many parameters in return.

A simple search with XML tags for a basic search also expands further to customise the search with parameters ranging from origin and destination sectors to nearby airports.


AirLowFareSearch Request
AirLowFareSearchRequiredNested XML TAGAirLowFareSearch is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
IsRefundableOptionaltrue/falseParameter to define if the search results should include refundable fares.
NationalityOptionalINUser can share the nationality of the end user. Its mainly for Spanish customers to get the local fares.
IsResidentFareOptionaltrue/falseFor SPANISH citizens only and Spain sectors, can request resident fares by passing a municipality identity card.
OriginDestinationInformationsRequiredNested XML TAGOriginDestinationInformations is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
OriginDestinationInformationRequiredNested XML TAGOriginDestinationInformation is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
DepartureDateTimeRequired2017-12-15T00:00:00Specifies the date and time for the departure of the flight as scheduled. (Airport local time)
DestinationLocationCodeRequiredLHRIATA Code of the Airport or City
OriginLocationCodeRequiredJFKIATA Code of the Airport or City
PassengerTypeQuantitiesRequiredNested XML TAGPassengerTypeQuantities is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
PassengerTypeQuantityRequiredNested XML TAGPassengerTypeQuantity is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
CodeRequiredADT/CHD/INFFor an Adult passenger the parameter code is specified as ADT. Similarly child = CHD, and infant = INF.
QuantityRequired1Up to a maximum of 9 passengers can be requested in a single search request.
PricingSourceTypeRequiredPublic/Private/AllIndicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type can also be ‘WebFare’ in the response if the carrier is a LCC. Request to use 'ALL' option to get hold of the best fares available with us for any search request.
RequestOptionsOptionalFifty/Hundred/TwoHundredBy default, Fifty will be taken as the request option if this field is not passed in the search request and will share fifty best itineraries for the searched sector/date/time. If the value been passed then the results will be shared as per the requested numbers.
SessionIdRequired3b417780-3aa1-4638-82a1-a2857d228f54A unique ID generated when the Authenticate API is called.
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
TravelPreferences--Nested XML TAG--
AirTripTypeRequiredOneway/Return/OpenJaw/CircleType of trip returned by the search.
MaxStopsQuantityRequiredDirect/OneStop/AllTo specify whether if the search should return all the direct flights, onestop or All possible options.
PreferencesRequiredNested XML TAG--
CabinClassPreferenceRequiredNested XML TAG--
CabinTypeRequiredY/C/F/SY=Economy, C=Business, F=First and S=Premium Economy Activity Linker LTD supports only the above mentioned cabin classes.
PreferenceLevelRequiredPreferred/RestrictedPreferred – Is always Recommended. Available - The search response will shows the itineraries with the specific cabin class given in the request ordered by cheapest to highest available fare. Not Available - If the given specific cabin class is Not Available then our system will share the list of available classes in the response. Restricted – Is only recommended when you are looking for a particular cabin class and want itineraries only with that specified cabin class. Available – The search response will only show those itineraries which has the specified cabin class in search request. Not Available – The search response will return a valid error “Flights not found for the given search condition”.
VendorExcludeCodesOptionalEYTo exclude a single specific airline or multiple airlines (in a string array) from the search.
VendorPreferenceCodesOptionalSLTo prefer a single specific airline or multiple airlines (in a string array) from the search.

AirLowFareSearch Response
SuccessTrue/FalseReturns the search status in a Boolean.
ConversationId1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
PricedItinerariesNested XMLAll the itineraries returned will be in sequential order under the nested xml
PricedItineraryNested XMLEach itinerary begins and ends with the pricedItinerary
RequiredFieldsToBookNested XMLAll possible fields which are mandatory for booking, Possible values: Passport,PassengerNationality
SequenceNumber1Specifies the itineraries sequence number in the search
DirectionIndOneWayIndicates the direction of the itinerary
OriginDestinationOptionsNested XMLIn case of return/circle/open jaw each sector is mentioned individually in the nested xml.
OriginDestinationOptionNested XMLOriginDestinationOption specifies the opening tag for every sector.
FlightSegmentsNested XMLAll the legs in the itinerary will be returned in the below nested xml
FlightSegmentNested XMLEach leg in the itinerary starts with FlightSegment
DepartureDateTime2017-01-11T21:05:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
ArrivalDateTime2017-01-11T22:25:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
StopQuantity0Specifies the duration of stopover.
FlightNumber1775Indicates the number of the flight.
ResBookDesigCodeGSpecifies the RBD code for the itinerary
JourneyDuration80Duration of the flight in minutes.
DepartureAirportLocationCodeAMSIATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
ArrivalAirportLocationCodeFRAIATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive at
OperatingAirlineNested XMLOperatingAirline is a nested XML for the airline that administrates the flight.
CodeKLAirline IATA Code
FlightNumber1775Number of the flight
EquipmentE90Information of the equipment being used
MarketingAirlineCodeKLAirline IATA Code of the marketing airline
MarriageGroupOGroup code for the marriage code
StopQuantityInfoNested XMLStatic Tag - Please ignore this tag.
StopQuantityInformationsNested XMLNested XML indicating stopovers. Note - This tag will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for that itinerary.
StopQuantityInfoNested XMLNested XML indicating stopovers..
LocationCodeLHRLocation of the stopover.
ArrivalDateTime0001-01-01T00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time.
DepartureDateTime0001-01-01T00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
Duration0Duration of the stopover.
EticketTRUESpecifies if the itinerary supports eticket
CabinClassCodeY,S,C,FSpecifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy or first class.
ResBookDesigTextECONOMY WITH RESTRICTIONSSpecifies the RBD text for the particular segment
SeatsRemainingNested XMLNested XML tag indicating the number of seats available.
Number9Exact seats available for the itinerary
BelowMinimumfalse/trueIndicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum.
AirItineraryPricingInfoNested XMLNested XML contains information about the price for the itinerary.
FareSourceCode--A Unique FSC for every single itinerary
ItinTotalFareNested XMLIndicates the total fare for the itinerary.
BaseFareNested XMLIndicates the base fare information of the itinerary in a nested XML tag.
Amount925Price of the itinerary
CurrencyCodeGBPLocal currency code of the itinerary
DecimalPlaces2Number of decimal places
EquivFareNested XMLEquivalent fare specifies the exact fare converted from the local currency i.e. base fare to the client currency; in a nested XML. Contains same fields as the BaseFare tag.
TotalTaxNested XMLTotal calculated Tax in a nested XML also contains all the fields as BaseFare.
PTC_FareBreakdownsNested XMLPassenger wise fare break down in a nested XML.
PTC_FareBreakdownNested XML--
PassengerTypeQuantityNested XMLNested XML tag provides the information with regards to types of passenger
CodeADTPassenger type code
Quantity1Quantity of specific passenger type
PassengerFareNested XMLNested XML in a breakdown for every single passenger type
TaxesNested XMLTaxes breakdown nested XML
TaxNested XML--
Amount413.14Amount of tax
CurrencyCodeINRCurrency code of the tax
TaxCodeRNTax code
DecimalPlaces2Decimal places of fare.
TotalFareNested XMLFinal total fare returned as a nested XML. Also provides same tags as in base fare.
Surcharges21Surcharges if any
BaggageInfoNested XMLInformation about passenger’s baggage allowance
Baggage25Kg/1PCImplicates the exact allowance for the passenger
PenaltyInfoNested XMLWill share the information on the penalty charges, to get these details in the response client need to raise a request based on which Activity Linker LTD will enable these at the back end.
Cancellationcharge100Will share the actual amount associated with the cancellation
FareInfosNested XMLNested XML for the information with regards to the fare.
FareInfoNested XML--
FareReferenceVType of the fare to refer
FareTypePrivate/Public/WebFareIndicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates the carrier is an LCC.
SplitItineraryFalse/TrueIndicates if the itinerary can be split post ticketing
DivideInPartyIndicatorfalse/trueA Boolean value to specify the party
IsRefundableYes/NoA simple Boolean value to specify if the itinerary is refundable or not.
TicketTypeeTicketSpecifies the type of the ticket
ValidatingAirlineCodeKLSpecifies the validation Airline
IsPassportMandatoryObsoleteRead RequiredFieldsToBook
IsResidentFareFalse/trueIndicates if the fare is resident fare.
PaxNameCharacterLimitNumeric Value Numeric value will be passed in this tag, which need to be captured by client and make sure that the complete Passenger Name characters shouldn’t cross the value mentioned. Total Passenger Name = FirstName+LastName+Title (Note - Space between names will be considered as 1 character)
FirstNameCharacterLimitNumeric Value Numeric Value will be passed in this tag, which need to be captured by client and make sure that the passengers first name shouldn’t be more than the value given in this tag. Note: The value mentioned in this tag is the max number of characters allowed for first name alone. For an instance, if PaxNameCharacterLimit is given as 60 with FirstNameCharacterLimit and LastNameCharacterLimit as 40 each. Then it need to make sure that max character in first name is 35 and last name is 25 or any combinations, but the total name characer shouldnt be more than 60 character.
LastNameCharacterLimitNumeric Value Numeric Value will be passed in this tag, which need to be captured by client and make sure that the passengers last name shouldn’t be more than the value given in this tag. Note: The value mentioned in this tag is the max number of characters allowed for Last name alone. For an instance, if PaxNameCharacterLimit is given as 60 with FirstNameCharacterLimit and LastNameCharacterLimit as 40 each. Then it need to make sure that max character in first name is 35 and last name is 25 or any combinations, but the total name characer shouldnt be more than 60 character.

Process Steps:

Receive the Session ID using a dedicated credential pointing to the ASR URL

Step1: Use the required data as in City Pair, Date of Travel, Travel Type, Fare Type, PAX Type, Pax Count and Session ID in AirLowFareSearchRQ
Step2: Receive multiple Itineraries, Fares (associated with the particular itinerary) and FareSourceCode

Sample code

Following are sample of the request from soap and the response sample respectively.

AirLowFareSearch Request

AirLowFareSearch Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERSER followed by numeral.

Error CodeError MessageComments
ERSER001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed.
ERSER002 Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID
ERSER003 OriginDestinationInformations cannot be null OriginDestinationInformations is a nested XML tag and cannot be empty
ERSER004 TravelPreferences cannot be null TravelPreferences is a nested XML tag and cannot be empty
ERSER005 OriginDestinationInformation cannot be null OriginDestinationInformation is a nested XML tag and cannot be empty
ERSER006 OriginLocationCode cannot be null For a search request originating location IATA code had to be passed.
ERSER007Invalid OriginLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ OriginLocation code must be a three letter IATA airport or city code.
ERSER008 DestinationLocationCode cannot be null For a search request destination location IATA code had to be passed.
ERSER009 Invalid DestinationLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$DestinationLocation code must be a three letter IATA airport or city code.
ERSER010 VendorPreferenceCode cannot be null If in case adding an array string into the nested tag of vendorprefernce code, the string cannot be left empty.
ERSER011 Invalid VendorPreferenceCode. Should be two letter airline code of format ^[A-Z|0-9][A-Z|0-9]$ VendorPreference code is the airline IATA Code.
ERSER012 VendorExcludeCode cannot be null If in case adding an array string into the nested tag of vendorExclude code, the string cannot be left empty.
ERSER013 Invalid VendorExcludeCode. Should be two letter ailine code of format ^[A-Z|0-9][A-Z|0-9]$VendorExclude code is the airline IATA Code.
ERSER014 Invalid AirTripType. OneWay cannot have more than one OriginDestinationInformation. If the type of AirTrip is OneWay under the nested XML of OriginDestinationInformations cannot have more than one OriginDestinationInformation.
ERSER015 Invalid AirTripType. Return cannot have more than two OriginDestinationInformation. If the type of AirTrip is “Return” under the nested XML of OriginDestinationInformations cannot have more than two OriginDestinationInformation.
ERSER016 Invalid AirTripType. OpenJaw or Circle should have two or more OriginDestinationInformation. If the type of AirTrip is “OpenJaw or Circle” under the nested XML of OriginDestinationInformations cannot have more than two OriginDestinationInformation.
ERSER017 PassengerTypeQuantities cannot be null OriginDestinationInformations is a nested XML tag and cannot be empty
ERSER018 PassengerTypeQuantity cannot be null PassengerTypeQuantity field cannot be empty
ERSER019 There should be atleast one ADT passenger. Search request has to contain atleast one adult passenger.
ERSER020 You are not allowed to select multiple fare type for adult.--
ERSER021 Flights not found for the given search conditionScenario where the flights might not be available due to no routing options or airports are not serviceable.
ERSER022 Travel date should be more than or equal to today Make sure the travel date is from today.
ERSER023 Infant count should be less than Adults Number of infants must be equal to the number of adults travelling.
ERSER024 Adults and Children together should not be more than 9 Maximum number of passengers all together should not exceed 9 except infants.
ERSER025 The vendor doesn't support resident fare for this city pair. Resident fare is not available.
ERSER026 We don't support resident fare for multidestination. Resident fare is available only on Oneway and Return.
ERSER027 Sorry,you have reached the maximum search limit for the day. The limit on the number of searches per day has been expired.

AirRevalidate API

AirRevalidate API service verifies the availability of the fare for the selected itinerary.


AirRevalidate changes the FSC for various scenarios, So it is required to read the updated FSC from Air Revalidate response.
Air revalidate provides a breakup of the fares and taxes, A complete breakdown for every single passenger.
Air revalidate provides the information with regards to the Extra services and SSR (Special Service Request) details.


AirRevalidate Request
AirRevalidateRequiredNested XML TAGAirRevalidate is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationId--1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
FareSourceCodeRequired--FSC of the selected itinerary from the search.
SessionIdRequired51a6e207-dcbd-4e89-89ed-1ea821a8262eA unique ID, generated when calling the Authenticate API.
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.

AirRevalidate Response
SuccessTrue/FalseSpecifies whether the revalidation has passed.
ConversationId1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
IsValidTrue/FalseTrue-No changes in the selected itinerary. False- Change in the selected itinerary. Ex: Fare, Class etc. Note : As a best practise the itinerary comparison should always be made between the search itinerary and revalidated itinerary to identify if there is any difference.
PricedItinerariesNested XMLAll the itineraries returned will be in sequential order under the nested xml
PricedItineraryNested XMLEach itinerary starts with the pricedItinerary and ends
ExtraServices1_1Nested XML TAGExtraServices1_1 is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ServicesNested XML TAGAccount number always starts with MCN
A Unique identification number for your account.
ServiceNested XML--
BehaviorPER_PAXSpecifies the behaviour type of the service.
CheckInTypeAIRPORTSpecifies the type of check-in available.
Description1 bag(s) || Total Weight: 20Kg || 33.88 GBPProvides the information on the properties of the behaviour..
FlightDesignatorAA/100Specifies the airline code and flight number.
IsMandatoryFALSESpecifies if the specific service is mandatory to book the flight.
Relation11,14Specifies combination of services to be availed together.
ServiceCostNested XMLServiceCost is a nested XML tag under the tag the below are properties.
Amount33.88Price of the itinerary.
CurrencyCodeGBPLocal currency code of the itinerary.
DecimalPlaces2Number of decimal places in fare.
ServiceId1Specifies the ID for the service.
TypeBAGGAGESpecifies the type of the service.
RequiredFieldsToBookNested XMLAll possible fields which are mandatory for booking will be shared in this tag, Possible values: PassportDetails,PassengerNationality,PostCode,Title
SequenceNumber1Specifies the itineraries sequence number in the search
DirectionIndOneWaySpecifies the direction of the search
OriginDestinationOptionsNested XMLIn case of return/circle/open jaw all sectors are mentioned in the nested xml
OriginDestinationOptionNested XMLOriginDestinationOption specifies the opening tag for every sector.
FlightSegmentsNested XMLAll the legs in the itinerary will be returned in the nested xml
FlightSegmentNested XMLEach leg in the itinerary starts with FlightSegment
DepartureDateTime2017-01-11T21:05:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
ArrivalDateTime2017-01-11T22:25:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
StopQuantity0Indicates the duration of stopover.
FlightNumber1775Number of the flight.
ResBookDesigCodeGIndicates the RBD code for the particular itinerary
JourneyDuration80Duration of the flight in minutes.
DepartureAirportLocationCodeAMSIATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
ArrivalAirportLocationCodeFRAIATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive at.
OperatingAirlineNested XMLOperating Airline is a nested XML for the airline actually being operated by.
CodeKLAirline IATA Code
FlightNumber1775Number of the flight
EquipmentE90Information of the equipment being used
MarketingAirlineCodeKLAirline IATA Code for the marketing airline
MarriageGroupOSpecifies the code of married segments
StopQuantityInfoNested XMLNested XML indicating any stopover
LocationCodeLHRLocation of the stopover.
ArrivalDateTime0001-01-01T00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time.
DepartureDateTime0001-01-01T00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
Duration0Duration of stopover.
EticketTRUESpecifies if the itinerary supports eticket
CabinClassCodeY,S,C,FSpecifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy or firstclass.
ResBookDesigTextECONOMY WITH RESTRICTIONSSpecifies the RBD text for the particular segment
MealCodeMSpecifies the meal code
SeatsRemainingNested XMLNested XML tag indicating number of available seats.
Number9Exact seats available for the itinerary
BelowMinimumfalse/trueIndicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum.
AirItineraryPricingInfoNested XMLNested XML contains information about the price for the itinerary.
FareSourceCode--A Unique FSC for every single itinerary
ItinTotalFareNested XMLSpecifies the total fare for the itinerary.
BaseFareNested XMLSpecifies the base fare information of the itinerary in a nested XML tag.
Amount9Price of the itinerary
CurrencyCodeGBPLocal currency code of the itinerary
DecimalPlaces2Number of decimal places
EquivFareNested XMLEquivalent fare specifies the exact converted from the local currency, Base fare to equivalent fare to the client currency. in a nested XML. Contains same fields as the BaseFare tag.
TotalTaxNested XMLTotal calculated Tax in a nested XML also contains all the fields as BaseFare.
PTC_FareBreakdownsNested XMLFareBreakdown passenger wise in a nested XML
PTC_FareBreakdownNested XML--
PassengerTypeQuantityNested XMLNested XML tag provides the information with regards to types of passenger
CodeADTPassenger type code
Quantity1Quantity of specific passenger type
FareBasisCodesABA2760VFare Code in string
PassengerFareNested XMLNested XML in a breakdown for every single passenger type
TaxesNested XMLTaxes breakdown nested XML
TaxNested XML--
Amount413.14Amount of tax
CurrencyCodeINRCurrency code of the tax
TaxCodeRNTax code
DecimalPlaces2Decimal place
TotalFareNested XMLIndicates final total fare and provides same tags as in base fare.
Surcharges21Surcharges, if any.
BaggageInfoNested XMLInformation about passenger’s baggage allowance
FareInfosNested XMLNested XML for the information with regards to the fare.
FareInfoNested XML--
FareReferenceVType of the fare
FareTypePrivate/Public/WebFareType of fare. Private and Public is specified as a GDS full service carrier. And WebFare is always LCC.
DivideInPartyIndicatorfalse/trueA Boolean value to specify the party.
IsRefundableYes/NoA simple Boolean value to specify if the itinerary is refundable or not.
TicketTypeeTicketSpecifies the type of the ticket
ValidatingAirlineCodeKLSpecifies the validating Airline.
IsPassportMandatoryObsoleteRead RequiredFieldsToBook
IsResidentFareFalse/trueSpecifies whether the fare is resident fare.
PaxNameCharacterLimitNumeric Value Numeric value will be passed in this tag, which need to be captured by client and make sure that the complete Passenger Name characters shouldn’t cross the value mentioned. Total Passenger Name = FirstName+LastName+Title (Note - Space between names will be considered as 1 character)
FirstNameCharacterLimitNumeric Value Numeric Value will be passed in this tag, which need to be captured by client and make sure that the passengers first name shouldn’t be more than the value given in this tag. Note: The value mentioned in this tag is the max number of characters allowed for first name alone. For an instance, if PaxNameCharacterLimit is given as 60 with FirstNameCharacterLimit and LastNameCharacterLimit as 40 each. Then it need to make sure that max character in first name is 35 and last name is 25 or any combinations, but the total name characer shouldnt be more than 60 character.
LastNameCharacterLimitNumeric Value Numeric Value will be passed in this tag, which need to be captured by client and make sure that the passengers last name shouldn’t be more than the value given in this tag. Note: The value mentioned in this tag is the max number of characters allowed for Last name alone. For an instance, if PaxNameCharacterLimit is given as 60 with FirstNameCharacterLimit and LastNameCharacterLimit as 40 each. Then it need to make sure that max character in first name is 35 and last name is 25 or any combinations, but the total name characer shouldnt be more than 60 character.

Process Steps

Pre Requisite:Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credentials which points to the ASR URL
Receive the FSC from AirLowFareSearch

API Flow:Step 1: Use the Selected FSC and Session ID in AirRevalidationRQ
Step 2: : Response provided will contain the selected itinerary information along with a FareSourceCode (FSC) and a valid Fare.
Step 2: A fresh FSC is generated on various scenarios, check the tag <'IsValid'> this can return false in scnearios where the itinerary is no longer available or a price is changed.

Sample code

Below textbox provides a sample of the request from soap and the response sample respectively.

AirRevalidate Request

AirRevalidate Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERREV followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageComments
ERREV001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed.
ERREV002 Invalid SessionId Check the sessionID
ERREV003 FareSourceCode cannot be null Unique FSC must be passed and cannot be left blank
ERREV004 Invalid FareSourceCodeFSC may be missing or may have expired.
ERREV005Error in validating flight option. --

BookFlight API

BookFlight API service provides the functionality to pass the traveller information in order to book an itinerary.


BookFlight API provides all the properties required to book an itinerary, it includes passenger names, information along with the unique FSC.
Once a request is sent, the response received will contain status, unique MF number and Ticket time limit.
Unique MF number is the reference number provided by Activity Linker LTD for every single booking. MF number contains all the required information with regards to airline e g: PNR.


BookFlight Request
BookFlightRequiredNested XML TAGBookFlight is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationIdOptional12345Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
FareSourceCodeRequired--A Unique FSC for every single itinerary
LccHoldBookingOptionalTrue/FalseBoolean value, allows to hold the LCC booking for 15mins
SessionIdRequired51a6e207-dcbd-4e89-89ed-1ea821a8262eA unique ID generated when calling the Authenticate API
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
TravelerInfoRequiredNested XML TAGA nested XML Tag under which all the passengers and their information to be passed.
AirTravelersRequiredNested XML TAGA nested XML tag under which every passenger information to be passed, if more than one passenger then multiple AirTravelers.
AirTravelerRequiredNested XML TAGA nested XML tag under the single passenger information is to be passed.
DateOfBirthRequired1982-02-01T00:00:00Passengers birth date in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format
ExtraServices1_1RequiredNested XML TAGExtraServices1_1 is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
ServicesRequiredNested XML TAG--
ExtraServiceId1Specify the service ID for booking the specific service.
FrequentFlyerNumberOptional-Passenger frequent flyer number.
GenderRequiredM/F/UGender of the passenger
KnownTravelerNoOptional--KTN Number
PassengerNameRequiredNested XML TAGPassenger name under the nested XML, the length of the name should not exceed based on the max characterlimit from search response, characters including the title and spaces between
PassengerFirstNameRequiredSeptharFirst Name
PassengerLastNameRequiredMukundaLast Name/Family Name
PassengerTitleRequiredMR/MISSTitle of the passenger
PassengerNationalityOptionalINNationality of passenger
PassengerTypeRequiredADT/CHD/INFType of the passenger. Adult-ADT, Child-CHD, Infant-INF
PassportOptionalNested XML TAGA nested XML tag for the passenger’s passport information; required - if the revalidation response indicates passport field as required for the itinerary.
CountryOptionalINIssuing Country of the passport
ExpiryDateOptional2030-02-01T00:00:00Passengers passport expiry in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format
PassportNumberOptionalK8709885Number of the passport
ResidentFareDocumentTypeOptionalNested XML TAGIf resident fare is applied, then these fields are required in the nested XML
DocumentNumberOptional-Number of the resident fare document
DocumentTypeOptional-Type of the document.
MunicipalityOptional-Name of the municipality
SpecialServiceRequestOptionalNested XML TAGFull service carriers provide SSR as an option. All the parameters are in nested XML.
MealPreferenceOptionalAVMLMeal preference tag
RequestedSegmentOptionalNested XML TAGRequested segment for SSR
DepartureDateTimeOptional2018-07-01T00:00:00Requested segment for SSR
SeatPreferenceOptionalAny/WSeat preference tag, Window – W, Any
AreaCodeRequired785Area code of the phone number
CountryCodeRequired91Country code of the passenger
EmailRequiredtest@gmail.comEmail address of the passenger/client (As per IATA 830D, where the details need to be passed for any Involuntary changes in flight operations)
PhoneNumberRequired9455451554Phone number of the passenger/client (As per IATA 830D, where the details need to be passed for any Involuntary changes in flight operations)
PostCodeRequired67891Client need to pass a valid input for this parameter with the desired format. Few of our suppliers will not process the booking request if an invalid data been passed in the booking request mostly with LCC bookings. Its best practice to pass the clients postal code in this tag as a default value, if the client is not getting these detials at their end from the end passenger.

BookFlight Response
SuccessTrue/FalseIndicates the bookflight status.
ConversationId1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
UniqueIDMFXXXXXXXXA unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
StatusCONFIRMED/PENDING/UNCONFIRMEDIndicates the status of the booking whether confirmed/ Pending/ Unconfirmed. 1. Booking API returned booking status "pending" with MF Number: then the client need to mark the booking as 'in progress' and need to call the tripdetails or message queue at regular intervals to get the updated status. 2. Booking API returned booking status "pending" without MF Number: Please consider it as a direct failure. 3. Supplier returned booking status "Confirmed" with MF Number: Please consider it as a successful transaction
TktTimeLimit2016-12-31T10:04:13Ticketing time limit for the booking, within which the booking had to be ticketed.
Errors--If an error
TargetTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.

Process Steps

Pre Requisite:Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credentials which point to the ASR URL Receive the FSC from AirLowFareSearch API Receive the RequiredFieldToBook (mandatory elements) from AirRevalidation API

Flow:Step 1: Use selected FSC, SessionID, PAX details and mandatory elements in AirBookRQ
Step 2: Receive the response with a Unique ID and Ticket time limit for the booking.

Sample code

Below textbox provides a sample of the request from soap and the response sample respectively.

Sample XML

API Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERBUK followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageComments
ERBUK001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed.
ERBUK002 Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID
ERBUK003 FareSourceCode cannot be null Unique FSC must be passed and cannot be left blank
ERBUK004 TravelerInfo cannot be null Traveler information cannot be empty
ERBUK005 AirTravelers cannot be null AirTraverler tag cannot be empty
ERBUK006There should be atleast one traveller for booking To book a flight atleast one passenger should be travelling.
ERBUK007 AirTraveler cannot be null AirTraveler tag cannot be empty
ERBUK008 PassengerName cannot be null Passenger name cannot be empty
ERBUK009 Adult Title is missing Title for the Adult passenger is missing
ERBUK010 Child Title is missing Title for the child is missing
ERBUK011 Infant Title is missing Title for the infant is missing
ERBUK012 PassengerFirstName cannot be null First name of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK013 PassengerLastName cannot be null Last name of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK014 PassportNumber cannot be null Passport cannot be empty
ERBUK015 Passport expiry date is not valid. Passport expiry cannot be empty
ERBUK016 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ Country format should be only alphabetical
ERBUK017 PhoneNumber cannot be null Phone number of the passenger cannot be null
ERBUK018 Invalid FareSourceCode Please check the FSC or FSC might’ve been expired.
ERBUK019 TravelerInfo cannot be null Passenger traverler information cannot be empty
ERBUK020 AirTravelers cannot be null Airtraveler tag cannot be empty
ERBUK021 AirTraveler cannot be null Airtraveler tag cannot be empty
ERBUK022 PassengerTitle cannot be null --
ERBUK023 Adult Title can be only LORD or MISS or MR or MRS or SIR --
ERBUK024 Child Title can be only MISS or MSTR --
ERBUK025 Infant Title can be only MISS or MSTR --
ERBUK026 PassengerFirstName cannot be null --
ERBUK027 Passenger FirstName cannot have special characters First name cannot contain any special characters.
ERBUK028 Passenger LastName cannot be null --
ERBUK029 Passenger last name should be more than one character for this airline host Passenger last cannot have one character, should have more than one character.
ERBUK030 Passenger LastName cannot have special characters Last name cannot contain any special characters.
ERBUK031 DateOfBirth cannot be null Passenger date of birth cannot be left empty
ERBUK032 Invalid Child's Age. Should be less than or equal to 12 years A Child should be less than 12 year or exactly 12 years
ERBUK033 Invalid Infant's Age. Should be less than or equal to 2 years An Infant had to be less than 2 years or exactly 2 years
ERBUK034 Date of birth is mandatory for Child and Infant For the child and infant date of birth is mandatory
ERBUK035 PassportNumber cannot be null --
ERBUK036 Passport expiry date is not valid --
ERBUK037 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ --
ERBUK038 Passport details is required.--
ERBUK039 PhoneNumber cannot be null --
ERBUK040 CountryCode cannot be null Passenger country code for a phone number cannot be empty
ERBUK041 AreaCode cannot be null Passenger area code for a phone number cannot be empty
ERBUK042 1 ADULT given while search but 0 ADULT information present in booking request Search for the itinerary was made for 1 ADT, BookFlight doesn’t have any ADT information.
ERBUK0431 CHILD given while search but 0 CHILD information present in booking request Search for the itinerary was made for 1 CHD, BookFlight doesn’t have any CHD information
ERBUK044 1 INFANT given while search but 0 INFANT information present in booking request Search for the itinerary was made for 1 INF, BookFlight doesn’t have any INF information
ERBUK045 There should be atleast one traveller for booking There should be one passenger travelling
ERBUK046 FareSourceCode has failed the Revalidation and is not valid to Book A fresh FSC is not being used from the revalidation
ERBUK047 Phone Number should contain only numbers Phone number field should not contain spaces or characters
ERBUK078 You do not have sufficient balance in your account for booking Please check the account balance as for the booking there is no sufficient balance to book the ticket
ERBUK079 Booking Failed! Booking has failed
ERBUK080 Pending airline PNR - Booking UnConfirmed Airline is yet to confirm the PNR
ERBUK081 Host not responding - Unable to end the record Connection error between Activity Linker LTD and the vendor
ERBUK082 Pending Need - Awaiting carrier response - Booking Unconfirmed Awaiting the confirmation from the carrier
ERBUK083 Unable to confirm - Request an alternate flight Specific itinerary is unavailable, please request an alternate flight
ERBUK084 Booking already exists! For the specific route and the passenger booking already exists
ERBUK085 Host did not respond - Unable to complete the Book Request Connection error between Activity Linker LTD and the vendor
ERBUK091 Customer Title element is missing Title of the passenger is missing
ERBUK092 Customer LastName element is missing Last name of the passenger has not passed
ERBUK093 ResidentFareDocumentType details is required Resident fare documents are mandatory for this booking
ERBUK094 ResidentFareDocumentType details is not required Resident fare documents are not mandatory for this booking
ERBUK095 Municipality cannot be null Municipality of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK096 Municipality is not valid Mentioned municipality of the passenger is not a valid one
ERBUK097 DocumentNumber cannot be null Document number of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK098 DocumentType cannot be null Document type of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK099 Invalid document type Invalid document type
ERBUK100 PassengerName cannot be null Name of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK101 Booking already exists! Status: Ticket In Process The booking is already in ticket in process
ERBUK102 Name should not be more than 28 characters Name of the passenger including the spaces cannot exceed more than 28 characters

Failed to lookup view "airrules" in views directory "/views"

Error: Failed to lookup view "airrules" in views directory "/views"
    at Function.render (/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:580:17)
    at ServerResponse.render (/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:1012:7)
    at /routes/index.js:1013:11
    at /node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:5082:18
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11)

TripDetails API

Trip Details API service provides the functionality of retrieving the itinerary and passenger details for the ordered ticket.


TripDetails API provides all the itinerary information including the PNR of the booked flight, passenger information Once a request is sent, the response will contain detailed description of the itinerary


TripDetails API: Request
TripDetailsRequiredNested XML TAGTripDetails is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
SendOnlyTicketedOptionalTrue/falseA Boolean value for the request to include
SessionIdRequired77482a64-4f78-459a-b702-5f9ecb14657cA unique ID generated when called the Authenticate API
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production
UniqueIDRequiredMFXXXXXXXXA unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits

TripDetails Response
TargetTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production
TravelItineraryNested XML TAGTravelItinerary is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
CrossBorderIndicatorTrue/FalseSpecifies if the fare is crossborder
DestinationDXBIATA code for the destination
FareTypePublicIndicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates the carrier is an LCC.
IsCommissionableTrue/FalseSpecifies if the fare is commisionable
IsMoFareTrue/FalseSpeicifies if the fare in MOFare
ItineraryInfoNested XML TAGItineraryInfo is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ClientUTCOffset5.5UTC timeZone of the client
CustomerInfosNested XML TAG--
CustomerInfoNested XML TAG--
CustomerNested XML TAG--
AgeNested XML TAGSpecifies the age of passenger
DateOfBirth2006-02-22T00:00:00Birth date of the passenger
EmailAddressinfo@activitylinker.comEmail address of the passenger
GenderM/F/UGender of the passenger
NameNumber8687689Name number of passenger
NationalID7987ID number of the passenger
PassengerNationalityIndianNationality of the passenger
PassengerTypeADTType of the passenger. Adult-ADT, Child-CHD, Infant-INF
PassportExpiresOn2026-02-22T00:00:00Passport expiry date
PassportIssuanceCountryIndiaLocation of the passport issued
PassportNationalityIndianPassport nationailty
PassportNumberK8709885Number of the passport
PaxNameNested XML TAGPaxName is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
PassengerFirstNameSeptharFirst Name
PassengerLastNameMukundaLast Name/Family Name
PassengerTitleMR/MISSTitle of the passenger
PhoneNumber9879879787Phone number of the passenger
PostCode98789Postal Code of the passenger
RedressNo9879Redress number of the passenger
ETicketsNested XML TAGEtickets is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ETicketNested XML TAG--
ItemRPH1Reference place holder specifies the number of the passenger
eTicketNumber1283474019191Specifies the unique eticket number
SSRsNested XML TAGSpecifies special service requests informations
MealPreferenceAVMLSSR Meal type
SeatPreferenceWSSR Seat type
ItineraryPricingNested XML TAG
EquiFareNested XML TAGEquivalent fare specifies the exact converted from the local currency ie., base fare to equivalent fare to the client currency in a nested XML contains all the fields as BaseFare.
ExtraServiceChargesNested XML TAGCharges with regards to the extra services availed for the booking
Amount229Price of the itinerary
CurrencyCodeGBPLocal currency code of the itinerary
DecimalPlaces2Decimal places of fare.
TaxNested XML TAGTax in a nested XML also contains all the fields as BaseFare.
TotalFareNested XML TAGFinal total fare nested XML and provides same tags as in base fare.
ReservationItemsNested XML TAGReservationItems is a nested XML tag under the tag the below are properties.
ReservationItemNested XML TAG--
AirEquipmentTypeA300Specifies the airline equipment
AirlinePNRP37DS6IPNR from the airline
ArrivalAirportLocationCodeFRAIATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
ArrivalDateTime0001-01-01T00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time.
ArrivalTerminal2Specifies the terminal number of the airport
CabinClassTextYSpecifies the cabin classs
DepartureAirportLocationCodeAMSIATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
DepartureDateTime0001-01-01T00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
FlightNumber1775Number of the flight
ItemRPH1Specifies the request place holder
JourneyDuration80Duration of the flight in minutes.
MarketingAirlineCodeKLAirline IATA Code
NumberInParty3Specifies the number in the party of passengers
OperatingAirlineCodeKLAirline IATA Code
ResBookDesigCodeGRBD specifies the code for the particular segment
ResBookDesigTextECONOMY WITH RESTRICTIONSSpecifies the RBD text for the particular segment
StopQuantity0Specifies the quantity of stopover.
TripDetailsPTC_FareBreakdownsNested XML TAGNested XML tag provides the information with regards to passenger farebreakdowns
TripDetailsPTC_FareBreakdownNested XML TAG--
BaggageInfoNested XML TAG
IsPenaltyDetailsAvailableTrue/FalseThis tag helps in identfying, is penalty details available in the response or not.
AirRefundCharges100This tag will have the actual amount that will be refunded if the booking is voided.
AirExchangeCharges50This tag will have the actual amount that will be refunded if the booking is exchanged.
AirVoidCharges20This tag will have the actual amount that will be refunded if the booking is voided.
PassengerTypeQuantityNested XML TAGNested XML tag provides the information with regards to types of passenger
TripDetailsPassengerFareNested XML TAG--
AirportTaxBreakUpQR 0.05,QR 0.05,QR 0.04,QR 0.04,WG 0.06,WG 0.06,IN 1447.00,K3 1258.00,WO 154.00,ZR 92.00,YQ 3712.00
EquiFareNested XML TAGEquivalent fare specifies the exact converted from the local currency ie base fare to equivalent fare to the client currency in a nested XML contains all the fields as BaseFare.
TaxNested XML TAGTax in a nested XML also contains all the fields as BaseFare.
TotalFareNested XML TAGFinal total fare nested XML and provides same tags as in base fare.It is recommended to read the total fare to show for the passenger
OriginBLROrigin of the itinerary
TicketStatusTktInProcess/TicketedMentions the ticket status associated with the itinerary. Note: For LCC itineraries if you get the TicketStatus as 'TktInProgress' in the response. Please call the tripdetails call for the next 60 minutes may be once in 10 minutes and check for the status update against TicketStatus tag in the response. In some cases our sources might take some time to share the ticket details.
UniqueIDMFXXXXXXXXA unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits

Process Steps

Receive the Session ID from CreateSession API
Receive Activity Linker LTD Unique Reference number (MF#) from AirBook API

Step 1: Use the MF# and provide the value in SendOnlyTicketed tag
Step 2: Receive the details of the booking along with the eticket number

Sample Code

Below textbox provides a sample of the request from soap and the response sample respectively.

TripDetails Request

TripDetails Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERTDT followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageComments
ERTDT001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed.
ERTDT002 Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID
ERTDT003 UniqueID cannot be null Unique MF number cannot be empty
ERTDT004 Invalid UniqueID. Unique MF number is invalid
ERTDT005 Trip details not found for given Booking reference number. For the provided MF number trip details are not available
ERTDT006 There is no itinerary present for selected criteria. No Itinerary present for the criteria

TicketOrder API

Order Ticket API service provides the functionality to order the blocked ticket.


Order ticket API is a simple request for ordering the blocked itinerary for the GDS full service carriers.
Once a request is sent, the response will contain a single Boolean parameter stating True or False for the requested unique MF reference number.


TicketOrder : Request
TicketOrderRequiredNested XML TAGTicketOrder is a nested XML tag with the following properties
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
FareSourceCodeObsolete-This field is obsolete
SessionIdRequired77482a64-4f78-459a-b702-5f9ecb14657cA unique ID, generated when calling the Authenticate API
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
UniqueIDRequiredMFXXXXXXXXA unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits

TicketOrder Response
SuccessTrue/FalseSpecifies whether the TicketOrder has passed
UniqueIDMFXXXXXXXXUnique MF number
MessageThe ticketing time limit has expired for the given bookingSpecifies a message with regards to the booking
TargetTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
ErrorsEROTK009Indicates the error code.

Process Steps

Pre Requisite
Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credentials which point to the ASR URL
Receive Activity Linker LTD Unique Reference number (MF#) from AirBook API

Step 1: Use MF# and Session ID in OrderTicketRQ within the TicketingTimeLimit
Step 2: Receive the Success status with the Same MF Number.

Sample Code

Shown below are samples of the request from soap and the corresponding response.

TicketOrder Request

TicketOrder Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with EROTK followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageComments
EROTK001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed.
EROTK002 Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID
EROTK003 UniqueID cannot be null Unique MF number cannot be empty
EROTK004 Invalid UniqueID. Unique MF number is invalid
EROTK006 Invalid Booking Reference number. Booking Ref number is invalid.
EROTK007 Booking may be already ordered for ticket or ticketed or cancelled. The MF booking has already been ordered or cancelled.
EROTK008 You do not have sufficient balance in your account to order the ticket. Insufficient balance to order the ticket
EROTK009 The ticketing time limit has expired for the given booking The time limit to order for this booking has been expired and cannot order the ticket

AddBookingNotes API

AirBookingNotes web services is used to add remarks / comments / special service request to the bookings made which in-turn will reflect in the TripDetail response.


With these booking you can request any service like wheel chair, baby bassinet etc. Once a request is sent, the response will contain a single Boolean parameter stating True or False for the requested unique MF reference number.

These notes are viewable by the operators, so ensure that only relevant information about the booking is added


AddBookingNotes Request
AddBookingNotesRequiredNested TAGAddBookingNotes is a nested XML tag under the tag the below are properties.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
NotesRequiredStringString of characters/Message that you want to add
SessionIdRequired51a6e207-dcbd-4e89-89ed-1ea821a8262eA unique ID generated when called the Authenticate API.
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
UniqueIDRequiredMF0000001It specifies the Booking Reference unique ID.
AddBookingNotes Response
AddBookingNotesNested TAGAddBookingNotes is a nested XML tag under the tag the below are properties
ErrorsNested TAGA Unique session ID valid for 20mins since requested.
ErrorMaximum character allowed is 950/Nested TagContains the Error Details.
SuccessBooleanIf 'True', it indicates the successful processing of Booking notes. Else it is 'false'

Process Steps:

Pre Requisite:
Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credentials which point to the ASR URL.
Receive Activity Linker LTD Unique Reference number (MF#) from AirBook API.

Step1: Add the booking notes as per your requirement.
Step 2: Use MF# and Session ID in AddBookingNotes Request.
Step 3: Receive the Success status with the Same MF#

Sample code

Below textbox provides a sample of the request from soap and the response sample respectively.

AddBookingNotes Request

AddBookingNotes Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERABN followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageMessage
ERABN001 SessionId cannot be null. Make sure the sessionID is passed.
ERABN002 Unique Id cannot be nullUnique Id must be passed and cannot be left blank
ERABN003 Invalid UniqueID Please check the Unique ID.
ERABN006 Invalid SessionIdPlease check the sessionID

CancelBooking API

CancelBooking API is used to request ASR to cancel the booking identified by the UniqueID element.
CancelBooking API works with only those bookings whose status is Booked.


CancelBooking API is a simple request for cancelling the Bookings whose status is Booked.
Once a request is sent, the response will contain a single Boolean parameter stating True or False for the requested unique MF reference number.


CancelBooking Request
AirCancelRQNested XML TAGAirCancelRQ is a nested XML tag under the tag the below are properties.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
SessionIdRequired51a6e207-dcbd-4e89-89ed-1ea821a8262eA unique ID generated when called the Authenticate API.
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
UniqueIDRequiredMF0000001It specifies the Booking Reference unique ID.

CancelBooking Response
AirCancelNested XML TAGAirCancel is a nested XML tag under the tag the below are properties.
ErrorMaximum Character allowed is 950./ Nested TagContains the Error Details.
TargetTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the response is from a test environment or production.
UniqueIDMF0001023It specifies the booking reference Unique ID. Appears only if the Booking is successful.

Process Steps:

Pre Requisite:
Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credentials which point to the ASR URL.
Receive Activity Linker LTD Unique Reference number (MF#) from AirBook API.

Step 1: Use MF# and Session ID in CancelBooking Request.
Step 2: Receive the Success status with the Same MF#

Sample Code

Below textbox provides a sample of the request from soap and the response sample respectively.

CancelBooking Request

CancelBooking Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERCBN followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageMessage
ERCBN001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the SessionId is passed.
ERCBN002 Invalid SessionId check the sessionId
ERCBN003 Invalid UniqueIDcheck the Unique ID.
ERCBN004 UniqueId cannot be nullMake sure the UniqueId is passed.
ERCBK005 Cancellation FailedPlease check whether the unique id is in Booked status or already cancelled.
ERCBN007 Booking in Tkt-in-process or Ticketed Status - Cancellation Denied! Request Cancellation to crm@myfarebox.comPlease make sure the cancellation is done to only those bookings whose status is Booked.

MessageQueues API

MessageQueue API service eases the operational work by providing the status of every booking made.


MessageQueue provides 5 different queueing category to understand the current stage of the booking.
Five categories: Booked, Cancelled, Schedule Change, Ticketed, Urgent
Each category had to be called separately for a request. Response will provide all the bookings flagged for the category.

MessageQueues API: Request
MessageQueuesNested XML TAGMessageQueues is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
ScheduleChangeTypeOptionalMajorTo specify the type of schedule change to notify
CategoryIdRequiredTicketedPossible five unique categories - Booking, Cancelled, ScheduleChange, Ticketed, Urgent.
SessionIdRequired77482a64-4f78-459a-b702-5f9ecb14657cA unique ID, generated when calling the Authenticate API
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production

MessageQueues Response
MessageQueuesResponseNested XML TAGMessageQueuesResponse is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
MessageQueuesResultNested XML TAG--
MessageItemsNested XML TAG--
MessageItemNested XML TAG--
BookingModeOnePointSpecifies where the booking is made
MessagesNested XML TAG--
StringBooking Ticketed - Call TripDetails API! Eticket Number, Airline PNR, Terminal, Baggage and Special Service Request information updated.String value with the message notification
RPH1Specifies the request place holder
TktTimeLimit2016-12-31T10:04:13Ticketing time limit for the booking, within which the booking must be ticketed.
UniqueIDMFXXXXXXXXA unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits

Process Steps

Pre Requisite:
Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credential pointing to the ASR URL.

Step 1: Define the Category and Use Session ID in AirMessageQueueRQ
Step 2: Receive MF#, Ticket time limit and the message status for the booking.

Sample Code

Below textbox provides a sample of the request from soap and the response sample respectively.

AirMessageQueue Request

AirMessageQueue Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERMQU followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below

Error CodeError MessageComments
ERMQU001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed.
ERMQU002 There are no Queue messages. No Bookings are flagged with this category
ERMQU003 Invalid SessionId Check the sessionID

AirRemoveMessageQueue API

Remove MessageQueue API service removes the queues for every message call.


Remove MessageQueue allows to clear the flag of a booking from the message queue category.
Five categories: Booked, Cancelled, Schedule Change, Ticketed, Urgent
Each category can be called in the single message queue with specific category and the UniqueID to clear the flag.


RemoveMessageQueues API: Request
RemoveMessageQueues Required Nested XML TAG RemoveMessageQueues is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationId--1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
RemoveMessageQueuesRequiredNested XML TAGRemoveMessageQueues is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
ItemsRequiredNested XML TAG--
ItemRequiredNested XML TAG--
CategoryIdRequiredTicketedHandles five categories: Booked, Cancelled, Schedule Change, Ticketed, Urgent
UniqueIdRequiredMFXXXXXXXXUnique MF number
SessionIdRequired77482a64-4f78-459a-b702-5f9ecb14657cA unique ID generated when called the Authenticate API
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production

RemoveMessageQueue Response
RemoveMessageQueuesResponseNested XML TAGRemoveMessageQueuesResponse is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
RemoveMessageQueuesResultNested XML TAG--
SuccessTrue/FalseSpecifies whether the RemoveMessageQueues has passed.
TargetTest/ProductionTarget specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production

Process Steps

Prerequisite :
Create Session using the dedicated credential pointing to the ASR URL. Receive the MF# from MessageQueue

Step 1: Define the Category, use SessionID and MF# in Remove MessageQueueRQ
Step 2: Receive the response with a success message

Sample Code

Shown below are a sample of the request from soap and the response sample respectively.

Sample XML

API Response

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERRMQ followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageComments
ERRMQ001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed
ERRMQ002 Invalid UniqueID Unique MF number is invalid
ERRMQ003 Invalid CategoryId CategoryID is invalid
ERRMQ004 Failed to remove queue message Cannot remove queue message
ERRMQ005 No Items are present No Items are present in the queue
ERRMQ006 Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID

Intelli Best Buy API

IntelliBest Buy is an R.I.P Search which could be utilised to retrieve the price of an itinerary already available.


IntelliBest Buy provides the functionality where the fares and FSC for the itinerary already available can be retrieved.
Intellibest buy provides the availability of the fare and class, thus revalidating the fare.

IntelliBestBuy API Request
IntelliBestBuyRequiredNested XML TAGIntelliBestBuy is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
ConversationIdOptional1234567Id sent in request is echoed back in the response
BookingClassPreferenceRequiredOnly/AnySearch will be restriced to specified RBD if set to only, If set to Any all the RBD's available within the requested booking class will be given in the response.
CabinPreferenceRequiredY/C/F/PY=Economy, C=Business, F=First and P=Premium Economy Activity Linker LTD supports only the above mentioned cabin classes.
IntelliFareInformationsRequiredNested XML TAGIntelliFareInformations is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
IntelliBestBuyInformationRequiredNested XML TAGIntelliBestBuyInformation is a nested XML tag with the following properties.
AirlineCodeRequiredKLAirline IATA Code
ArrivalDateTimeRequired2017-01-11T22:25:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
BookingClassRequiredLClass of the booking
DepartureDateTimeRequiredYYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
DestinationLocationCodeRequiredAMSIATA code of the airport for the destination.
FlightNumberRequired1775Number of the flight.
OriginLocationCodeRequiredFRAIATA code of the airport for the origin
PassengerTypeQuantitiesRequiredNested XML TAGProvides the information pertaining to types of passenger.
PassengerTypeQuantityRequiredNested XML TAGProvides the information pertaining to types of passenger.
CodeRequiredADTPassenger type code.
QuantityRequired1Quantity of specific passenger type.
SessionIdRequired3b417780-3aa1-4638-82a1-a2857d228f54A unique ID generated when calling the Authenticate API
TargetRequiredTest/ProductionIndicates whether the request is for a test environment or production.

IntelliBestBuy API Response
SuccessTrue/FalseIndicates whether the revalidation has passed.
IsValidTrue/FalseIndicates whether the requested FSC is valid or has it been changed.
PricedItinerariesNested XML TAGAll the itineraries returned will be in sequential order under the nested xml
PricedItineraryNested XML TAGEach itinerary starts with the pricedItinerary and ends
SequenceNumber1Indicates the itineraries sequence number in the search
DirectionIndOneWayIndicates the direction of the search
OriginDestinationOptionsNested XML TAGIf in case of return/circle/open jaw every sector are mentioned in the nested xml
OriginDestinationOptionNested XML TAGOriginDestinationOption indicates the opening tag for every sector.
FlightSegmentsNested XML TAGAll the legs in the itinerary will be returned in the below nested xml
FlightSegmentNested XML TAGEach leg in the itinerary starts with FlightSegment
DepartureDateTime2017-01-11T21:05:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
ArrivalDateTime2017-01-11T22:25:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
StopQuantity0Indicates the quantity of stopover.
FlightNumber1775Number of the flight.
JourneyDuration80Duration of the flight in minutes.
DepartureAirportLocationCodeAMSIATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
ArrivalAirportLocationCodeFRAIATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
OperatingAirlineNested XML TAGOperatingAirline is a nested XML for the airline actually being operated by.
CodeKLAirline IATA Code
FlightNumber1775Number of the flight
EquipmentE90Information of the equipment being used
MarketingAirlineCodeKLAirline IATA Code
MarriageGroupOIndicates the code of married segments
StopQuantityInfo1Nested XML mentions the information if there is any stopover.
LocationCodeLHRLocation of the stopover.
ArrivalDateTime0001-01-01T00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time.
DepartureDateTime0001-01-01T00:00:00YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time.
Duration0Duration of the stopover.
EticketTRUEIndicates if the itinerary supports eticket.
CabinClassCodeYIndicates the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy or business.
ResBookDesigTextECONOMY WITH RESTRICTIONSIndicates the RBD text for the segment
MealCodeMSpecifies the code for the meal.
SeatsRemainingIndicates the number of seats available.
Number9Exact seats available for the itinerary
BelowMinimumfalse/trueIndicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum.
AirItineraryPricingInfoNested XMLIndicates the price for the itinerary.
FareSourceCodeA Unique FSC for every single itinerary
ItinTotalFareNested XMLIndicates the total fare for the itinerary.
BaseFareNested XMLIndicates the base fare information of the itinerary in a nested XML tag.
Amount9Price of the itinerary.
CurrencyCodeGBPLocal currency code of the itinerary.
DecimalPlaces2Number of decimal places to shown in the price.
EquivFareNested XMLEquivalent fare specifies the exact fare converted from the local currency i.e. base fare to the client currency; in a nested XML. Contains same fields as the BaseFare tag.
TotalTaxNested XMLTotal calculated Tax in a nested XML. Also contains all the fields as BaseFare.
PTC_FareBreakdownsNested XMLPassenger wise fare break down in a nested XML.
PTC_FareBreakdownNested XML
PassengerTypeQuantityNested XMLNested XML tag provides the information with regards to types of passenger.
CodeADTPassenger type code.
Quantity1Quantity of specific passenger type
PassengerFareNested XMLBreak up of fare for every single passenger type in a nested XML.
TaxesNested XMLBreak up of taxes in a nested XML.
TaxNested XML
Amount413.14Amount of tax
CurrencyCodeINRCurrency code of the tax
TaxCodeRNTax code
DecimalPlaces2Decimal place
TotalFareNested XMLFinal total fare nested XML and provides same tags as in base fare.
SurchargesSurcharges if any
FareInfosNested XMLNested XML for the information with regards to the fare.
FareInfoNested XML
FareReferenceVType of the fare to refer
FareTypePrivate/PublicType of fare. Private and Public is specified as a GDS full carrier.
IsRefundableYes/NoA simple Boolean value to specify if the itinerary is refundable or not.
TicketTypeeTicketIndicates the type of the ticket
ValidatingAirlineCodeKLIndicates the validation Airline
IsPassportMandatoryFalse/trueIndicates whether the passport is mandatory.

Process Steps

Pre Requisite:
Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credentials which point to the ASR URL

Step 1: Use selected FSC, SessionID,Flight information insert into intellibestbuy
Step 2: Receive the response with an FSC

Sample code

Below are samples of the request from soap and the corresponding response respectively.

AirLowFareSearch Request

AirLowFareSearch Response

Process Steps:

Pre Requisite:
Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credentials which point to the ASR URL.
Create an itinerary from GDS terminal.

Step 1: : Use the session ID and Itinerary in IntelliBestBuyRQ
Step 2: Receive the same itinerary along with valid fare and FSC

Error Codes

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERSER followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error CodeError MessageMessage
ERIFS001SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed.
ERIFS002Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID
ERIFS003IntelliFareInformations cannot be null IntelliFareInformations is a nested XML tag and cannot be empty.
ERIFS004There should be at least one traveller for bookingTo book a flight, at least one passenger should be travelling.
ERIFS005IntelliFareInformation cannot be null IntelliFareInformation is a nested XML tag and cannot be empty.
ERIFS006OriginLocationCode cannot be null Origin Code cannot be left empty.
ERIFS007Invalid OriginLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ Format of IATA Code is a 3 Letter Alphabet.
ERIFS008DestinationLocationCode cannot be nullDestination Code cannot be left empty.
ERIFS009Invalid DestinationLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ DestinationLocation code must be a three letter IATA airport or city code.
ERIFS010PassengerTypeQuantities cannot be nullType of the passenger cannot be left empty.
ERIFS011PassengerTypeQuantity cannot be null
ERIFS012Flights not available for the requested criteria!No flights were found matching the selected and searched criteria.
ERIFS013Fare not available for the requested criteria For the selected itinerary the fare is not available.
ERIFS014Flights not found for the given search condition
ERIFS015CabinPreference cannot be nullCabin preference must be mentioned and cannot be left empty.
ERIFS016Invalid CabinPreference.Provided cabin preference is left empty.

Extra Services API - V2 Updated on 11 Dec 2019


ExtraServices1_1 parameter holds the list of optional/paid services available for the selected flight option.

ExtraServices1_1 tag will be provided in the revalidation response. Which will have the list of optional/paid services offered
with a brief Description, Restrictions and the Cost associated with the service.

Note: Optional/Paid services are currently supported only for itineraries with FareType: Web Fare and Private Fares.

Extra Services Supported

  • MEAL (Newly Added)


Baggage services – allows the end passenger to purchase additional baggage as per their needs.


Extra service1_1 - BAGGAGE Type – Parameters Explanation
<ExtraServices1_1>Nested List of Extra Services Offered<ExtraServices1_1>
<Services>Nested Nested Tag - Open<Services>
<Service>NestedIndicates Individual service Offered<Service>
<Type>?</Type>StringIndicates the Type of the Service <BAGGAGE>,<SPEEDY_BOARDING>, <CHECKIN_CHARGE> & <MEAL>
<IsMandatory>?</IsMandatory>BooleanIt specifies if the service is Mandate or Nottrue or false
<Relation>?</Relation>INTIt helps in identifying the conditions associated with the extra services.In the above sample, <Type>BAGGAGE</Type> is having the relation tag with value 7(<Type>SPEEDY_BOARDING</Type>), which means that if end passenger opted for this service then they need to opt for the other service associated with id 7 (<Type>SPEEDY_BOARDING</Type> )by default else there is a high chance of failing the booking at supplier end.
<Description>?</Description>StringBrief description of the specific service.1 bags(s) || Total Weight: 32Kg
<Behavior>?</Behavior>StringIndicates the Restriction and Behaviour of the Service(GROUP_PAX, GROUP_PAX_INBOUND, GROUP_PAX_OUTBOUND) (PER_PAX, PER_PAX_INBOUND, PER_PAX_OUTBOUND)
<ServiceId>?</ServiceId>INTIndicates unique <ServiceId> for identifiying the extra service <ServiceId>1</ServiceId>
<CheckInType>?</CheckInType>StringIndicates if the ExtraService is for <ONLINE-check-In> OR <AIRPORT check-In><CheckInType>AIRPORT</CheckInType>
<ServiceCost>NestedNested Tag - Open<ServiceCost>
<Amount>FIoatIndicates the Cost of Extra Service<Amount>28.72</Amount>
<CurrencyCode>StringIndicates the Currency of Extra Service<CurrencyCode>AUD</CurrencyCode>
<DecimalPlaces>INTIndicates the Cost of Decimal places for Extra Services<DecimalPlaces>2</DecimalPlaces>
</ServiceCost>Nested Nested Tag - Closed</ServiceCost>
</Service>Nested Nested Tag - Closed</Service>
</Services>Nested Nested Tag - Closed</Services>
</ExtraServices1_1>Nested Nested Tag - Closed</ExtraServices1_1>

Points to be Noted

<Type> Tag – This element determines the Extra Service type for the selected flight:

<Type>BAGGAGE</Type> - Extra Baggage offered (Paid services)

<Type>CHECKIN_CHARGE</Type> - Speedy Boarding (Airport & Onpne services)

<Type>SPEEDY_BOARDING</Type> - Speedy Boarding (Airport & Onpne services)

<Type>MEAL</Type> - Meals offered (Paid Services)

<CheckInType> Tag: This element determines the check-in type, below are the supported options:



<Behavior> Tag - This element determines the eligibility / restrictions on the selected extra service. Possible values listed below:

<Behavior>PER_PAX</Behavior>: Extra service applicable for each passenger for entire trip Oneway / Return.

<Behavior>PER_PAX_INBOUND</Behavior>: Extra service is applicable for each passenger for Inbound flights.

<Behavior>PER_PAX_OUTBOUND</Behavior>: Extra service is applicable for each passenger for Oubound flights

<Behavior>GROUP_PAX</Behavior>: Extra service applicable for all the passengers in a Booking for entire trip Oneway / Return.

<Behavior>GROUP_PAX_INBOUND</Behavior>: Extra service applicable for all the passengers in a booking for Inbound flights.

<Behavior>GROUP_PAX_OUTBOUND</Behavior>: Extra service applicable for all the passengers in a booking for Outbound flights.

<Description> Tag -This element determines a brief description of the selected Extra Service. Possible values listed below:

<Description>1 bag(s) || Total Weight: 20Kg || 25.14 AUD</Description>

<Description>2 bag(s) || Total Weight: 15Kg+15Kg || 121.68 AUD</Description>

<Description>3 bag(s) || Total Weight: 23Kg+23Kg+23Kg || 212.06 AUD</Description>

<Description>Total Weight: Prepaid Excess Bag- 30kg || 144.39 EUR</Description>

<Description>1 PC(s) || Total Weight: 20Kg|| 25.14 AUD</Description>

<Description>2 PC(s) || Total Weight: 23Kg|| 50.14 AUD</Description>


Points to be Noted

<Type> Tag: Below mentioned are the <Type> options available for Speedy Boarding.



<Relation> Tag – Airlines mostly give the option of availing this service for those who want an additional baggage, which might help them to check-in faster in spite of having additional baggage’s.

<IsMandatory> Tag – This tag indicates if the SPEEDY_BOARDING or CHECKIN_CHARGE is Mandate for BookFlight.

<IsMandatory>false</IsMandatory> - indicates that extra Baggage can be added standalone & Speedy_Boarding or CheckIn_Charge type is not a mandatory element to Book.

<IsMandatory>true</IsMandatory> - Indicates the extra Baggage must be associated with Speedy Boarding or CheckIn_Charge type and this is mandate element to book and consider the <Relation> and <ServiceId>

Scenario 1 - from the above example the <Type>BAGGAGE</Type> the “Relation is 7” and should be associated with <Type>SPEEDY_BOARDING</Type> or <Type>CHECKIN_CHARGE</Type> where the “ServiceId” is 7 as shown below:

Conclusion - Therefore the <Relation> tag and the <ServiceId> tag are identical for BAGGAGE and SPEEDY_BOARDING or CHECKIN_CHARGE



<Type> Tag: under the <Type>CHECKIN_CHARGE</Type> the possible options mentioned below

<CheckInType>AIRPORT</CheckInType> - Speedy Boarding – Paid Services.

<CheckInType>ONLINE</CheckInType> - Web-Check-In – Free services.

Option <CheckInType>AIRPORT</CheckInType>

Option <CheckInType>ONLINE</CheckInType>

MEAL Newly added

Meal – Allows the end passenger to purchase the meal of his need along with the booking.

<Behavior> Tag - This element determines the eligibility / restrictions on the selected extra service. Possible values listed below:

<Behavior>PER_PAX_OUTBOUND</Behavior>: Extra service is applicable for each passenger for Out-Bound flight.

<Behavior>PER_PAX_INBOUND</Behavior>: Extra service is applicable for each passenger for IN-Bound flight.

Description Tag - This element determines a brief description of the selected Meal Service. Possible values listed below

<Description>Child Menu 36.04 GBP</Description>

<Description>Diabetes Menu 36.04 GBP</Description>

<Description>Gluten-free Menu 36.04 GBP</Description>

<Description>Kosher menu 36.04 GBP</Description>

<Description>Halal Menu 36.04 GBP</Description>

<Description>No Lactose Menu 36.04 GBP</Description> ETC

Example of MEAL:

BookFlight API - Request

In BookFlight API request, extra services id need to be passed as per the passenger needs under AirTravelers nested tag. Please find the attached logs for more inputs on the placeholder.

TripDetails API.

TripDetails API need to be called to validate the services purchased.

Failed to lookup view "BAirLowFareSearchGzip" in views directory "/views"

Error: Failed to lookup view "BAirLowFareSearchGzip" in views directory "/views"
    at Function.render (/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:580:17)
    at ServerResponse.render (/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:1012:7)
    at /routes/index.js:1228:11
    at /node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:5082:18
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11)
  • POST CreateSession
  • POST AirLowFareSearch
  • POST AirRevalidate
  • POST BookFlight
  • POST AirRules
  • POST TripDetails
  • POST TicketOrder
  • POST AddBookingNotes
  • POST CancelBooking
  • POST MessageQueues
  • POST RemoveMessageQueues

API Request CreateSession

API Response



CreateSession API is called based on the user information to generate a session ID, which will be used by the user to perform all API calls.

REST - Endpoint and Methods
Create Session Request - /api/CreateSession Data Description
Parameter Required Example/Type Description
Password Yes XXXXXXXX A mix of lowercase and uppercase and special characters.
AccountNumber Yes MCN00XXXX Account number starts with MCN, it is a unique number for your account.
UserName Yes XXXXXXX Generated username associated with the account number.

Create Session Response - /api/CreateSession Data Description
Success True/false Boolean Value to specify the Request status as Success or Failure
Data Nested JSON Indicates the Session ID
SessionId 3b417780-3aa1-4638-82a1-a2857d228f54 A unique Session ID will be generated to perform all the API calls.
Message --- An error occurred while processing your request

Create Session API Request - Sample JSON

Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool

Create Session API Request - Sample JSON

Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool

Create Session Search Error Codes:

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested.

Error MessageComments
Target cannot be null. Make sure that Target is mentioned as “Test” or “Production”
Usernamecannot be null Make sure that the username is mentioned as provided.
Invalid login credentials supplied Check if the credentials provided are used correctly.
Account Number cannot be null Make sure the Account Number is passed.
Password cannot be null Make sure the password is mentioned as provided.

Search v1


Search Version 1 is a single access to the Airline data to search the lowest and best fare very few parameters in the request but with many parameters in return

Search API Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Search API Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Search Version 1 – Request

API Method : /api/v1/Search/Flight

"OriginDestinationInformations": [], Open "OriginDestinationInformations"
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-03T00:00:00", Departure city Date and Time
"DepartureWindow": Obsolete Functionality yet to be defined - Future
"ArrivalWindow": Obsolete Functionality yet to be defined - Future
"OriginLocationCode": "DXB", Departure city code
"DestinationLocationCode": "BLR", Destination city code
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-13T00:00:00", Arrival city Date and Time
"OriginLocationCode": "DXB", Departure city code
"DestinationLocationCode": "BLR" Destination city code
"TravelPreferences": {}, Open:"TravelPreferences"
"MaxStopsQuantity": "Direct", "OneStop" and "All", To Specify the option of the flight only 1 value
"VendorPreferenceCodes": [], Include the Specific airline in results
"XX" Two letter code of the airline
"VendorExcludeCodes": [], Exclude the Specific airline in results
"XX" Two letter code of the airline
"CabinPreference": "Y", "S", "C", "F", Y=Economy,C=Business,F=First & S=Premium Economy, only 1 option to be passed
"Preferences": {}, Open -"Preferences"
"CabinClassPreference": {}, Open - "CabinClassPreference"
"CabinType": "Y", "S", "C", "F", Y=Economy,C=Business,F=First & S=Premium Economy, only 1 option to be passed
"PreferenceLevel": Preferred/Restricted Preferred - Lowest fare available results will be listed Restricted - Only Particular class preferences will be listed
"AirTripType": "OneWay","Return", "OpenJaw" & "Circle" Type of trip returned by the search, one of the values need to be passed
"PricingSourceType": "Public","Private", & "All" Public, Private-Scheduled Airline fare. WebFare-LCC Airline fares.
"PassengerTypeQuantities": [], Open "PassengerTypeQuantities"
"Code": "ADT", "CHD", and "INF" Passenger Type Adult Child or Infant
"Quantity": 1 Indicates the Number of Passenger (Total number of pax should not exceed more than 9 pax)
"RequestOptions": "Fifty","Hundred","TwoHundred" Number of flight results given in response
"Nationality": "string", 2 letter Country code (Optional)
"Target": "Test", "Production", Environment to connect with Activity Linker LTD (it’s an identifier in the request)
"ConversationId": "string", Free Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end

Search Version 1 – Response
"AirItineraryPricingInfo": {}, Open “AirItineraryPricingInfo”
"DivideInPartyIndicator": string, We will provide, if we get the response form Supplier
"FareInfos": [], Open “FareInfos”
"FareReference": "T" Departure Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"FareReference": "X" Arrival Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"FareSourceCode": XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"FareType": "Private" “Private” “Webfare”, Indicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates the carrier is an LCC.
"IsRefundable": true/false, This gives an information if the itinerary is refundable or not.
"ItinTotalFare": {}, Fare details information.
"BaseFare": {}, Base fare in local currency
"Amount": "2430.00", Total base fare value in Local currency
"CurrencyCode": "INR", Base fare in Local currency (Origin country)
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "34.18", Equivalent amount shown is set, as per account the configuration.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code, as per account the configuration.
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TotalFare": {}, Total fare Tag
"Amount": "254.29", Total amount of fare.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TotalTax": {}, Total Taxes information
"Amount": "220.11", Total tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"PTC_FareBreakdowns": [], Passenger wise fare break down details
"BaggageInfo": [], Check-in baggage information
"25KG", Departure bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"25KG" Arrival Bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"CabinBaggageInfo": [], Cabin baggage information
"SB", SB indicated to standard baggage, as per airline policy.
"SB" SB indicated to standard baggage, as per airline policy.
"FareBasisCodes": [], Airline fare basis information
"TEXAPIN1", Departure fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"XEXARIN1" Arrival fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"PassengerFare": {}, Total fare breakdown
"BaseFare": {}, Base fare breakdown
"Amount": "2430.00", Base fare value
"CurrencyCode": "INR", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "34.18", Equivalent amount for base fare
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Surcharges": [], If provided by the supplier details will be added (Surcharge is part of the base fare)
"Taxes": [], Taxes break down
"Amount": "20.49", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "AE4" Tax code
"Amount": "9.56", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "F62" Tax code
"Amount": "1.38", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "TP" Tax code
"Amount": "1.38", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "ZR" Tax code
"Amount": "1.38", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "ZR2" Tax code
"Amount": "9.27", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "IN" Tax code
"Amount": "156.55", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "YQ" Tax code
"TotalFare": {}, Total fare value
"Amount": "254.29", Total fare amount
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"PassengerTypeQuantity": {}, Number of passenger
"Code": "ADT", Passenger type code
"Quantity": 1 Quantity of specific passenger type
"PenaltiesInfo": [], Penalties information
"Allowed": true/false, True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They don’t support the functionality
"Amount": "154.72", Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"PenaltyType": "Cancel" Type of the Penalty supported.
"Allowed": true/false, True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They don’t support the functionality
"Amount": "56.26", Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"PenaltyType": "Exchange" Type of the Penalty supported.
"DirectionInd": "Return", Indicates the direction of the itinerary
"IsPassportMandatory": Obsolete, Read RequiredFieldsToBook
"OriginDestinationOptions": [], OriginDestinationOption specifies the opening tag for every sector
"FlightSegments": [], All the legs in the itinerary will be shown
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "DXB", IATA code of the airport, the flight is scheduled to arrive (As per arrival time zone)
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-02-03T22:50:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"CabinClassCode": "Y", "S", "C", "F"Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy or First Class
"CabinClassText": "", Basic / Lite Provided data by the supplier
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "BLR", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-03T20:10:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Eticket": true/false, Specifies the type of the ticket
"FlightNumber": "567", Indicates the number of the flight
"JourneyDuration": 250, Duration of the flight in minutes
"MarketingAirlineCode": "EK", Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup": "O", Group code for the marriage code
"MealCode": "", AVML Meal Code will be passed if provided by Airline
"OperatingAirline": {}, OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code": "EK", Airline IATA Code
"Equipment": "77W", Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"FlightNumber": "567" Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode": "T", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"ResBookDesigText": "" Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"SeatsRemaining": {}, Information shows on the number of seats available
"BelowMinimum": false, Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"Number": 7 Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"StopQuantityInfo": {}, Stopovers. Note - This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for that itinerary
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"Duration": 0, Duration of the stopover
"LocationCode": "" Location of the stopover
"FlightSegments": [], All the legs in the itinerary will be shown
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "BLR", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-02-13T08:50:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time (As per arrival time zone)
"CabinClassCode": "Y", "S", "C", "F"Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy or First Class
"CabinClassText": Basic / Lite Provided data by the supplier
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "DXB", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-13T03:40:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Eticket": true, Specifies the type of the ticket
"FlightNumber": "564", Indicates the number of the flight
"JourneyDuration": 220, Duration of the flight in minutes
"MarketingAirlineCode": "EK", Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup": "O", Group code for the marriage code
"MealCode": AVML Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"OperatingAirline": {}, OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code": "EK", Airline IATA Code
"Equipment": "77W", Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"FlightNumber": "564" Number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode": "X", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"ResBookDesigText": "" Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"SeatsRemaining": {}, Information shows on the number of seats available
"BelowMinimum": true/false, Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"Number": 7 Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"StopQuantityInfo": {}, Stopovers. Note - This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for that itinerary
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"Duration": 0, Duration of the stopover
"LocationCode": "" Location of the stopover
"PaxNameCharacterLimit": 60, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s name including spaces and title
"RequiredFieldsToBook": [], All possible fields which are mandatory for booking, as shown below.
"Passport", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Passport No", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"DOB", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PassengerNationality", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PostCode", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Gender", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Email", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"IssueCountry", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ExpiredOn", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Title", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ContactNumber" Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"SequenceNumber": 1, Specifies the itineraries sequence number in the search
"TicketType": "eTicket", Specifies the type of the ticket
"ValidatingAirlineCode": "EK" Specifies the validation Airline
"Success": true/false, Returns the search status in a Boolean
"Target": "Test" “Production”, Target specified in the request captured an passed in the response
"Success": true /false Returns the search status in a Boolean

Points to be Noted

"PreferenceLevel": Preferred - Is always Recommended.

Available - The search response will show the itineraries with the specific cabin class given in the request ordered by cheapest to highest available fare.
Not Available - If the given specific cabin class is Not Available then our system will share the list of available classes in the response.

"PreferenceLevel": Restricted - Is only recommended when you are looking for a cabin class and want itineraries only with that specified cabin class.

Available - The search response will only show those itineraries which has the specified cabin class in search request.
Not Available - The search response will return a valid error “Flights not found for the given search condition”.

Search v2


Search Version 2 is a single access to the Airline data to search the lowest and best fare very few parameters
in the request but with many parameters in return

Search Version 2 includes a new feature of the Branded fares/Fare families in the response.

Search Version 2 – Request
{ Open - Nested Tag
"OriginDestinationInformations": [ Open - "OriginDestinationInformations"
{ Open - Nested Tag
"DepartureDateTime": "2019-12-27T04:12:58.593Z", Departure city Date and Time
"DepartureWindow": "string", Date and time for the departure of the flight
"ArrivalWindow": "string", Date and time for the departure of the flight
"OriginLocationCode": "MEL", Departure city code
"DestinationLocationCode": "DXB", Destination city code
} Closed Nested tag
], Closed Nested tag
"TravelPreferences": { Open:"TravelPreferences"
"MaxStopsQuantity": "Direct", "OneStop", "All", To Specify the option of the flight
"VendorPreferenceCodes": [ Include the Specific airline in results
"EY" Two letter code of the airline
], Closed Nested tag
"VendorExcludeCodes": [ Exclude the Specific airline in results
"SU" Two letter code of the airline
], Closed Nested tag
"CabinPreference": "Y", "S", "C", "F", Y=Economy,C=Business,F=First & S=Premium Economy
"Preferences": { Open - Nested Tag
"CabinClassPreference": { Open - "CabinClassPreference"
"PreferenceLevel": Preferred/Restricted "Preferred - Lowest fare available results shown Restricted - Only specified class results shown"
} Closed Nested tag
}, Closed Nested tag
"AirTripType": "OneWay","Return", "OpenJaw" & "Circle" Type of trip returned by the search.
}, Closed Nested tag
"PricingSourceType": "Public","Private", & "All" "Public & Private are Scheduled Airline fare. WebFare are LCC Airline fares."
"PassengerTypeQuantities": [ Open : "PassengerTypeQuantities"
{ Open - Nested Tag
"Code": "ADT", "CHD", and "INF" Types of the Passenger Adult Child or Infant
"Quantity": 1 Indicates the Number of Passenger
} Closed Nested tag
], Closed Nested tag
"RequestOptions": "Fifty","Hundred","TwoHundred" Number of flight results given in resposne
"Nationality": "string", 2 letter Country code
"Target": "Test", "Prod", Envioronment to connect with Activity Linker LTD
"ConversationId": "string", Free Text - can be used for Tracking
} Closed Nested tag

Search Version 2 – Response

Search Version 2 divided into Six components as mentioned below:

  • FlightSegmentList
  • ItineraryReferenceList
  • FulfillmentDetailsList
  • PenaltiesInfoList
  • PricedItineraries
  • FlightFaresList

Flight Segment List:

From the "PricedItineraries" component the tag "SegmentRef" should be mapped with "FlightSegmentList" component with the tag "SegmentRef" to get segment details such as Flight number, City pair, Date of travel etc.

Flight Segment List – Details
FlightSegmentList: [ FlightSegmentList: Nested Tag
{ FlightSegmentList: Open Tag
"SegmentRef": 0, Unique Identification number associated with the flight number."0"= 1st flight details
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "MEL", Indicates- 3 letter code of departure city
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "KUL", Indicates- 3 letter code of Arrival city
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-27T07:45:00", Indicates- Depature time of the flight
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-02-27T15:25:00", Indicates- Arrival time of the flight
"stops": 1, Indicates- Number of stopover within a Segment
"JourneyDuration": 640, Indicates- duration of flight in minutes.
"Equipment": "738", Indicates- Type of an Aircraft
"OperatingCarrierCode": "OD", Indicates- 2 letter Airline code who has the operational control of an Aircraft
"OperatingFlightNumber": "178", Indicates- Flight number of an Operating carrier who has the operational control of an Aircraft
"MarketingCarriercode": "OD", Indicates- carrier who sells the Flight ticket.
"MarketingFlightNumber": "178", Indicates- Number of the Flight of Marketing carrier who sells the Flight Ticket
"StopQuantityInfos": [ [ "StopQuantityInfos" Nested Tag
{ "StopQuantityInfos" Open tag
"LocationCode": "DPS", Stop Over 3 letter city code
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-02-27T11:25:00", Stop Over city Arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-27T12:25:00", Stop Over city Departure date and time
"Duration": 60 Total Stop Over duration time
} "StopQuantityInfos" Closed tag
] "StopQuantityInfos" Nested Tag
}, FlightSegmentList: Closed Tag
] FlightSegmentList: Nested Tag

Itinerary Reference List:

From the "PricedItineraries" component the tag "ItineraryRef" should be mapped with "ItineraryReferenceList" component with the tag "ItineraryRef" to get the Itinerary details such as Class, Baggage, FareFamily etc.

Itinerary Reference List – Details
"ItineraryReferenceList": [ ItineraryReferenceList Nested Tag
{ ItineraryReferenceList Open Tag
"ItineraryRef": 0, "Unique Identification number associated with the flight number. ""0""= 1st flight details"
"CabinClassCode": "Y", Y=Economy,C=Business,F=First & S=Premium Economy
"RBD": "B", Reservation Booking designator
"FareFamily": "Free Text", different Fare options provided by Airline
"SeatsRemaining": 9, Indicates the remaining Seats for sale
"FareAttribute": "Next Version", Next Version,
"CheckinBaggage": [ [ Open "CheckinBaggage"
{ Open Nested Tag
"Type": "ADT", Types of the Passenger Adult Child or Infant
"Value": "1PC", "23KG" No Check-in of Baggage in PC or Weight in KG
} Closed "CheckinBaggage"
], Closed Nested Tag
"CabinBaggage": [ [ Open : "CabinBaggage"
{ Open Nested Tag
"Type": "ADT", Types of the Passenger Adult Child or Infant
"Value": "SB" No carry bag of Baggage in weight
} Closed : "CabinBaggage"
], Closed Nested Tag
"FareBasisCodes": [] Detail of Fare Basis.
}, Closed Nested Tag

Fulfillment Details List:

From the "PricedItineraries" component the tag "FulfillmentDetailsRef” should be mapped with “FulfillmentDetailsList" component with the tag "FulfillmentDetailsRef" to get the Fulfillment details such as the TAT for Exchange, Refund etc.

Fulfillment Details List – Details
FulfillmentDetailsList: [ Open : FulfillmentDetailsList
{ Open Nested Tag
"FulfillmentDetailsRef": 0, Reference ID of Fulfillment
"ExchangeTATinMinutes": "60", Time limit for Ticket Exchange
"RefundTATinMinutes": "120", Time Limit for Ticket Refund
"TicketingTATinMinutes": "45", Time Limit for Ticket issuance
"VoidTATinMinutes": "30" Time limit for voiding ticket
}, Closed Nesteg Tag
], Closed : FulfillmentDetailsList

Penalties Info List:

From the "PricedItineraries" component the tag "PenaltiesInfoRef” should be mapped with “PenaltiesInfoList" component with the tag "PenaltiesInfoRef" to get the penalty details such as Exchange, Refund etc.

Penalties Info List – Details
PenaltiesInfoList: [ Open : PenaltiesInfoList
{ Open Nested Tag
"PenaltiesInfoRef": 0, Penalties Reference Number
"Penaltydetails": [ Open : Penaltydetails
{ Open Nested Tag
"PaxType": "ADT", Types of the Passenger Adult Child or Infant
"RefundPenaltyAmount": 74.40, Penalty amount for Refund
"RefundAllowed": true, Indicates if refund is permitted or not permitted
"Currency": USD, Country code if the currency
"ChangePenaltyAmount": 75.04, Penalty amount for Changes
"ChangeAllowed": true/false Indicates if Changes is permitted or not permitted
} Closed Nested Tag
] Closed Nested Tag
}, Closed Nested Tag
] Closed : PenaltiesInfoList

Flight Fares List:

From the "PricedItineraries" component the tag "FareRef” should be mapped with “"FlightFaresList"" component with the tag "FareRef" to get the fare details such as Basefare, Taxes, Currency, Faretype etc.

Flight Fares List – Details
FlightFaresList: [ Open : FlightFaresList
{ Open Nested Tag
"FareRef": 0, Refernce number for the fare
"FareType": "Public", Public, Private and WebFare
"Currency": "USD", Country code if the currency
"PassengerFare": [ Open : PassengerFare
{ Open Nested Tag
"PaxType": "ADT", Types of the Passenger Adult Child or Infant
"Quantity": 1, Indicates the Number of Passenger
"BaseFare": "91.16", Amount of Base fare
"TaxBreakUp": [ Open : TaxBreakUp
{ Open Nested Tag
"Amount": "10.87", Amount of Tax
"TaxCode": "D5" Tax code
}, Closed Nested Tag
{ Open Nested Tag
"Amount": "14.49", Amount of Tax
"TaxCode": "YQ" Tax code
}, Closed Nested Tag
{ Open Nested Tag
"Amount": "3.71", Amount of Tax
"TaxCode": "YR" Tax code
} Closed Nested Tag
], Closed : TaxBreakUp
"TotalFare": "120.23" Total Amount Base fare + Tax
} Closed Nested Tag
] Closed Nested Tag
}, Closed Nested Tag
] Closed Nested Tag

Priced Itineraries:

Priced Itineraries component includes the unique FareSource Code for the selected itinerary.

flow image

  • Priced Itineraries tag should be mapped "FlightSegmentList" component with the tag "SegmentRef"
  • Priced Itineraries tag should be mapped "ItineraryReferenceList" component with the tag "ItineraryRef"
  • Priced Itineraries tag should be mapped “FulfillmentDetailsList" component with the tag "FulfillmentDetailsRef"
  • Priced Itineraries tag should be mapped "ItineraryReferenceList" component with the tag "ItineraryRef"
  • Priced Itineraries tag should be mapped “FlightFaresList" component with the tag "FareRef"
  • Priced Itineraries tag should be mapped “PenaltiesInfoList" component with the tag "PenaltiesInfoRef"

Flight Fares List – Details
PricedItineraries: [ Open : PricedItineraries
{ Open Nested Tag
"FareSourceCode": "R0h82uw8uwlZ=", FSC is unique identification no
"ValidatingCarrier": "QF", 2 letter code of Validating carrier
"OriginDestinations": [ Open : OriginDestinations"
{ Open Nested Tag
"ItineraryRef": 0, Reference no for the Itinerary
"SegmentRef": 0, Reference no of the segment
"LegIndicator": 0 Reference no of the each sector
}, Closed : OriginDestinations"
{ Open Nested Tag
"ItineraryRef": 1, Reference no for the Itinerary
"SegmentRef": 1, Reference no of the segment
"LegIndicator": 0 Reference no of the each sector
} Closed Nesed Tag
], Closed Nesed Tag
"FareRef": 0, Reference number for the selected Fare
"PenaltiesInfoRef": 0, Reference number for the selected Fare
"FulfillmentDetailsRef": 0 Reference number for the selected Fare
}, Closed Nesed Tag
] Closed Nesed Tag

Points to be Noted:

"LegIndicator" – This tag contains the number of each sector

  • OneWay Trip:

    BOM-DEL = "LegIndicator" 0

  • Return Trip:

    BOM-DEL = "LegIndicator" 0
    DEL-BOM = "LegIndicator" 1.

  • Return Trip with Stop Over:

    BOM-DEL = "LegIndicator" 0
    DEL-BLR = "LegIndicator" 1.
    BLR-BOM = "LegIndicator" 1.

  • Multicity Trip:

    BOM-DEL = "LegIndicator" 0
    DEL-LHR = "LegIndicator" 1
    LHR-DXB = "LegIndicator" 2.
    DXB-BLR = "LegIndicator" 3.

Search V2 flow Mapping

flow diagram

Search V2: Grouped Items - Mapping

Grouped Items - Mapping

ATA Info List :

This Fare Attribute passed in the Search response will give you the complete information about the Baggage, Meal, FlightsDetails along with FareFamilyName, Change fee, and Refund penalty for the selected Itinerary.

ataInfo mapping diagram

CodeNameIndustry SubCodes - GroupIndustry Subcodes - sub-GroupSub CodeDescription
ARRLNGArrival lounge accessLG - Lounge014STANDARD LOUNGE ON ARRIVAL
CBNBGGHand baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand BaggageRefer to CBNBGG list
CHNGBLDate ChangesBF - Branded FaresVC - Voluntary Change055 or 059055 - CHANGE FEE059 - CHANGEABLE TICKET
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - BaggageRefer to CHKBGG list
CMPDMLComplimentary drinks and mealML - Meal/Beverage0B30ATOAV0AW0B3 - MEAL 10AX - SNACKS0AV - ALCOHOLIC DRINK0AW - NON ALCOHOLIC DRINK
XTRLRMExtra legroomBF - Branded FaresSE - Seat05ZPREMIUM SEAT
PTYIMMFast track immigrationTS - Travel ServicesFT - Fast Track029FAST TRACK
PTYSTYFast track securityTS - Travel ServicesSY - Security0LWPRIORITY SECURITY
PTYSTFFast track security at transfersTS - Travel ServicesSY - Security0LWPRIORITY SECURITY
TRNSPOGround transportationGT - Ground Transportation and Non Air ServicesTF - Transfer$LI - Limo`0BR0BN0BR - TRANSFER0BN - CAR HIRE
PFDSTGPreferred seatingBF - Branded FaresSE - Seat05ZPREMIUM SEAT
PTYDSKPriority at transfer desksGT - Ground Transportation and Non Air ServicesTF - Transfer0BRTRANSFER
PTYBDOPriority baggageTS - Travel ServicesPY - Priority Baggage0LFPRIORITY BAGGAGE
PTYBDGPriority boardingTS - Travel ServicesPR - Priority Boarding0G6PRIORITY BOARDING
PTYCHKPriority check-inTS - Travel ServicesPO - Priority Check-in03PPRIORITY CHECK IN
REFUNDRefundabilityBF - Branded FaresRF - Refund056REFUNDABLE TICKET
SMEFLTSame day flight changeBF - Branded FaresVC - Voluntary Change08RSAME DAY AS ORIGINAL FLT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment$MI - Musical Instruments$SI - Specialty ItemsRefer to SEATSL list
SEATSLStandard seat selectionSA - Pre-reserved Seat Assignment0B5PRE RESERVED SEAT ASSIGNMENT
CodeNameIndustry SubCodes - GroupIndustry Subcodes - sub-GroupSub CodeDescription
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0LNCARRYON HAND BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0L5CARRY ON HAND BAGGAGE
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0M4CARRY4KG 9LB UPTO41LI 105LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MLCARRY5KG 11LBUPTO 45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MPCARRY6KG 13LB UPTO 45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MZCARRY6KG 13LB UPTO 46LI 118LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0M2CARRY7KG 15LB UPTO41LI 105LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0M3CARRY7KG 15LB UPTO45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MQCARRY8KG 18LB UPTO 45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage15CARRY8KG 18LB UPTO 43LI 110LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0M1CARRY8KG 18LB UPTO 46LI 118LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage01RCARRY 9KG 45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0M5CARRY 10KG 22LB UPTO39LI 100LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MJCARRY 10KG 22LB UPTO 45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage07JCARRY 10KG 22LB UPTO 46LI
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage10CARRY ON BAGGAGE
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MRCARRY 12KG 26LB UPTO45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MYCARRY12KG 26LB UPTO46LI 118LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MKCARRY15KG 33LBUPTO 45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MTCARRY 16KG 35LB UPTO45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MXCARRY 16KG 35LB UPTO46LI 118LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MSCARRY 18KG 40LB UPTO45LI 115LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage05DCARRY 20KG UPTO 55X40X20CM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MOCARRY UPTO 50LB 23KG AND 50LI 127CM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage04JLAPTOP OR HANDBAG UPTO85LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MWCARRY ON UP TO 36 LI 92 LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MMCARRY ON UP TO 40LI 101 LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MUCARRY ON UP TO 45 LI 115 LCM
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0NOSPECIAL CABIN BAGGAGE
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage03VCARRY ON MUSICAL INSTRUMENT
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage0MNPET IN CABIN
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage21PET IN CABIN UP TO 8 KG
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage08GCARRY ON 10LB
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage77CARRY ON 3KG 7LB
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage08ACARRY 10KG 22LB UPTO 55L X 40W X 25H
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage08BCARRY 15KG 33LB UPTO 55L X 40W X 25H
CBNBGGCabin baggageBG - BaggageCY - Carry On Hand Baggage76CARRY 16KG 35LB UPTO 51LI 130LCM
CodeNameIndustry SubCodes - GroupSub CodeDescription
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0AAPRE PAID BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0CVUP TO 3KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0CWUP TO 11LB 5KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E1UP TO 11LB 5KG AND 45LI 115LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0CXUP TO 6KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0CYUP TO 9KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0I5UPTO118LI 300LCM BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0I6OVER 118LI 300LCM BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0POOVER 115LI AND 292LCM BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0K2UPTO80LI 203LCM OVERSIZE BAG
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0DKOVER80 LI 203 LCM OVERSIZE BAG
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0ELUPTO115LI 292LCM OVERSIZE BAG
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E3UPTO 22LB 10KG AND45LI 115LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0CZUPTO22LB 10KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E4UPTO22LB 10KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage02SUP TO 10KG AND OVER 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage03CUP TO 22LB 10KG AND 80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage02VUPTO10KG AND OVER 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E5UPTO22LB 10KG AND85LI 215LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C0UPTO12KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage44UP TO 31LB 14KG AND 55LI 140LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0KXUPTO31LB 14KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C1UPTO33LB 15KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0GTUPTO33LB 15KG AND45LI 115LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0LMUPTO33LB 15KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0LKUPTO33LB 15KG OVER62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage02UUPTO15KG AND OVER 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0J8UPTO35LB 16KG AND55LI 140LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage03HUP TO 35LB 16KG AND 62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage04BUPTO40LB 18KG AND 62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C2UPTO44LB 20KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0LXUPTO44LB 20KG AND45LI 115LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JHUPTO44LB 20KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0LLUPTO44LB 20KG OVER62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage02TUPTO20KG AND OVER 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C3UPTO50LB 23KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JTUPTO50LB 23KG MAX59IN 150CM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0J0UPTO50LB 23KG MAX79IN 200CM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FCUPTO50LB 23KG AND45LI 115LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E8UPTO50LB 23KG AND55LI 140LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0GOUPTO50LB 23KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FAUPTO50LB 23KG OVER62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0GPUPTO50LB 23KG AND80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0IZUPTO50LB 23KG AND81LI 208LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FBUPTO50LB 23KG OVER80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E9UPTO50LB 23KG AND85LI 215LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E6UPTO50LB 23KG AND109LI 277LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E7UPTO50LB 23KG AND115LI 292LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JLUPTO50LB 23KG AND126LI 320LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JOUPTO50LB 23KG AND130LI 330LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0M6OVER 50LB 23KG
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C4UPTO55LB 25KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage03QUPTO 55LB 25KG AND 45LI 115LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0G7UPTO55LB 25KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0G8UPTO55LB 25KG AND80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0MBUPTO55LB 25KG OVER80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JZUPTO55LB 25KG AND160LI 406LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0K1UPTO62LB 28KG AND45LI 115LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FDUPTO62LB 28KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage03IUP TO 62LB 28KG AND 80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage03JUP TO 62LB 28KGOVER 80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C5UPTO66LB 30KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FLUPTO66LB 30KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C6UPTO70LB 32KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FGUPTO70LB 32KG AND45LI 115LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JJUPTO70LB 32KG AND55LI 140LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0KBUPTO70LB 32KG OVER55LI 140LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0J1UPTO70LB 32KG MAX59IN150CM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JUUPTO70LB 32KG MAX79IN 200CM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0J2UPTO70LB 32KG OVER79IN 200CM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FMUPTO70LB 32KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FJUPTO70LB 32KG OVER62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FNUPTO70LB 32KG AND80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FKUPTO70LB 32KG OVER80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0I0UPTO70LB 32KG AND81LI 208LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0PZOVERWEIGHT 24KG 32KG AND 208LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FHUPTO70LB 32KG AND85LI 215LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FIUPTO70LB 32KG AND90LI 230LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FEUPTO70LB 32KG AND109LI 277LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0FFUPTO70LB 32KG AND115LI 292LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JMUPTO70LB 32KG AND126LI 320LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JPUPTO70LB 32KG AND130LI 330LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0P1OVERSIZE 32KG AND 330LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C7UPTO35KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0NEUPTO77LB 35KG AND 65LI 165LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C8UPTO88LB 40KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0C9UPTO100LB 45KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EWUPTO100LB 45KG AND 62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EZUPTO100LB 45KG OVER62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0GNUPTO100LB 45KG AND80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E0UPTO100LB 45KG OVER80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EXUPTO100LB 45KG AND 85LI 215LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EYUPTO100LB 45KG AND 90LI 230LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0J6UPTO100LB 45KG AND107LI 272LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0K0UPTO100LB 45KG AND109IN 277CM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EVUPTO100LB 45KG AND115LI 292LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JNUPTO100LB 45KG AND126LI 320LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0I7UPTO110LB 50KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0J3UPTO110LB 50KG MAX79IN 200CM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JWUPTO110LB 50KG OVER79IN 200CM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0E2UPTO110LB 50KG AND 62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage27UPTO 110LB 50KG AND 80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage35UP TO 110LB 50KG OVER 80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JVUPTO110LB 50KG AND115LI 292LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0JQUPTO134LB 61KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0GYUPTO143LB 65KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage48UPTO152LB 69KG AND 80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0GXUPTO170LB 77KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0GZUPTO198LB 90KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0I8OVER110LB 50KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0DQOVER100LB 45KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EROVER100LB 45KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EPOVER100LB 45KG AND80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EQOVER100LB 45KG OVER80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0ESOVER70LB 32KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0ETOVER70LB 32KG AND62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0EUOVER70LB 32KG OVER62LI 158LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0M8OVER70LB 32KG AND80LI 203LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage04ACAR SEAT
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0IJEXCESS PIECE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0IKEXCESS WEIGHT
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0IDEXCESS SIZE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage08PUPTO 25LB 11KG
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage08KUPTO 55LB 25KG AND 51LI 130LCM
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage72UPTO60LB 27KG BAGGAGE
CHKBGGChecked baggageBG - Baggage0DABETWEEN 51 LB 24 KG AND 70 LB 32 KG
CodeNameATPCO GroupATPCO SubgroupATPCO CodeDescription
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0F8SPORTING EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EHSPORTING EQUIPMENT LARGE
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EGSPORTING EQUIPMENT MEDIUM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EFSPORTING EQUIPMENT SMALL
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0J9POLEVAULTEQUIP UPTO22LB 10KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KAPOLEVAULTEQUIP UPTO44LB 20KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KJS EQ UPTO50LB 23KGAND62LI 158C
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GCSPORT EQUIP SMALL DIMENSIONS
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0I1SPORTEQPUPTO50 23AND81LI 208CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment53SPORTING EQUIPMENT 23KG 330LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment54SPORTING EQUIPMENT 32KG 330LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KKS EQ UPTO70LB 32KGAND62LI 158C
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0K6SPORTS EQUIP UPTO100LB45KG80LI
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0K7OVERWEIGHT SPORTS EQUIP 1
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0K8OVERWEIGHT SPORTS EQUIP 2
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0LSSPORTUPTO100 45AND130LI 330LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment28AMMUNITION
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FOARCHERY EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OFARCHERY EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OGARCHERY EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0O0ALPINIST EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0O1ALPINIST EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FRBOOGIE BOARD
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0N3BOOGIE BOARD UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0N4BOOGIE BOARD UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FSBOWLING EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PYBOWLING EQUIP UP TO 15KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KLBOWLING EQUIP UPTO50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KMBOWLING EQUIP UPTO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0ECBICYCLE
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FPBICYCLE UP TO 33LB 15 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HYBICYCLE UP TO 50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FQBICYCLE UP TO 70LB 32 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NXBICYCLE UP TO 45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment51BICYCLE UP TO 110LB 50KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0JABICYCLE UP TO 80LI 203LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0JBBICYCLE OVER 80LI 203LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment07VBOARDS OVER 2M AND UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment07RBOARDS OVER 2M AND UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment07PBOARDS UP TO 2M AND 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment07QBOARDS UP TO 2M AND 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FTCANOE OR KAYAK WITH OARS
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PACANOE KAYAK W OARS UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PBCANOE KAYAK W OARS UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0IUCAMPING EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment03MSTANDUP PADDLING EQPT UPTO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment03NSTANDUP PADDLING EQPT UPTO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EDSPORTING FIREARMS
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HWSPORT FIREARMS UP TO 50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment04USPORT FIREARMS UP TO 50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HXSPORT FIREARMS UP TO 70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment04VSPORT FIREARMS UP TO 70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment65SPORTING FIREARMS UPTO 110LB 50KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment05SFENCING EQPMT UPTO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment05RFENCING EQPMT UPTO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0D6FISHING EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FWFISHING EQUIPMENT UP TO 15 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FVFISHING EQUIPMENT OVER 15 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0L1FISHING EQUIPMENT UPTO44LB 20KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HUFISHING EQUIPMENTUPTO50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HVFISHING EQUIPMENTUPTO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0DCGOLF EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0D4GOLF EQUIPMENT UP TO 15 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0D5GOLF EQUIPMENT OVER15KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KCGOLF EQUIPMENT UP TO 22LB 10KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FYGOLF EQUIPMENT UP TO 44LB 20 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FXGOLF EQUIPMENT OVER 44LB 20 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HQGOLF EQUIPMENT UP TO 50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HRGOLF EQUIPMENT UP TO 70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NPGOLF EQUIPMENT UP TO 45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0F0HOCKEY EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KNHOCKEY EQUIP UPTO50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KOHOCKEY EQUIP UPTO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment52HOCKEY EQUIP UPTO 110LB 50KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0FZHANG GLIDING EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OOHANG GLIDING EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OPHANG GLIDING EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0O7HORSE RIDING EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0O8HORSE RIDING EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0O4INLINE SKATES EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0O5INLINE SKATES EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0F1JAVELIN
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PGJAVELIN UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PHJAVELIN UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0G0KITE SURFBOARD
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0LYKITE SURFBOARD UPTO22LB 10KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KSKITE SURFBOARD UPTO50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KTKITE SURFBOARD UPTO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0G4LONGBOARD
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OULONGBOARD UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OVLONGBOARD UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0L3OARS
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KUPARAGLIDER
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OLPARACHUTE EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OMPARACHUTE EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0F3POLE VAULT EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PJPOLE VAULT EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PKPOLE VAULT EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PLPOLE VAULT EQPMT UP TO 45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PDRUBBER DINGHY BOAT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PERUBBER DINGHY BOAT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PFRUBBER DINGHY BOAT UP TO 45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EBRUCKSACK OR KNAPSACK
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EASLEEPING BAG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0ISSKATEBOARD
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0ORSKATEBOARD EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OSSKATEBOARD EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EESCUBA EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0F6SCUBA EQUIPMENT UP TO 15 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0F5SCUBA EQUIPMENT OVER 15 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0LZSCUBA EQUIPMENT UP TO44LB 20KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HZSCUBA EQUIPMENT UP TO50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0H0SCUBA EQUIPMENT UP TO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0N1SCUBA EQUIPMENT UP TO 45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GDSURFBOARD
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GHSURFBOARD UPTO50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GGSURFBOARD UPTO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0N2SURFBOARD UP TO 45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GESURFBOARD UP TO 42IN 107CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0ILSURFBOARD UP TO 59IN 150CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0IMSURFBOARD OVER 59IN 150CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0JRSURFBOARD UPTO98IN 250CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0D8SURFBOARD UPTO109IN 277CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0D9SURFBOARD OVER109IN 277CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0DDSKI EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PXSKI EQUIP UP TO 15KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0F7SKI EQUIPMENT OVER 15 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0JCSKI EQUIPMENT UP TO 22LB 10KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0JDSKI EQUIPMENT OVER 22LB 10KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0L0SKI EQUIPMENT UP TO 44LB 20KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HSSKI EQUIPMENT UP TO 50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0HTSKI EQUIPMENT UP TO 70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0G1SLED OR SLEDGE
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KPSLED OR SLEDGE UPTO50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KQSLED OR SLEDGE UPTO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment07WSCOOTER UP TO 50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0K9SKIM BOARD
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EISNOWBOARD
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NRSNOWBOARD EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NSSNOWBOARD EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NTSNOWBOARD EQPMT UP TO 45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0KRSNOWBOARD UPTO109IN 277CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0ITTENNIS EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OXTENNIS SQUASH BADMINTON EQPMT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OYTENNIS SQUASH BADMINTON EQPMT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NYTANDEM BICYCLE UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NZTANDEM BICYCLE UP TO 32 KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OAWAVEBOARD EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OBWAVEBOARD EQPMT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0G3WAKEBOARD
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0N7WAKEBOARD UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0N8WAKEBOARD UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0PWWATER SKI EQUIP UP TO 15KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NUWATER SKI EQUIPMENT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0NVWATER SKI EQUIPMENT UP TO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0G2WATER SKI EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment07SSKI OR SNOWBOARD EQT UPTO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment07TSKI OR SNOWBOARD EQT UPTO 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GIWINDSURF EQUIPMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0ODWINDSURF EQPMT UP TO 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GQWINDSURF EQUIP UPTO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0EKWINDSURF EQUIP OVER70 LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GJWINDSURF OVER 98 IN 250CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0OEWINDSURF EQPMT UP TO 45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GKWINDSURF UP TO 109 IN 277CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment0GLWINDSURF OVER 109 IN 277CM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSP - Sporting Equipment74FOLDING KAYAK UP TO 50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0F2MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0KFMI UPTO50LB 23KGAND62LI 158LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0IYMI UPTO50LB 23KGAND80LI 203LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0I2MI UPTO50LB 23KGAND81LI 208LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0KGMI UPTO70LB 32KGAND62LI 158LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0IXMI UPTO70LB 32KGAND80LI 203LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0PRMI UP TO 32KG 330LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0JYMI UPTO100LB 45KGAND62LI 158LC
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0I3MI UPTO100LB 45KGAND130LI 330C
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments07MMI UPTO 100LB 45KGAND80LI 203LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments03WMUSICAL INSTRUMENT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageMI - Musical Instruments0D7MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0H1SPECIALTY ITEM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0KVANTLERS UP TO 50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0KWANTLERS UP TO 70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0KEANTLERS UP TO 62 LI 158 LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0EMANTLERS UP TO 120 INCHES
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0INBOXES
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0M7FUNERAL URN
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0IWGARMENT BAG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0IVGAME MEAT
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0KHGAME MEAT UPTO50LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0KIGAME MEAT UPTO70LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0GVAUDIO AND VIDEO COMPUTER EQUIP
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0IPMEDIA EQUIPMENT UPTO50 LB 23KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0IQMEDIA EQUIPMENT UPTO70 LB 32KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0IRMEDIA EQUIPMENT UPTO100LB45KG
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items12SHIP MODELS
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0JETELEVISION UP TO 29 LI 74LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0JFTELEVISION OVER 29 LI 74LCM
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0IOFRUITS AND VEGETABLES
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0GUFLOWERS OR PLANTS
SPCBGGSpecial baggageBG - BaggageSI - Specialty Items0GWDUFFEL OR B4 OR SEA BAG

FlightFareRules API


FlightFareRules API :

FlightFareRules API service provides the airline rules for the selected itinerary

Flight Fare Rules means applicable requirements or restrictions associated with a particular fare, including, but not limited to, whether a Ticket is refundable, class of service requirements, minimum/maximum stay requirements, or advance purchase ticketing requirements.

Fare Rules API response will provide the complete information regarding baggage, Airline, penalty and complete fare rules.

Points to be noted:
  • Fare rule API should be performed from Fare Source Code(FSC) of Revalidation Response to get accurate Fare Rule as per Airline.
  • Fare Rule API(Web-Fare), we are passing the airline fare rule URL in Response for LCC carrier.

Pre-Booking Process:

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Post-Booking Process:

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

FlightFareRules Version 1 – Request

API Method : /api/v1/FlightFareRules

"FareSourceCode": "XXXX", A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated - For Pre-Booking Fare Rule Request
"UniqueID": "MF11830888", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"Target": "Test" “Production” Target specified in the request captured an passed in the response
"ConversationId": "YitBeDYzQlhaN2dQaXhuTnFBaVFvY29"Free Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end

FlightFareRules Version 1 Response
"ConversationId": "", Free Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end
"Errors": [], Error message caused for the failures in Revalidation
"FareRules": [], FareRules passes the information with the following properties
"Airline": "EK", Specifies the name of the airline
"CityPair": "BLRDXB", Specifies the pair of the travel
"RuleDetails": [], RuleDetails passes the information with the following properties.
"Category": Indicates the category to which this rule belongs
Rules Rules are unique for every itinerary
"Success": true, Returns the search status in a Boolean
"Target": "Test" “Production” Target specified in the request and response
"Success": TRUE Returns the search status in a Boolean


Always read the baggage information from Search or Revalidation Response and not from FlightFareRules.

Error Codes
Error CodeValueDescription
EROTK001 SessionID cannot be null Make sure the SessionID is passed
EROTK002 Invalid SessionID Please check the SessionID
EROTK003 UniqueID cannot be null Unique MF number cannot be empty
ERFRU012 Fare rules not available Fare rules are not available for this itinerary
ERFRU013 Invalid SessionID Check the SessionID

Revalidation API


AirRevalidate API service verifies the availability of the fare for the selected itinerary.

Revalidation API Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Revalidation API Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Revalidation Version 1 – Request

API Method : /api/v1/Revalidate/Flight

"FareSourceCode": XXXXXXXXXXXX A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"Target": "Test", "Production", Environment to connect with Activity Linker LTD

Revalidation Version 1 – Response
"ConversationId": "XXXXX", Free Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end
"Errors": [], Error message caused for the failures in Revalidation
"IsValid": true, True-No changes in the selected itinerary.
False- Change in the selected itinerary. Ex: Fare, Class etc

Note : As a best practise the itinerary comparison should always be made between the search itinerary and revalidated itinerary to identify if there is any difference.

"PricedItineraries": [], All the itineraries returned will be in sequential order
"AirItineraryPricingInfo": {}, Information about the price for the itinerary
"DivideInPartyIndicator": string, We will provide, if we get the response from Supplier
"FareInfos": {}, Open “FareInfos”
"FareReference": "L" Departure Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"FareReference": "U" Arrival Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"FareSourceCode": XXXXXXXX A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"FareType": “Private" Indicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either Public or Private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates the carrier is an LCC.
"IsRefundable": true, indicates if the itinerary is refundable true/false.
"ItinTotalFare": {}, Fare details
"Amount": "9428.40", Total base fare value in Local currency
"CurrencyCode": "INR", Base fare in Local currency (Origin country)
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "132.62", Equivalent amount shown is set, as per account the configuration.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code, as per account the configuration.
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "358.80", Total amount of fare.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TotalTax": {}, Total Taxes information
"Amount": "226.18", Total tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed
"PTC_FareBreakdowns": [], Passenger wise fare break down
"BaggageInfo": [], Check-in baggage information
"25KG", Departure bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"30KG" Arrival Bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"CabinBaggageInfo": [], Cabin baggage information
"SB", SB indicated to standard baggage, as per airline policy.
"SB" SB indicated to standard baggage, as per airline policy.
"FareBasisCodes": [], Airline fare basis infromation
"LEXAPIN1", Departure fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"UEXESIN1" Arrival fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"PassengerFare": {}, Total fare breakdown
"BaseFare": {}, Base fare breakdown
"Amount": "9428.40", Base fare value
"CurrencyCode": "INR", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "132.62", Equivalent amount for base fare
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Surcharges": [], If provided by the supplier details will be added (Surcharge is part of the base fare)
"Taxes": [], Taxes break down
"Amount": "5.72", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "WO" Tax code
"Amount": "20.49", Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TaxCode": "AE" Tax code
"TotalFare": {}, Total fare value
"Amount": "358.80", Total fare amount
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"PassengerTypeQuantity": {}, Number of passenger
"Code": "ADT", Passenger type code
"Quantity": 1 Quantity of specific passenger type
"PenaltiesInfo": [], Penalties information
"Allowed": true, True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They don’t support the functionality
"Amount": "154.72", Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"PenaltyType": "Cancel" Type of the Penalty supported.
"Allowed": true, True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They don’t support the functionality
"Amount": "56.26", Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"PenaltyType": "Exchange" Type of the Penalty supported.
"DirectionInd": "Return", Indicates the direction of the itinerary
"IsPassportMandatory": true/false, Read RequiredFieldsToBook
"OriginDestinationOptions": [], OriginDestinationOption specifies the opening information for every sector
"FlightSegments": [], All the legs in the itinerary will be shown
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "DXB", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive (As per arrival time zone)
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-02-03T06:50:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"CabinClassCode": "Y", "S", "C", "F"Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy or First Class
"CabinClassText": "", Basic / Lite Provided data by the supplier
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "BLR", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-03T04:20:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Eticket": true/false, Specifies the type of the ticket
"FlightNumber": "569", Indicates the number of the flight
"JourneyDuration": 240, Duration of the flight in minutes
"MarketingAirlineCode": "EK", Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup": "O", Group code for the marriage code
"MealCode": "",
"OperatingAirline": {}, OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code": "EK", Airline IATA Code
"Equipment": "77W", Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"FlightNumber": "569" Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode": "L", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"ResBookDesigText": "", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"SeatsRemaining": {}, Information shows on the number of seats available
"BelowMinimum": true/false, Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"Number": 7 Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"StopQuantityInfo": {}, Stopovers. Note - This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for that itinerary
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"Duration": 0, Duration of the stopover
"LocationCode": "", Location of the stopover
"FlightSegments": [], All the legs in the itinerary will be shown
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "BLR", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-02-14T02:55:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time (As per arrival time zone)
"CabinClassCode": "Y", "S", "C", "F",Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy or First Class
"CabinClassText": "", Provided data by the supplier
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "DXB", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-13T21:50:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Eticket": true, Specifies the type of the ticket
"FlightNumber": "568", Indicates the number of the flight
"JourneyDuration": 215, Duration of the flight in minutes
"MarketingAirlineCode": "EK", Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup": "O", Group code for the marriage code
"MealCode": "",
"OperatingAirline": {}, OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code": "EK", Airline IATA Code
"Equipment": "77W", Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"FlightNumber": "568" Number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode": "U", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"ResBookDesigText": "", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"SeatsRemaining": {}, Information shows on the number of seats available
"BelowMinimum": true, Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum = true/false
"Number": 7 Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"StopQuantityInfo": {}, Stopovers. Note - This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for that itinerary
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"Duration": 0, Duration of the stopover
"LocationCode": "", Location of the stopover
"PaxNameCharacterLimit": 60, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s name including spaces and title
"RequiredFieldsToBook": [], All possible fields which are mandatory for booking, as shown below.
"Passport", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Passport No", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"DOB", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PassengerNationality", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PostCode", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Gender", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Email", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"IssueCountry", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ExpiredOn", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Title", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ContactNumber" Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"SequenceNumber": 1, Specifies the itineraries sequence number in the search
"TicketType": "eTicket", "eTicket", Specifies the type of the ticket
"ValidatingAirlineCode": "EK" Specifies the validation Airline
"Success": true, Returns the search status in a Boolean - true/false,
"Target": “Production” Target specified in the request captured an passed in the response " Test" and “Production”
"ExtraServices": {}, ExtraServices passes the information with the following properties.
"Services": [], Account number always starts with MCN
"Success": "true"/"false" Returns the search status

Points to be Noted

PricedItineraries -
Please Do not Consider only the IsValid tag as Revalidation Failure and read the PricedItineraries tag from the Revalidation response..

Note – Not all the responses which shows as IsValid false will result in failure this may occur for various reasons like changes in Flight Timing or Class of Booking or Price or Fare Type etc due to which the FSC- ID may or may not change depending on the airline Inventory.

If the PricedItineraries element is Open (eg: PricedItineraries ) then please ensure to compare the price and flight details by following the below conditions, Always compare the fares from Search Response to Revalidation response if No Changes on Price or flight details please proceed with the booking and consider this as a successful Revalidation,

Ensure to pick the updated FSC code from 1st Re-validation Response into the 2nd Revalidation Request or AirBook Request.

Only if there is a Price change you may fail the booking and redirect to Search Page OR inform the end user on the changes in the price, if the end user is accepting with the change proceed further. If the PricedItineraries element is closed or NULL (Fare Expired) in such cases we request, you to please start a Fresh Search.

Required Fields To Book - Currently able to proceed with the booking without updating the below fields, From the Revalidation response you are not reading this Tag and these below are the mandatory fields for the AirBook call if you are not passing these fields the bookings will be failed in the live. Please ensure to read the RequiredFieldsToBook and add these in the Passenger information page in UI which must be highlighted as MANDATE.

Eg: please check for STN- AMS select U2 airline to get the below fields

Error Codes
Error CodeValueDescription
ERCRS001 Target cannot be null Target parameters accepted only “Test” or “Production”
ERCRS002 Username cannot be null Make sure that the username is mentioned as provided.
ERCRS003 Password cannot be null Make sure the password is mentioned as provided.
ERCRS004 Account Number cannot be null Make sure the account number is mentioned as provided.
ERCRS005 Invalid login credentials supplied Check if the credentials provided are used correctly.


ExtraServices1_1 parameter holds the list of optional/paid services available for the selected flight option.
ExtraServices1_1 tag will be provided in the revalidation response. Which will have the list of optional/paid services offered with a brief Description, Restrictions and the Cost associated with the service.
Note: Optional/Paid services are currently supported only for itineraries with FareType: Web Fare and Private Fares.

Extra Services Supported

  • MEAL


Baggage services – allows the end passenger to purchase additional baggage as per their needs.


Extra service1_1 - BAGGAGE Type – Parameters Explanation
Property Value Description
"ExtraServices1_1” Nested List of Extra Services Offered
"Behavior" (“GROUP_PAX” / “GROUP_PAX_INBOUND” / “GROUP_PAX_OUTBOUND”) Indicates the Restriction and Behaviour of the Service.
"CheckInType" "AIRPORT" / “ONLINE” Indicates if the ExtraService is for “ONLINE-check-In” OR “AIRPORT check-In”
Description" "Total Weight: 20kgs each || 1 Bag(s) || 44.7 USD"
Brief description of the specific service.
"FlightDesignator" ""
"IsMandatory" “true” / “false”, It specifies if the service is Mandate or Not
"NameNumber" 0,
"Relation" "" It helps in identifying the conditions associated with the extra services.
“ServiceCost” Nested Nested Tag - Open
"Amount" "44.7" Indicates the Cost of Extra Service
"CurrencyCode" "USD" Indicates the Currency of Extra Service
"DecimalPlaces" 2 Indicates the Cost of Decimal places for Extra Services
"ServiceId" “10” Indicates uniquefor identifiying the extra service
"Type" "BAGGAGE" Indicates the Type of the Service

Points to be Noted

"Type" Tag – This element determines the Extra Service type for the selected flight:

  • "Type": "BAGGAGE" - Extra Baggage offered (Paid services)
  • "Type": "CHECKIN_CHARGE” - Speedy Boarding (Airport & Online services)
  • "Type": "SPEEDY_BOARDING”- Speedy Boarding (Airport & Online services)
  • "Type" : "MEAL” - Meals offered (Paid Services)

“Behavior” Tag - This element determines the eligibility / restrictions on the selected extra service. Possible values listed below:

  • "Behavior": "PER_PAX” : Extra service applicable for each passenger for entire trip Oneway / Return.
  • "Behavior": “PER_PAX_INBOUND” : Extra service is applicable for each passenger for Inbound flights.
  • "Behavior": “PER_PAX_OUTBOUND”: Extra service is applicable for each passenger for Oubound flights
  • "Behavior": “GROUP_PAX” : Extra service applicable for all the passengers in a Booking for entire trip Oneway / Return.
  • "Behavior": “GROUP_PAX_INBOUND” : Extra service applicable for all the passengers in a booking for Inbound flights.
  • "Behavior": “GROUP_PAX_OUTBOUND”: Extra service applicable for all the passengers in a booking for Outbound flights.

“Description” Tag -This element determines a brief description of the selected Extra Service. Possible values listed below:

  • “Description”: "Total Weight: 20kgs each || 2 Bag(s) || Free"
  • “Description”: "Total Weight: 20kgs each || 1 Bag(s) || 44.7 USD"


Meal – Allows the end passenger to purchase the meal of his need along with the booking.

Points to be Noted

“Behavior” Tag - This element determines the eligibility / restrictions on the selected extra service. Possible values listed below:

  • “Behavior”: “PER_PAX_OUTBOUND” - Extra service is applicable for each passenger for Out-Bound flight.
  • “Behavior”: “PER_PAX_INBOUND” - Extra service is applicable for each passenger for IN-Bound flight.

“Description” Tag - This element determines a brief description of the selected Meal Service. Possible values listed below

  • "Description": "Child Menu 39.12 USD”
  • "Description": "Diabetes Menu 39.12 USD"
  • "Description": "Gluten-free Menu 39.12 USD"
  • "Description": "Kosher menu 39.12 USD"
  • "Description": "Halal Menu 39.12 USD"
  • "Description": "No Lactose Menu 39.12 USD"
  • "Description": "Classic Menu 39.12 USD" - ETC

Example of MEAL:


Speedy Boarding/CheckinCharges – Allows the end passenger to avail the services of priority queue.

Points to be Noted

“Type” Tag: Below mentioned are the Type options available for Speedy Boarding.

  • “Type”: “CHECKIN_CHARGE”

“Relation” Tag - Airlines mostly give the option of availing this service for those who want an additional baggage, which might help them to check-in faster despite having additional baggage’s.

“IsMandatory” Tag – This tag indicates if the SPEEDY_BOARDING or CHECKIN_CHARGE is Mandate for BookFlight.

  • “IsMandatory”: “false”- Indicates that extra Baggage can be added standalone & Speedy_Boarding or CheckIn_Charge type is not a mandatory element to Book.
  • “IsMandatory”: “true”- Indicates the extra Baggage must be associated with Speedy Boarding or CheckIn_Charge type and this is mandate element to book and consider the “Relation” and “ServiceId”

Scenario 1 - from the above example the “Type”: “BAGGAGE” the “Relation is 7” and should be associated with “Type”: “SPEEDY_BOARDING” or “Type”: “CHECKIN_CHARGE” where the “ServiceId” is 7 as shown below:

Conclusion - Therefore the “Relation” tag and the “ServiceId” tag are identical for BAGGAGE and SPEEDY_BOARDING or CHECKIN_CHARGE



“Type” Tag: under the “Type”: “CHECKIN_CHARGE” the possible options mentioned below.

  • “CheckInType”: “AIRPORT” - Speedy Boarding – Paid Services.
  • “CheckInType”: “ONLINE” - Web-Check-In – Free services.

Option “CheckInType”: “AIRPORT”

Option “CheckInType”: “ONLINE”

BookFlight API - Request

In BookFlight API request, extra services id need to be passed as per the passenger needs under AirTravelers nested tag. Please find the attached logs for more inputs on the placeholder.

TripDetails API.

TripDetails API need to be called to validate the services purchased.

BookFlight API


BookFlight API service provides the functionality to pass the traveler information in order to book an itinerary.

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

BookFlight Version 1 – Request

API Method : /api/v1/Book/Flight

"FareSourceCode": XXXXXXXXXXX A Unique FSC for every single itinerary
"TravelerInfo": {}, This is an mandate information (All the passengers and their details wil be passed)
"AirTravelers": [], The details of every passengers will be passed, if more than one passenger then multiple AirTravelers information should be passed
"PassengerType": "ADT" “CHD” “INF” Type of the passenger. Adult-ADT, Child-CHD, Infant-INF
"Gender": "M" “F” “U”, Gender of the passenger
"PassengerName": {}, Passenger name and the length of the name should not exceed based on the max character limit from search response, characters including the title and spaces between
"PassengerTitle": "Mr","Mrs","Ms",“Miss”,"Mstr"Title of the passenger
"PassengerFirstName": "MOHAMMED", First name of the passenger
"PassengerLastName": "MUBARAK" Last Name/Family Name
"DateOfBirth": "1988-01-03T00:00:00", Passengers birth date in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format
"Passport": {}, "The passenger’s passport information; Required - if the revalidation response indicates passport field as required for the itinerary, than it is mandate to pass the details"
"PassportNumber": "Z876789", Passport number
"ExpiryDate": "2025-01-03T00:00:00", Passengers passport expiry in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format
"Country": "IN" Issuing Country of the passport
"SpecialServiceRequest": {}, Full-service carriers provide SSR as an optional field
"SeatPreference": "Any", Seat preferences, Window – W, Any
"MealPreference": "Any", Meal preferences
"RequestedSegments": [], Requested segment for SSR
"Origin": "BLR", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"Destination": "DXB", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"FlightNumber": "EK569", Indicates the number of the flight
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-02-03T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"RequestSSRs": [], Optional
"SSRCode": "Any", Optional
"FreeText": "Meal MOML" Optional
"PassengerNationality": "IN", Nationality of passenger
"NationalID": "IN" Optional
"CountryCode": "91", Dialing Country code
"AreaCode": "080", Area code of the phone number
"PhoneNumber": "87657897", Phone number of the passenger/client (As per IATA 830D, where the details need to be passed for any Involuntary changes in flight operations)
"Email": "", Email address of the passenger/client (As per IATA 830D, where the details need to be passed for any Involuntary changes in flight operations)
"PostCode": "560028"
"Target": " Test" “Production” Target specified in the request captured an passed in the response

BookFlight Version 1 Response
"ClientUTCOffset": 5.3,
"ConversationId": "", Free Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end
"Errors": [], Error message caused for the failures in Revalidation
"IsPriceChange": true/false,
"IsScheduleChange": true/false,
"Status": "CONFIRMED" “PENDING” “UNCONFIRMED” “BookingInProcess” Indicates the status of the booking whether confirmed/ Pending/ Unconfirmed / BookingInProgress.
1. Booking API returned booking status "Pending" with MF Number: then the client need to mark the booking as 'in progress' and need to call the tripdetails or message queue at regular intervals to get the updated status.
2. Booking API returned booking status "Pending" without MF Number: Please consider it as a direct failure.
3. Supplier returned booking status "Confirmed" with MF Number: Please consider it as a successful transaction
4. Booking API returned booking status “BookingInProcess” indicates booking might get Confirmed or Unconfirmed based on the airline confirmation.
"Success": true/false, Returns the search status in a Boolean
"Target": "Test" “Production” Target specified in the request captured an passed in the response
"TktTimeLimit": "2020-01-04T17:29:00", Ticketing time limit for the booking, within which the booking had to be ticketed
"UniqueID": "MF11830888" A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"Success": true/false, Returns the search status in a Boolean

Points to be Noted

BookingInProcess -
Is a status which will be processed with an intermediate status after performing the AirBook call. This status indicates that the BookingInProgress and the booking might get conformed or unconfirmed based on the Airline's confirmation and this status is applicable for both GDS and LCC bookings.

It is advised to pool in Tripdetails call every 20sec OR 60sec minimum to 15min maximum on a regular interval to get the final booking status. Below mentioned are the possible status.

GDS Booking Status -Pending, Booked, Not Booked, Ticketed.
LCC Booking Status - Not Booked, Ticket-InProgress, Ticketed.
Note: Booking cannot be cancelled when the Booking status is BookingInProgress.

CountryCode -
Please note this option in phone field indicates to Country 2 Digit calling code.

Error Codes
Error CodeValueDescription
ERBUK001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed
ERBUK002 Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID
ERBUK003 FareSourceCode cannot be null Unique FSC must be passed and cannot be left blank
ERBUK004 TravelerInfo cannot be null Traveler information cannot be empty
ERBUK005 AirTravelers cannot be null AirTraverler tag cannot be empty
ERBUK006 There should be atleast one traveller for booking To book a flight atleast one passenger should be travelling
ERBUK007 AirTraveler cannot be null AirTraveler tag cannot be empty
ERBUK008 PassengerName cannot be null Passenger name cannot be empty
ERBUK009 Adult Title is missing Title for the Adult passenger is missing
ERBUK010 Child Title is missing Title for the child is missing
ERBUK011 Infant Title is missing Title for the infant is missing
ERBUK012 PassengerFirstName cannot be nul First name of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK013 PassengerLastName cannot be null Last name of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK014 PassportNumber cannot be null Passport cannot be empty
ERBUK015 Passport expiry date is not valid Passport expiry cannot be empty
ERBUK016 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z Country format should be only alphabetical
ERBUK017 PhoneNumber cannot be null Phone number of the passenger cannot be null
ERBUK018 Invalid FareSourceCode Please check the FSC or FSC might’ve been expired
ERBUK019 TravelerInfo cannot be null Passenger traverler information cannot be empty
ERBUK020 AirTravelers cannot be null Airtraveler tag cannot be empty
ERBUK021 AirTraveler cannot be null Airtraveler tag cannot be empty
ERBUK022 PassengerTitle cannot be null Passenger Tittle should be passed in BOOK request
ERBUK023 Adult Title can be only MR/MRS/MISS Adult should have any one from the mentioned
ERBUK024 Child Title can be only MISS or MSTR CHILD should have any one from the mentioned
ERBUK025 Infant Title can be only MISS/MSTR INFANT should have any one from the mentioned
ERBUK026 PassengerFirstName cannot be null Min 2 name characters should be passed in Book Request
ERBUK027 Passenger FirstName cannot have special characters No special characters allowed in Name Field
ERBUK028 Passenger LastName cannot be null Adult should have any one from the mentioned
ERBUK029 Passenger last name should be more than one character for this airline host Passenger last cannot have one character, should have more than one character
ERBUK030 Passenger LastName cannot have special characters Last name cannot contain any special characters
ERBUK031 DateOfBirth cannot be null Passenger date of birth cannot be left empty
ERBUK032 Invalid Child's Age. Should be less than or equal to 12 years A Child should be less than 12 year or exactly 12 years
ERBUK033 Invalid Infant's Age. Should be less than or equal to 2 years An Infant had to be less than 2 years or exactly 2 years
ERBUK034 Date of birth is mandatory for Child and Infant For the child and infant date of birth is mandatory
ERBUK035 PassportNumber cannot be null Passport Number should be passed in BOOK Request
ERBUK036 Passport expiry date is not valid Passport expiry should greater than the return flight
ERBUK037 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ Country format should be only 2 letter Country code
ERBUK038 Passport details is required Passport Details should be added in the Book Request
ERBUK039 PhoneNumber cannot be null PhoneNumber should be passed in Booking Request
ERBUK040 CountryCode cannot be null Passenger country code for a phone number cannot be empty
ERBUK041 AreaCode cannot be null Passenger area code for a phone number cannot be empty
ERBUK042 1 ADULT given while search but 0 ADULT information present in booking request Search for the itinerary was made for 1 ADT, BookFlight doesn’t have any ADT information.
ERBUK043 1 CHILD given while search but 0 CHILD information present in booking request Search for the itinerary was made for 1 CHD, BookFlight doesn’t have any CHD information
ERBUK044 1 INFANT given while search but 0 INFANT information present in booking request Search for the itinerary was made for 1 INF, BookFlight doesn’t have any INF information
ERBUK045 There should be at least one traveler for booking There should be one passenger travelling
ERBUK046 FareSourceCode has failed the Revalidation and is not valid to Book A fresh FSC is not being used from the revalidation
ERBUK047 Phone Number should contain only numbers Phone number field should not contain spaces or characters
ERBUK078 You do not have enough balance in your account for booking Please check the account balance as for the booking there is not enough balance to book the ticket
ERBUK079 Booking Failed! Booking has failed
ERBUK080 Pending airline PNR - Booking UnConfirmed Airline is yet to confirm the PNR
ERBUK081 Host not responding - Unable to end the record Connection error between Activity Linker LTD and the vendor
ERBUK082 Pending Need - Awaiting carrier response - Booking Unconfirmed Awaiting the confirmation from the carrier
ERBUK083 Unable to confirm - Request an alternate flight Specific itinerary is unavailable, please request an alternate flight
ERBUK084 Booking already exists! For the specific route and the passenger booking already exists
ERBUK085 Host did not respond - Unable to complete the Book Request Connection error between Activity Linker LTD and the vendor
ERBUK091 Customer Title element is missing Title of the passenger is missing
ERBUK092 Customer LastName element is missing Last name of the passenger has not passed
ERBUK093 ResidentFareDocumentType details is required Resident fare documents are mandatory for this booking
ERBUK094 ResidentFareDocumentType details is not required Resident fare documents are not mandatory for this booking
ERBUK095 Municipality cannot be null Municipality of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK096 Municipality is not valid Mentioned municipality of the passenger is not a valid one
ERBUK097 DocumentNumber cannot be null Document Number cannot be null
ERBUK098 DocumentType cannot be null Document type of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK099 Invalid document type Invalid document type
ERBUK100 PassengerName cannot be null Name of the passenger cannot be empty
ERBUK101 Booking already exists! Status: Ticket In Process The booking is already in ticket in process
ERBUK102 Name should not be more than 28 characters Name of the passenger including the spaces cannot exceed more than 28 characters

Points to be Noted

Error Message: “Name should not have more than 34 characters”
Issue: The passenger first name and last name characters is not validated in your UI and the name length was exceeding the minimum characters allowed by the Airline hence resulted in failure.

Solution: Please change the logic to read the PaxNameCharacterLimit tag from the Search/Revalidation response and restrict the end passenger in not exceeding the characters and fail at your UI before performing the Booking call to Activity Linker LTD.

Example of PaxNameCharacterLimit tag from the revalidation Response: PaxNameCharacterLimit - 30 - PaxNameCharacterLimit

Error Message: “1 ADULT given while search but 2 ADULT information present in booking request”
Error Message: “3 ADULT given while search but 2 ADULT information present in booking request”
Issue: The Number of Passengers Searched by the end user was not equally to Number of Passengers booked and hence the booking resulted in failure.

Solution: Please change the logic to validate the Quantity of the passengers searched by the end passenger at the time of Search request for all traveler type ADULT, CHILD and INFANT the same number of passenger should be allowed to booked, do not allow the end user to exceed or decrease the number of passenger at the time of book call, fail if exceeded or decreased before performing the book call to Activity Linker LTD.

Error Message: “At least one adult age must be 18 years or more as on date of travel.”
Issue: The booking was attempted for ADULT passenger with age conditions between 12 -18 and Activity Linker LTD does not support a minor passenger in single booking and hence resulted in failure.

Solution 1: Please change the logic to validate the passenger date of birth if the age conditions is between 12-18 then fail the booking at your UI before hitting Activity Linker LTD system.

Solution 2: We can remove the age validation for Minor passenger who is between 12 – 18 at our end for your platform and these booking can be passed successfully in order to remove this validation we need your acceptance email with clear remarks as “Major passenger validation is not required for our bookings and we will agree that if any issue happens at the time of boarding Activity Linker LTD will not be responsible”.

Please let us know which one you would select Solution 1 or Solution 2 at the time of Certification you can Opt the Solution 2.

Error Message “Invalid Adult’s Age. Should be greater than 12 years
Issue: The date of Birth passed for the ADULT passenger was not Equal or greater than 18 years and hence resulted in failure.

Solution: Please change the logic to validate the Date of birth of all the passenger type ADULT, CHILD and INFANT as mentioned below from the Date of Birth with the Return date of Travel before performing the AirBook call to Activity Linker LTD.

  • INFANT 0 to < 2
  • CHILD >=2 to < 12
  • ADULT >=18
  • ADULT >=12 (only if the 7. Error message “At least one adult age must be 18 years or more as on date of travel” is opted with Solution 2 so let us know accordingly.)

Error Message “Passenger last name should be more than one character for this airline host”
Error Message “Passenger First Name cannot be Null”
Error Message “Passenger Last Name cannot be Null”
Issue: The passenger Name field is not validated in your UI for Last name and First Name parameters and hence resulted in failures.

Solution: Please change the logic to validate the Passenger name field with the below mentioned conditions and restrict the end passenger at your UI before performing the AirBook call to Activity Linker LTD.

  • Passenger Last name and First name should not be empty.
  • Passenger Last name should be minimum 2 or more characters.

Error Message: “Multiple services of same behavior cannot be selected for passenger 1”
Issue: Adding multiple Baggage with same Behavior tag resulted in failure for OneWay Trip bookings.

Solution: For OneWay booking only 1 service ID with the same Behavior tag should be passed, the logic has to be changed in your platform where the end passenger should be able to select or add only one Service ID in the booking request. (Please do not allow the end Passenger to select multiple Extra service with the same Behavior tag Behavior PER_PAX Behavior for OneWay Trip).

Note: The Behavior tags explanation, attached the Extra Service Document and Sample for your reference.

For More detail’s information Refer to Extra Service Documentation under the CoreResources option.

Error Message: “PhoneNumber cannot be null”
Error Message: “Passport Details are required”
Error Message: “PassengerNationality details is required for this airline.”
Issue: The PhoneNumber /PassportDetails / Passenger Nationality was mandatory items for the Booking and these tags were not passed in the Booking Request and hence resulted in failure.

Solution: Please change the logic to read the RequiredFieldsToBook tag from the Search/Revalidation response and display all the required items as mandate in your UI under the Traveler information page and validate if all the fields are passed by the end passenger if not passed then fail the booking at your UI before performing the Booking call to Activity Linker LTD.

Example of Required field to book tag from the revalidation Response:

Error Message “Invalid Email address _KYO-HARU_@I.SOFTBANK.JP, should be of format”
Issue: The Email address passed in the booking request has few formats which are not accepted and hence the booking resulted in failure.

Solution: Please change the logic to validate the email formats that are accepted and not accepted as mentioned below and make the changes in your UI to reject or accept the email id formats before performing the AirBook call to Activity Linker LTD.

Email ID’s Not Accepted :

  • mys
  • mys**
  • mys11

Email ID’s Accepted :


RetrieveMFRefThroughFSC API


Timeout issues- After Book Flight request if in case there is any Timeout issue then you can use this API-RetrieveMFRefThroughFSC to check with the MF number with FareSourceCode (FSC).


  • This is GET input Request: You just pass the FareSourceCode, and the booking generated for the MF passed will be provided in the response.
  • Book flight API returned with booking status "Pending" without MF Number, status can be checked using RetrieveMFRefThroughFSC API.

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

CancelBooking API


CancelBooking API is used to request ASR to cancel the booking identified by the UniqueID element. CancelBooking API works with only those bookings whose status is Booked.


CancelBooking API is a simple request for cancelling the Bookings whose status is Booked. Once a request is sent, the response will contain a single Boolean parameter stating True or False for the requested unique MF reference number.

CancelBooking Request:
Data Name Data Value Description
{ Open Nested Tag
"UniqueID": "MF15033820" A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
“Target”: “Test” / “Production” Target specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
“ConversationId”: “String”
} Closed Nested Tag

CancelBooking Response:
Data Name Data Value Description
{ Open Nested Tag
"Data": { Open Nested Tag
"ConversationId": "", “String”
"Errors": [], “ERCBK005” “Message” Contains Error code and Error Message if status failed
"Success": true, True/false Boolean Value to specify the Request status as success or failure
"Target": "Test", Test/Production Target specifies whether the request is for a test environment or production.
"UniqueID": "MF15033820" MF15033820 A unique Activity Linker LTD reference for which cancel booking has been requested
}, Closed Nested Tag
"Success": true True/false Boolean Value to specify the Request status as success or failure
} Closed Nested Tag

Pre Requirements:

Receive the Session ID using the dedicated credentials which point to the ASR URL. Receive Activity Linker LTD Unique Reference number (MF#) from AirBook API.


Step 1: Request CancelBooking Request Use MF# .
Step 2: Receive the Success status with the Same MF#

Sample Code:

CancelBooking Request:

CancelBooking Request:

Error Code:

All the error codes are prefixed according to the API requested. Starts with ERCBN followed by numeral, the list of the codes is as below.

Error Code Error Message Message
ERCBN001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the SessionId is passed
ERCBN002 Invalid SessionId Check the SessionID
ERCBN003 Invalid UniqueID Check the Unique ID
ERCBN004 UniqueId cannot be null Make sure the UniqueId is passed
ERCBK005 Cancellation Failed Please check whether the unique id is already cancelled
ERCBN007 Booking in Tkt-in-process or Ticketed Status - Cancellation Denied! Request Cancellation to Please make sure the cancellation is done to only those bookings whose status is Booked
ERGEN008 An unexpected error occurred while processing the \"CancelBooking\" call. API Support notified!Please recheck if all value passed are with correct value and format make sure MF reference is in Booked status only.

OrderTicket API


Order Ticket API service provides the functionality to order the blocked ticket.

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

OrderTicket Version 1 – Request

API Method : /api/v1/OrderTicket

"UniqueID": "MF11830888", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"Target": "Test" “Production” Target specified in the request captured an passed in the response

OrderTicket Version 1 Response
"ConversationId": "", Free Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end
"Errors": [], Error message caused for the failures in OrderTicket
"Message": "", The ticketing time limit has expired for the given booking
"Success": true/false, Returns the search status in a Boolean
"Target": "Test"“Production” Target specified in the request and resposne
"UniqueID": "MF11830888" A unique reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"Success": true true/false, Returns the search status in a Boolean


Always read the baggage information from Search or Revalidation Response and not from FlightFareRules.

Error Codes
Error CodeValueDescription
EROTK001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed
EROTK002 Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID
EROTK003 UniqueID cannot be null Unique MF number cannot be empty
EROTK004 Invalid UniqueID Unique MF number is invalid
EROTK006 Invalid Booking Reference number Booking Ref number is invalid
EROTK007 Booking may be already ordered for ticket or ticketed or cancelled The MF booking has already been ordered or cancelled
EROTK008 You do not have enough balance in your account to order the ticket Insufficient balance to order the ticket
EROTK009 The ticketing time limit has expired for the given booking The time limit to order for this booking has been expired and cannot order the ticket

Schedule change

Introduction of “Schedule change”:

A schedule change is any modifications announced by the airline to your flight’s schedule prior to the date of departure.

Schedule change Categories:

  • Accept SC
  • Earlierflightoptions
  • LaterFlightOptions
  • Quoteforrefund
  • ApplyForRefund

Accept Schedule change:

After a schedule change received user could accept the SC, if the option provided from the airline is feasible.

Workflow for SC Accept category:

  • View the SC options shared from the airline.
  • Accept the option sent from the airline through SC API.
  • Once PTR ID is generated call tripdetails to view the booking status.

ScheduleChange Accept Request:

ScheduleChange Accept Response

ScheduleChange Accept Request – Data Description
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ActionType" "Accept", Mandate ActionType value helps our system to identify the specific function request is triggered.
"MFRef" "MF16026620", Mandate A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits.

ScheduleChange Accept Response – Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Data": {
"PTRId" 5961 PTRID generated in the Post Reissue queue should be passed to get the available flight options
"PTRType": "ScheduleChange", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15171220", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"PTRStatus" "InProcess" Will share the status of the PTR requested

Earlierflightoptions / LaterFlightOptions:

After a schedule change received user can either choose earlier flight or later flight options if the itinerary provided by the airline is not feasible or looking for more options.

Workflow for SC category: Earlierflightoptions / LaterFlightOptions

  • Request the Flight Option by passing Earlierflightoptions / LaterFlightOptions in RejectOption tag.
  • Use the CRM ID for tracking the SR.
  • CRM team will get back with the available options, once option is selected re-issue will be completed.

Note: This process will be handled manually by CRM team.

ScheduleChange Request:

ScheduleChange Response:

ScheduleChange Request – Data Description
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ActionType" "ChooseAlternative", Mandate ActionType value helps our system to identify the specific function request is triggered
"MFRef" "MF16026620", Mandate A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"RejectOption" "Earlierflightoptions", Mandate This tag will help to identify the specific request triggered
"FlightOptions" [
"FlightNumber" 30, Mandate Flight number
"AirlineCode" "EK", Mandate Airline IATA Code for the marketing airline
"TravelDate" "23-12-2021", Mandate YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureTime" "17:50", Mandate Flight departure time
"CityPair" "LHR-DXB", Mandate IATA code of the airport code, were flight is scheduled
"Comments" “Free Flow text” Optional Free flow text

ScheduleChange Response – Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Data": {
"PTRType": "ScheduleChange", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15171220", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"CRMReferenceNumber" "201023-000000", CRM reference number for tracking
"CreatedTime" "2020-10-23T04:50:51Z" Date when the request created

ScheduleChange - Error Codes
Error Message Comments
"SessionId cannot be null" Make sure the session ID is passed.
"Invalid SessionId" Please check the session ID
"UniqueID cannot be null" Unique MF number cannot be empty
"Invalid UniqueID" Unique MF number is invalid
"RejectOption cannot be null” One of the options should be passed.
“Invalid RejectOption" The option pass was invalid
“Page Ref cannot be null” Pass the valid page number
“Invalid ActionType” The option pass was invalid


The Quoterorrefund will help the user to get the Quote associated with the ticket in case of initiating cancel and refund.

Workflow for SC category: Quoteforrefund

  • Request the Quoteforrefund option to know the refund value.
  • Once the PTR ID is generated, use the same ID in search PTR to know the refund value.
  • Accept the refundquote to process refund.
  • Call tripdetails to view the final confirmation

Quoteforrefund Request:

Quoteforrefund Response:

Quoteforrefund Request – Data Description
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ActionType": "ChooseAlternative" Mandate ActionType value helps our system to identify the specific function request is triggered
"MFRef": "MF15739770" Mandate A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
RejectOption": "Quoteforrefund" Mandate This tag will help to identify the specific request triggered
"Comments": "Refund Quote" Optional Free flow text

Quoteforrefund Response – Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Success"  true,  This tag will share the status of the request
"PTRId" 6002 PTRID tag will share the unique reference number created against the booking request for RefundQuote
"PTRType" "RefundQuote"  PTR Type tag will help the user to identify the response parameter, indicated for which PTR Type response it is associated to
"MFRef” "MF15739770"  A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"PTRStatus" "InProcess" Will share the status of the PTR requested

Quoteforrefund Search Request:

Quoteforrefund Search Response:

Quoteforrefund Search Request – Data Description
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ActionType": "ChooseAlternative" Mandate ActionType value helps our system to identify the specific function request is triggered
"MFRef": "MF15739770" Mandate A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
RejectOption": "Quoteforrefund" Mandate This tag will help to identify the specific request triggered
"Comments": "Refund Quote" Optional Free flow text

Quoteforrefund Response – Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true,  This tag will share the status of the request
"PTRId": 6002, PTRID tag will share the unique reference number created against the booking request for RefundQuote
"PTRType": "RefundQuote",  PTR Type tag will help the user to identify the response parameter, indicated for which PTR Type response it is associated to
"PTRStatus": "Completed",  Will share the status of the PTR requested
"MFRef": "MF15739770", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"RefundQuotes”: [
"FirstName": "MD",  First Name of the passenger need to be passed, same as sent in booking
"LastName": "MUBARAK", Last Name of the passenger to be passed, same as sent in booking
"Title": "MR", Title associated with the passenger to be passed, same as sent in booking
"PassengerType": "ADT",  PAX type sent at the time of booking need to be passed
"Eticket": "197876776677",  Ticket number of the Reissued passenger
"TotalFare": 333.61, Total value of the booking
"UnusedFare": 333.61, Total value of the booking unused
"CancellationCharge": 0,  Cancellation charges if any
"NoShowCharge": 0,  If there is any charge incurred
"Tax": 0, If there is any charge incurred
"AdminCharges": 0, If there is any charge incurred
"GSTCharge": 0,  If there is any charge incurred
"TotalRefundCharges": 0,  If there is any charge incurred
"TotalRefundAmount": 333.61, Total refund value for the booking
"Currency": "USD", Currency code on which refund will be processed
"YQ_Tax": 0,  Tax breakup charges if any
"YR_Tax": 0,  Tax breakup charges if any
"OtherTaxesK3": 0 Tax breakup charges if any

Accept Quoteforrefund Request:

Accept Quoteforrefund Request:

Accept Quoteforrefund Request – Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true,  This tag will share the status of the request
"PTRId": 6002, PTRID tag will share the unique reference number created against the booking request for RefundQuote
"PTRType": "Refund",  PTR Type tag will help the user to identify the response parameter, indicated for which PTR Type response it is associated to
"PTRStatus": "Completed",  Will share the status of the PTR requested
"MFRef": "MF15739770", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"RefundQuotes": [
"FirstName": "MD",  First Name of the passenger need to be passed, same as sent in booking
"LastName": "MUBARAK", Last Name of the passenger to be passed, same as sent in booking
"Title": "MR", Title associated with the passenger to be passed, same as sent in booking
"PassengerType": "ADT",  PAX type sent at the time of booking need to be passed
"Eticket": "197876776677",  Ticket number of the Reissued passenger
"TotalFare": 333.61, Total value of the booking
"UnusedFare": 333.61, Total value of the booking unused
"CancellationCharge": 0,  Cancellation charges if any
"NoShowCharge": 0,  If there is any charge incurred
"Tax": 0, If there is any charge incurred
"AdminCharges": 0, If there is any charge incurred
"GSTCharge": 0,  If there is any charge incurred
"TotalRefundCharges": 0,  If there is any charge incurred
"TotalRefundAmount": 333.61, Total refund value for the booking
"Currency": "USD", Currency code on which refund will be processed
"YQ_Tax": 0,  Tax breakup charges if any
"YR_Tax": 0,  Tax breakup charges if any
"OtherTaxesK3": 0 Tax breakup charges if any

Accept Quoteforrefund Response – Data Description
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"PTRtype": "RefundQuote", Mandate PTR Type tag will help the user to identify the response parameter, indicated for which PTR Type response it is associated to
"MFRef": "MF15739770", Mandate A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"PTRId": 6002, Mandate PTRID tag will share the unique reference number created against the booking request for RefundQuote
"Page": 1 Mandate This tag helps in getting the PTR transactions recorded in first page. (Each page - max of 25 records)

Quoteforrefund - Error Codes
Error Message Comments
"SessionId cannot be null" Make sure the session ID is passed.
"Invalid SessionId" Please check the session ID
"UniqueID cannot be null" Unique MF number cannot be empty
"Invalid UniqueID" Unique MF number is invalid
"RejectOption cannot be null” One of the options should be passed.
“Invalid RejectOption" The option pass was invalid
“Page Ref cannot be null” Pass the valid page number
“Invalid ActionType” The option pass was invalid


The ApplyForRefund will help the user to initiate refund due to SC.

Workflow for SC category: ApplyForRefund

  • Request ApplyForRefund to process SC refund.
  • Once the PTR ID is generated, use the same ID in search PTR to know the refund value and the status.
  • Call tripdetails to view the final confirmation.

ApplyForRefund Request:

ApplyForRefund Response:

ApplyForRefund Request – Data Description
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ActionType”: "ChooseAlternative", Mandate ActionType value helps our system to identify the specific function request is triggered
"MFRef": "MF16026620", Mandate A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"RejectOption”: "ApplyForRefund", Mandate This tag will help to identify the specific request triggered
"Comments": "Refund due to SC" Optional Free flow text

ApplyForRefund – Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true,  This tag will share the status of the request
"Data”: {
"PTRId": 5963, PTRID tag will share the unique reference number created against the booking request for Refund
"PTRType": "Refund",  PTR Type tag will help the user to identify the response parameter, indicated for which PTR Type response it is associated to
"MFRef": " MF16026620", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"PTRStatus": "InProcess"  Will share the status of the PTR requested

ApplyForRefund Search Request:

ApplyForRefund Search Response:

ApplyForRefund Search Response– Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Data": {
"PTRDetail": [
"PTRId": 5963,  PTRID tag will share the unique reference number created against the booking request for Refund
"PTRType": "Refund", PTR Type tag will help the user to identify the response parameter, indicated for which PTR Type response it is associated to
"MFRef": "MF16026620", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"BookingStatus": "Refunded",  Updated status of the Booking reference number
"PTRStatus": "Completed",  Updated status of the Booking reference number
"CreditNoteNumber": "3100231", It is a unique CreditNoteNumber which will be generated.
"TotalRefundAmount": "797.56", The values of refund amount which will be refunded
"Currency": "USD",  Currency code on which refund will be processed
"CreatedBy": "Activity Linker LTD API Team", Username who have requested for refund
"Resolution": "Refunded", This tag indicated on the value requested
"CreditNoteStatus": "Unpaid",  Status of the payment.
"ProcessingMethod": "Manual",  This indicates if the request was action manually or auto.
"pTRPaxDetails": [
"Id": 6706,  This tag is for internal purpose to identify the status
"PTRId": 5963,
"PaxId": 235956, This is a unique ID generates pax wise, to identify the request belongs to which pax
"TicketNumber": "187666566656",  Ticket number of the Reissued passenger
"TicketStatus": 1,  Ticket Status in Boolean format
"IsActive": true, Boolean value to check the booking status is active or not
"PassengerType": "ADT", PAX type sent at the time of booking need to be passed
"Tittle": "MR"  Title associated with the passenger to be passed, same as sent in booking
"FirstName": "MD", First Name of the passenger need to be passed, same as sent in booking
"LastName": "MUBARAK" Last Name of the passenger to be passed, same as sent in booking
"Success": TRUE Status of the PTR request will be provided.

ApplyForRefund Search Response– Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Data": {
"PTRDetail": [
"PTRId": 5963,  PTRID tag will share the unique reference number created against the booking request for Refund
"PTRType": "Refund", PTR Type tag will help the user to identify the response parameter, indicated for which PTR Type response it is associated to
"MFRef": "MF16026620", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"BookingStatus": "Refunded",  Updated status of the Booking reference number
"PTRStatus": "Completed",  Updated status of the Booking reference number
"CreditNoteNumber": "3100231", It is a unique CreditNoteNumber which will be generated.
"TotalRefundAmount": "797.56", The values of refund amount which will be refunded
"Currency": "USD",  Currency code on which refund will be processed
"CreatedBy": "Activity Linker LTD API Team", Username who have requested for refund
"Resolution": "Refunded", This tag indicated on the value requested
"CreditNoteStatus": "Unpaid",  Status of the payment.
"ProcessingMethod": "Manual",  This indicates if the request was action manually or auto.
"pTRPaxDetails": [
"Id": 6706,  This tag is for internal purpose to identify the status
"PTRId": 5963,
"PaxId": 235956, This is a unique ID generates pax wise, to identify the request belongs to which pax
"TicketNumber": "187666566656",  Ticket number of the Reissued passenger
"TicketStatus": 1,  Ticket Status in Boolean format
"IsActive": true, Boolean value to check the booking status is active or not
"PassengerType": "ADT", PAX type sent at the time of booking need to be passed
"Tittle": "MR"  Title associated with the passenger to be passed, same as sent in booking
"FirstName": "MD", First Name of the passenger need to be passed, same as sent in booking
"LastName": "MUBARAK" Last Name of the passenger to be passed, same as sent in booking
"Success": TRUE Status of the PTR request will be provided.

ApplyForRefund - Error Codes
Error Message Comments
"SessionId cannot be null" Make sure the session ID is passed.
"Invalid SessionId" Please check the session ID
"UniqueID cannot be null" Unique MF number cannot be empty
"Invalid UniqueID" Unique MF number is invalid
"RejectOption cannot be null” One of the options should be passed.
“Invalid RejectOption" The option pass was invalid
“Page Ref cannot be null” Pass the valid page number
“Invalid ActionType” The option pass was invalid

TripDetails API


Trip Details API service provides the functionality of retrieving the itinerary and passenger details for the ordered ticket

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

TripDetails – Request

API Method : /api/TripDetails/{MFRef}

"UniqueID": "MF12988888" A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits

TripDetails - Response
"Success": true/false, Returns the search status in a Boolean
"TripDetailsResult": {}, TripDetails will pass the infromation with the following properties
"Success": true/false, Returns the search status in a Boolean
"TravelItinerary": {}, TravelItinerary will pass the information with the following properties
"MFRef": "MF12988888", A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"TripType": "OneWay" / "Return"
"TicketStatus": “TktInProcess” , "Ticketed" , “BookingInProcess” The ticket status associated with the itinerary.

Note: For LCC itineraries if you get the Ticket Status as 'TktInProgress'/’BookingInProcess’ in the response.
Please call the tripdetails call for the next 60 minutes may be once in 10 minutes and check the status updated for TicketStatus in the response. In some cases, our supplier might take some time to share the ticket details.
"BookingStatus": "Booked", Status of the Booking
"Origin": "SIN", IATA code for the Origin
"Destination": "TPE", IATA code for the destination
"FareType": "Public", Indicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates the carrier is an LCC
"ExtraServices" {}
"Type" "BAGGAGE" / "MEAL" / "OTHERS"
"CheckInType" "AIRPORT" / "ONLINE"This Tag specify that Checkin can be through ONLINE or at AIRPORT.
"PassengerInfos": [], PassengerInfos will pass the ifnromation with the following properties
"Passenger": {}, Paseenger details
"Gender": "M", Gender of the passenger
"DateOfBirth": "1989-03-12T00:00:00", Birth date of the passenger
"PassportExpiresOn": "2025-03-12T00:00:00", Passport expiry date
"PassportNationality": "Indian", Passport nationailty
"PassengerNationality": "Indian", Nationality of the passenger
"PassportIssuanceCountry": "India", Location of the passport issued
"PassengerType": "ADT", Type of the passenger. Adult-ADT, Child-CHD, Infant-INF
"PaxName": {}, PaxName will pass the information with the following properties
"PassengerTitle": "MR", Title of the passenger
"PassengerFirstName": "MOHAMMED", First Name
"PassengerLastName": "MUBARAK" Last Name/Family Name
"PassportNumber": "Z8667567", PassportNumber
"NameNumber": 178178, Name number of passengers
"TicketStatus": "Ticketed" The ticket status associated with the itinerary.

Note: For LCC itineraries if you get the Ticket Status as 'TktInProgress'/’BookingInProcess’ in the response.
Please call the tripdetails call for the next 60 minutes may be once in 10 minutes and check the status updated for TicketStatus in the response. In some cases, our supplier might take some time to share the ticket details.
"ETickets": [], Etickets will pass the information with the following properties
"ItemRPH": 1, Reference place holder specifies the number of the passenger
"ETicketNumber": "TKT334124", Specifies the unique eticket number
"ETicketType": "Ticketed" ETicket status
"TripDetailsPTC_FareBreakdowns": [], The information with regards to passenger farebreakdowns will be passed with the following properties
"PassengerTypeQuantity": {}, Number of passenger
"Code": "ADT", Type of the passenger. Adult-ADT, Child-CHD, Infant-INF
"Quantity": 1 Quantity of specific passenger type
"TripDetailsPassengerFare": {}, TripDetailsPassengerFare will pass the information with the following properties
"EquiFare": {}, Equivalent fare specifies the exact converted from the local currency i.e. base fare to equivalent fare to the client currency
"Amount": "493.28", Price of the itinerary
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed
"Tax": {}, Tax contains all the fields as BaseFare
"Amount": "263.35", Total Tax Value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed
"TotalFare": {}, Total fare value
"Amount": "756.63", Total fare amount
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed
"AirportTaxBreakUp": QR 0.05,QR 0.05,QR 0.04,QR 0.04,WG 0.06,WG 0.06,IN 1447.00,K3 1258.00,WO 154.00,ZR 92.00,YQ 3712.00
"BaggageInfo": [], Check-in baggage information
"1PC", Departure bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"1PC", Arrival bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"CabinBaggageInfo": [], Hand baggage information
"7KG", Departure bag details (Either it will be in KG/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"7KG", Arrival bag details (Either it will be in KG/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"IsPenaltyDetailsAvailable": true/false, Will show if IsPenaltyDetailsAvailable in the response or not
"AirVoidCharges": {}, Will show the actual amount that will be refunded if the booking is voided
"IsVoidable": "Yes",
"PassengerType": "ADT", Type of the passenger. Adult-ADT, Child-CHD, Infant-INF
"AdminCharges": 20, Charges to void the ticket if any.
"Currency": "USD", Currency code
"VoidingWindow": "2020-03-12T18:29:59" Voiding period
"VoidingWindow": "2020-03-12T18:29:59", Voiding period
"ClientUTCOffset": 5.3,
"Itineraries": [],
"ItineraryInfo": {},
"ReservationItems": [],
"ItemRPH": 1, Specifies number of segments in the Booking
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-06-12T18:25:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-06-12T19:35:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"FlightNumber": "654", Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode": "N", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"JourneyDuration": "130", Duration of the flight in minutes
"AirlinePNR": "QGUVRJ", Confirmation reference from the airline
"NumberInParty": 1, Number of passengers
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "SIN", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"DepartureTerminal": "4", Airport Terminal information
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "SGN", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive (As per arrival time zone)
"ArrivalTerminal": "2", Airport Terminal information
"OperatingAirlineCode": "VN", Airline IATA Code
"AirEquipmentType": "321", Specifies the aircraft equipment type
"MarketingAirlineCode": "VN", Airline IATA Code
"Baggage": "1PC", Baggage allowance
"FlightStatus": "HK", Status of the Booking
"IsReturn": true/false,
"CabinClass": "Y" Specifies the cabin class
"ItemRPH": 2, Specifies number of segments in the Booking
"DepartureDateTime": "2020-06-16T08:40:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-06-16T10:20:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"FlightNumber": "601", Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode": "N", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"JourneyDuration": "100", Duration of the flight in minutes
"AirlinePNR": "QGUVRJ", Confirmation reference from the airline
"NumberInParty": 1, Number of passengers
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "SGN", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"DepartureTerminal": "2", Airport Terminal information
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "SIN", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive (As per arrival time zone)
"ArrivalTerminal": "40", Airport Terminal information
"OperatingAirlineCode": "VN", Airline IATA Code
"AirEquipmentType": "321", Specifies the aircraft equipment type
"MarketingAirlineCode": "VN", Airline IATA Code
"Baggage": "1PC", Baggage allowance
"FlightStatus": "HK", Status of the Booking
"IsReturn": true/false,
"CabinClass": "Y"
"Type": "TravelItinerary" TravelItinerary will pass the information with the following properties
"TransactionDetails": {},
"BookingNotes": [],
"TicketingTimeLimit": "2020-03-13T04:59:00"


Always read the baggage information from Search or Revalidation Response and not from FlightFareRules.

Error Codes
Error CodeValueDescription
ERTDT001 SessionId cannot be null Make sure the sessionID is passed
ERTDT002 Invalid SessionId Please check the sessionID
ERTDT003 UniqueID cannot be null Unique MF number cannot be empty
ERTDT004 Invalid UniqueID Unique MF number is invalid
ERTDT005 Trip details not found for given Booking reference number For the provided MF number trip details are not available
ERTDT006 There is no itinerary present for selected criteria No Itinerary present for the criteria

SeatMap API


Flight Seat Map is an API where client can select available seats from Airline’s seat map data. This option is available for “Scheduled Carriers” as of now.

  • AirLowFareSearch API
  • AirRevalidation API
  • AirRules API
  • AirRevalidationAPI
  • FlightSeatMap API
  • AirBook API

Client need to pass AirRevalidation FSC code to get available seats from Airline seat map data. Below is the seat preference available from which client can select seat as per passenger preference.

  • AisleToTheLeft : Aisle seat from the left side of an Aircraft
  • AisleToTheRight : Aisle Seat from the Right side of an Aircraft
  • Bassinet : Bassinet seat for adult travelling with Infant
  • Exit Row : Exit Row Seats
  • RearFacingSeat : Seat Facing Rear of the Aircraft
  • WindowSeat : Window seat of an Aircraf

All Above seat preference are Boolean values “true” value indicates availability of seat,” false” indicate non availability of seat

Note: Above preferred seat can be booked only if ValidSeat Value is true in FlightSeatMapAPI Response.

FlightSeatMap Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

FlightSeatMap Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

FlightSeatMap – Request
"FareSourceCode" XXXXXXX Mandate A Unique FSC for every single itinerary
"Target"" Test" or "Production"MandateTest or Live Platform details
"ConversationId""XYZ"OptionalFree Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end

FlightSeatMap - Response
"Data"NestedSeat Map Data
"ConversationId"“XYZ”Free Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end
"Errors"Error Error
"Message"Error MessageError Message
"ProcessingDurationMillis"“499”Time shown in millisecond for API Response
"SeatMaps"NestedStart of seat map for entire itinerary
"ArrivalAirport"“DXB”Arrival Airport details
"Cabins"NestedStart of Cabins
"ClassName"Economy/BusinessCabin class name
"SeatRows"NestedStart of rows
"AirBookDesigCode":“Economy”Flight cabin details
"ExitRow"“true”/”false”Exit row of an Aircraft
"MaxNumOfSeats"“10”Maximum seats available in row to book
"OverWingRow"“true”/”false”Seat at over wing of an Aircraft
"RowNumber"“25”Row number of an Aircraft
"SeatConfiguration"Seat configuration of an Aircraft
"SeatConfigurationLetters"Seat configuration letters of an Aircraft
"Seats"NestedStart of Nested seats row wise
"AisleToTheLeft"“true”/”false”Aisle seat left of the Aircraft
"AisleToTheRight"“true”/”false”Aisle seat right of the Aircraft
"Amount"“0”Seat price
"Bassinet"“true”/”false”Bassinet seat for Adult with Infant
"ExitRow"“true”/”false”Seat at Exit row of an Aircraft
"RearFacingSeat"“true”/”false”Seat at Rear facing of an Aircraft
"SeatLetter"A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/JSeat letter
"SeatMapID"XXXXXXXXXXXUnique Seat map Id use to hold seat
"SeatNumber"“25A”Seat number
"SuitableForAdultWithInfant"“true”/”false”Is seat suitable for adult with infant
"ValidSeat"“true”/”false”Is seat valid/Available to book
"WindowSeat"“true”/”false”Window seat of an Aircraft
"UpperDeck"“true”/”false”Are above seats in upper deck of an Aircraft
"Currency"USD/EUR/INRCurrency type
"DepartureAirport"“BLR”Departure Airport Details
"DepartureDateTime"“Date and Time”Departure Date Details
"EquipmentCode"Equipment of an Aircraft
"FlightNumber"“569”Flight number of above listed seats
"OperatingAirline"“EK”Operating carrier
"Success"“true”/”false”Is result success
"Target"“Test”,”Production”Test or Live Platform details

Points to be Noted

  • ValidSeat should be True to hold the seat
  • Chargeable seats selection is not allowed
  • As of now SeatMap is available for GDS Bookings only.

VoidQuote PTR (Post Ticketing Request)

Introduction of “VoidQuote”:

“VoidQuote” is a request that is generated to get hold of the Void charges and total Refund that will be processed for the booking which is within 24 hours from the e-ticket document issuance.

Create PostTicketingRequest API:

Create Post Ticketing Request API is performed to generate a VOID QUOTE request for a specific booking reference generated by Activity Linker LTD. “VoidQuote” PTR response will provide the details of VOID fee and total REFUND amount associated with the booking.

Points to be Noted:

  • “VoidQuote” request will only provide the Refund amount associated with the booking and this request will NOT generate a Void transaction for the booking. (If you like to proceed to Void you will need to perform Void PTR)
  • PTR ID will not be generated for “VoidQuote” Request API because this will always be Synchronous response.

VoidQuote Request:

VoidQuote Response:

VoidQuote Request – Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
{ Yes
"ptrType": "VoidQuote", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15171220", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"AllowChildPassenger": false, True/false Pass "true" only if any CHILD pax associated with the booking.
"passengers": [ Yes Passenger details associated with the booking.
{ Yes
"firstName": "Alex", Yes First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"lastName": "Tan", Yes Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"title": "MR", Yes Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"eTicket": "5654345667787", Yes e-ticket number of the passenger associated with the booking.
"passengerType": "ADT" Yes Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
} Yes
], Yes
} Yes

VoidQuote Response – Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Data": {
"PTRId": 0, Default 0 only for VoidQuote request as it will be a Synchronous response.
"PTRType": "VoidQuote", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15171220", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"SLAInMinutes": 0, Default 0 only for VoidQuote request as it will be a Synchronous response.
"PTRStatus": "Completed", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"VoidingWindow": "2020-08-14T06:30:00", Voiding time stamp associated with the booking.
"VoidQuotes": [
"FirstName": "Alex", First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"LastName": "Tan", Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"Title": "Mr", Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"PassengerType": "ADT", Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
"ETicket": "5654345667787", e-ticket number of the passenger associated with the booking.
"AdminCharges": "0.00", If any admin charges associated with the booking will be provided.
"GSTCharge": "0.00", If any GST charges associated with the booking will be provided.
"TotalVoidingFee": "0.00", If any Voiding fee charges associated with the booking will be provided.
"TotalRefundAmount": "249.75", Total Refund will be provided if the VOID PTR API is performed.
"Currency": "USD" Currency for the Refund amount will be provided.

Search PTR "Resolutions" Values
SL:NO Values Description
1 "VoidRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected VOID PTR/Passenger
2 "QuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected PTR/Passenger
3 "QuoteDeclined" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Declined PTR/Passenger
4 "QuoteAccepted" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Accepted PTR/Passenger
5 "QuoteRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Requested PTR/Passenger
6 "QuoteUpdated" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Updated PTR/Passenger
7 "RefundQuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundQuote Rejected PTR/Passenger
8 "RefundRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Refund PTR/Passenger
9 "Refunded" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Refunded PTR/Passenger
10 "RefundRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundRequested PTR/Passenger
11 "ReissueRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Reissue PTR/Passenger
12 "Reissued" The same MF number can be reaplied for Reissued PTR/Passenger with new Tkt.

Void / VoidQuote - Error codes
Error Message Comments
"SessionId cannot be null" Make sure the session ID is passed.
"Invalid SessionId" Please check the session ID
"UniqueID cannot be null" Unique MF number cannot be empty
"Invalid UniqueID" Unique MF number is invalid
"Passenger Details cannot be null" Make sure passenger details are passed
"Passenger details are not matching" Make sure that the passenger details are passed correctly
"Partial Passenger Void is not supported" Ensure the details of the entire passenger associated with the bookings are passed in the request.
"Passenger count not matching." Number of pax in the request is not matching with the actual number of passengers in the booking.
"Passenger type not matching." Pax type passed in the request is not matching with the passenger type associated with the booking.
"Please verify the request" Request parameters are not in correct format.
"Voiding window expired" Voiding window of the booking requested is already expired.
"Eticket number cannot be null" Ensure that the E-ticket number is passed in the request.
"Passenger ticket number not matching." Ensure that the E-ticket number been passed correctly associated with the passengers in the booking.
"Invalid PTRType" Please make sure that a valid value been passed in this tag
"Booking not ticketed" Please make sure that the booking is ticketed.

Void - PostTicketingRequest (PTR services)

Introduction of “Void”:

Voiding an e-ticket document means invalidating the ticket. Usually, a ticket can be voided within 24 hours from the e-ticket document issuance this may vary from point of sale.

Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR):

Create Post Ticketing Request API is performed to accept the “VoidQuote” and submit the “Void” request for a specific booking reference generated by Activity Linker LTD. “Void” PTR response will provide you the PTR ID generated.

Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR):

Search Post Ticketing Request API is performed to check the status of the PTR ID generated from the “Void” response created, this API also gives the information about the Booking status, Passenger details and Void amount associated for the booking.

Workflow of Void API:

  • VoidQuote-(Create PostTicketingRequest)
  • Submit for Void-(Create PostTicketingRequest)
  • Status of Void-(Search PostTicketingRequest)

Void Request: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Void Response: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Void Request – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
{ Yes
"ptrType": "Void", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15171220", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"AllowChildPassenger": false, True/false Pass "true" only if any CHILD pax associated with the booking.
"passengers": [ Yes Passenger details associated with the booking.
{ Yes
"firstName": "Alex", Yes First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"lastName": "Tan", Yes Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"title": "MR", Yes Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"eTicket": "5654345667787", Yes e-ticket number of the passenger associated with the booking.
"passengerType": "ADT" Yes Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
} Yes
], Yes
} Yes

Void Response – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5287, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"PTRType": "Void", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15171220", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"SLAInMinutes": 120, Maximum timeline for processing the request raised
"PTRStatus": " InProcess", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"VoidQuotes": [
"FirstName": "Alex", First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"LastName": "Tan", Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"Title": "Mr", Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"PassengerType": "ADT", Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
"ETicket": "5654345667787", e-ticket number of the passenger associated with the booking.
"AdminCharges": "0.00", If any admin charges associated with the booking will be provided.
"GSTCharge": "0.00", If any GST charges associated with the booking will be provided.
"TotalVoidingFee": "0.00", If any Voiding fee charges associated with the booking will be provided.
"TotalRefundAmount": "249.75", Total Refund will be provided if the VOID PTR API is performed.
"Currency": "USD" Currency for the Refund amount will be provided.

Void Request: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Void Response: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Void Request – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ptrType": "Void", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15171220", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"PTRCategory": "All" Optional None, NotRead, Read, All, Please pass by default pass All.
"PTRStatus" "None" Optional None, Requested, InProcess, Completed, Rejected, QuoteChanged
"PTRId": 5287, Yes PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"ShowProcessingMethod": True, Optional True indicates if the PTR ID was processed Auto/Manuall, if False no tag passed
"Page": 1 Yes Page number to view PTR ID transaction details min 1 max of 25 records

Void Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Data": {
"PTRDetail": [
"PTRId": 5287, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"PTRType": "Void", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15171220", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"BookingStatus": "Voided", Status of the Booking or the MF number will be passed.
"PTRStatus": " Completed", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"CreditNoteNumber": "3100208", Unique ID generated for tracking the Creditnote number for Refund status
"TotalRefundAmount": "239.75", Total refund amount post Voiding the ticket.
"Currency": "USD", Refund amount that will be credited as per currency associated with booking
"CreatedBy": "Activity Linker LTD", Client UserName for reference.
"Resolution": "Voided", Status of the PTR ID, if "Rejected" reason will be passed next to the tag.
"CreditNoteStatus": "Paid", Status of Credit note for particular transaction
"PTRPaxDetails": [
"Id": 5890, Booking ID for a particular Transaction
"PTRId": 5287, PTR – ID from the Quote response
"PaxId" 223505, Specified Passenger unique number
"TicketNumber": "5654345667787", Ticket Number of passengers
"TicketStatus": 1, 1 - True or 0 - false
"IsActive": true, Boolean value, to check the booking status as active or not
"PassengerType": "ADT" Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
"Title": "Mr", Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"FirstName": "Alex", First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"LastName": "Tan", Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"Success": true,

Search PTR "Resolutions" Values
SL:NO Values Description
1 "VoidRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected VOID PTR/Passenger
2 "QuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected PTR/Passenger
3 "QuoteDeclined" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Declined PTR/Passenger
4 "QuoteAccepted" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Accepted PTR/Passenger
5 "QuoteRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Requested PTR/Passenger
6 "QuoteUpdated" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Updated PTR/Passenger
7 "RefundQuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundQuote Rejected PTR/Passenger
8 "RefundRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Refund PTR/Passenger
9 "Refunded" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Refunded PTR/Passenger
10 "RefundRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundRequested PTR/Passenger
11 "ReissueRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Reissue PTR/Passenger
12 "Reissued" The same MF number can be reaplied for Reissued PTR/Passenger with new Tkt.

Void Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Error Codes:
Error Message Comments
SessionId cannot be null Make sure the session ID is passed.
Invalid SessionId Please check the session ID
At least one parameter need to be passed in the request Make sure that at least one parameter is passed in the request to get the details.
Invalid PTRID Please pass the actual PTRID in the request
PTRCategory is not valid. Please pass a valid input in PTR category.
Invalid MFREF Please pass the actual MFREF in the request.
The field MFRef must be a string with a maximum length of 20. MF reference number need to be passed with a valid input
Id not matching with the request type. PTRID is not matching with the request
No records found No data available for the given ID
Id not updated as read. PTRID yet to be updated as READ.

Void / VoidQuote - Error codes
Error Message Comments
"SessionId cannot be null" Make sure the session ID is passed.
"Invalid SessionId" Please check the session ID
"UniqueID cannot be null" Unique MF number cannot be empty
"Invalid UniqueID" Unique MF number is invalid
"Passenger Details cannot be null" Make sure passenger details are passed
"Passenger details are not matching" Make sure that the passenger details are passed correctly
"Partial Passenger Void is not supported" Ensure the details of the entire passenger associated with the bookings are passed in the request.
"Passenger count not matching." Number of pax in the request is not matching with the actual number of passengers in the booking.
"Passenger type not matching." Pax type passed in the request is not matching with the passenger type associated with the booking.
"Please verify the request" Request parameters are not in correct format.
"Voiding window expired" Voiding window of the booking requested is already expired.
"Eticket number cannot be null" Ensure that the E-ticket number is passed in the request.
"Passenger ticket number not matching." Ensure that the E-ticket number been passed correctly associated with the passengers in the booking.
"Invalid PTRType" Please make sure that a valid value been passed in this tag
"Booking not ticketed" Please make sure that the booking is ticketed.

ReissueQuote – Post Ticketing Request (PTR services)

Introduction of “Reissue Quote”:

An airline ticket Reissue is an alteration to an airline journey that requires the issue of an entirely new ticket, usually because a traveler has changed travel date and therefore flight number or price. Reissue PTR will help in achieving the changes in a ticket through API

Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR):

Create PTR API service is performed to generate the Reissue Quote OR Reissue requests associated with the transaction for each ticket in the booking. The same details can be fetched from Trip Details response as well.

Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR):

PTR Queue API service helps clients in getting the updated status of the generated PTR. Multiple filters are available in this API call, by which client can narrow down the data that they are specifically looking for

Types of Reissue Quote Request:

  • "OND": OND ReissueQuote type is performed to create auto generated Reissue quotes which is readily available from C2.
  • "Segment": Segment ReissueQuote is performed to create manual Reissue quotes for which the Auto quote is not processed.

Workflow of ReissueQuote API:

  • ReIssueQuote - (Create PostTicketingRequest)
  • GetExchangeQuote - (Search PostTicketingRequest)
  • Accept the ReIssueQuote - (Create PostTicketingRequest)
  • Reissue Confirmation - (Search PostTicketingRequest)

ReissueQuote Request: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

ReissueQuote Response: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

ReissueQuote Request – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)- Data Description
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ptrType": "ReissueQuote", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15170620", Yes A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number starts with MF followed by 8 digits
"AllowChildPassenger": false, true/false True should be passed when a Child pax is associated in the booking.
"reissueQuoteRequestType": "Segment", Yes Clients need to pass this tag as OND to get the Reissue Quote instantly
"passengers": [ Passenger Details associated with the booking need to be passed.
"firstName": "Md", Yes First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"lastName": "Mubarak", Yes Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"title": "MR", Yes Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"eTicket": "1234580095753", Yes e-ticket number of the passenger associated with the booking.
"passengerType": "ADT" Yes Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
"originDestinations": [ This parameter indicates the segment
"originLocationCode": "JFK", Yes IATA Code of the Airport or City
"destinationLocationCode": "IST", Yes IATA Code of the Airport or City
"cabinPreference": "Y", Yes Y=Economy, C=Business, F=First and S=Premium Economy
"departureDateTime": "2020-10-15", Yes Specifies the date and time for the departure of the flight as scheduled.
"flightNumber": 12, Yes Flight number
"airlineCode": "TK" Yes Airline IATA Code
"originLocationCode": "IST", Yes IATA Code of the Airport or City
"destinationLocationCode": "LHR", Yes IATA Code of the Airport or City
"cabinPreference": "Y", Yes Y=Economy, C=Business, F=First and S=Premium Economy
"departureDateTime": "2020-10-16", Yes Specifies the date and time for the departure of the flight as scheduled.
"flightNumber": 1979, Yes Number of the flight.
"airlineCode": "TK" Yes Airline IATA Code

ReissueQuote Response – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)- Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, This tag will share the status of the request
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5274, PTR ID associated with the ReIssueQuote RQ
"PTRType": "ReIssueQuote", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15170620", MF number associated with the booking.
"SLAInMinutes": 60, Maximum timeline for processing the request raised
"PTRStatus": "InProcess" Status of the PTR request will be provided.

GetExchangeQuote Request: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

GetExchangeQuote Response: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

GetExchangeQuote Request – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ptrType": "GetExchangeQuote", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15170620", Yes MF number associated with the booking.
"PTRId": 5274, Yes PTR ID associated with the ReIssueQuote RQ
"Page": 1 Yes Page number to view PTR ID transaction details min 1 max of 25 records

GetExchangeQuote Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5274, PTR ID associated with the ReIssueQuote RQ
"PTRType": "ReIssueQuote", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"Status": "Completed", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"MFRef": "MF15170620", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"CreatedOn": "2020-08-12T21:37:39.94", Create PTR creation time
"RequestCompletionTime": "2020-08-12T21:37:39.94", Create PTR request completion time
"CreatedByName": "Activity Linker LTD API Team", Client UserName for reference
"Resolution": "QuoteUpdated", Status of the of the PTR ID generated will be shown
"Passengers": [
"ETicket": "1234580095753", ETicket of the passenger specified in the booking
"PassengerType": "ADT", Type of the passenger specified in the booking
"Tittle": "MR", Title of the passenger specified in the booking
"FirstName": “Md” Passenger First Name mentioned in booking
"LastName": “Mubarak” Passenger Last name mentioned in the booking
"RequestedPreferences":[ Nested Tag
"Option": 1, Unique ID for the specific Itinerary preference
"CreatedOn": "2020-08-12T21:37:39.94", PTR request creation time
"QuotedSegments": [
"Origin": "JFK", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"Destination": "IST", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive a
"CabinClass": "Y", Y=Economy, C=Business, F=First and S=Premium Economy
"DepartureDatetime": "2020-10-15T00:10:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format of departure date & time
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-10-15T16:50:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format of arrival date & time.
"AirlineCode": "TK", Airline IATA Code for the marketing airline
"FlightNumber": 12, Flight Number
"Duration": "9.40", HH:MM format for the Duration of the flight
"Stops": 0, Indicates the number of stops
"BookingClass": "S", Indicates the RBD code for the itinerary
"isReturn": FALSE Indicates the Direction ID
"Origin": "IST", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"Destination": "LHR", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive a
"CabinClass": "Y", Y=Economy, C=Business, F=First and S=Premium Economy
"DepartureDatetime": "2020-10-16T07:45:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format of departure date and time
"ArrivalDateTime": "2020-10-16T09:50:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format of arrival date and time.
"AirlineCode": "TK", Airline IATA Code for the marketing airline
"FlightNumber": 1979, Flight Number
"Duration": "4.05", HH:MM format for the Duration of the flight
"Stops": 0, Indicates the number of stops
"BookingClass": "S", Indicates the RBD code for the itinerary
"isReturn": FALSE Indicates the Direction ID
"QuotedFares": [ Nested Tag
"PassengerType": "ADT", Passenger type given at the time of booking must be passed.
"BaseFareDifference": 56, Base Fare Difference for Reissue linked with the booking
"TaxDifference": 4, Tax Difference for Reissue linked with the booking
"AdminFee": 0, Admin fees for Reissue associated with the booking
"GST": 0, Dynamic value only if it is applicable If not ‘0’ will be passed
"NoShowPenalty": 0, Dynamic value only if it is applicable If not ‘0’ will be passed
"Currency": "USD", The currency code in which the above charges are provided
"Penalty": 30, The change fees for Reissue associated with the booking
"PassengerCount": 1, Indicates the number of passengers
"TotalFareDifference": 90 Total Reissue charges associated with the booking
"PTRRemarks”: [ Nested Tag
"Remarks": "Not valid until re-issued", Additional note
"Reason": "", Reason for Reissue/ReIssue Quote rejection
"RemarksType": "QuoteRemarks" Remarks passed by operations agent.
"Success": TRUE This tag will share the status of the request.

Accept ReissueQuote Request - Create PostTicketingRequest

Accept ReissueQuote Response - Create PostTicketingRequest

Accept ReissueQuote Request – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)- Data Description
Parameter Values Mandate Description
{ Yes
"ptrType": "ReIssueQuote", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15170620", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"PTRId" 5274, Yes ReissueQuote PTR ID should be passed that you would like to proceed.
"PreferenceOption": 1, Yes Preference Option number for itinerary selection
"AcceptQuote": "yes", Yes Pass "Yes" if accepted for RefundQuote to apply for REFUND, to Reject pass "NO"
"AdditionalNote": "Free Text", Yes Message for the agent should be passed here - Freetext
} Yes

Accept ReissueQuote Response – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)- Data Description
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, This tag will share the status of the request.
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5274, PTR ID associated with the Reissue Quote RQ
"PTRType": "ReIssue", PTR Type tag will help the client to identify the response parameter, whether the
"SLAInMinutes": 60, Will share the max timeline for processing the request raised.
"PTRStatus": "InProcess", Status of the booking.
"Message": Free Text "Your request for reissue has been submitted successfully.Our team will process it within 60 minutes."

Reissue confirmation:

GetExchangeQuote Request: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

GetExchangeQuote Response: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

GetExchangeQuote Request – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ptrType": "GetExchangeQuote", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15170620", Yes MF number associated with the booking.
"PTRId": 5274, Yes PTR ID associated with the ReIssueQuote RQ
"Page": 1 Yes Page number to view PTR ID transaction details min 1 max of 25 records

GetExchangeQuote Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5274, PTR ID associated with the ReIssueQuote RQ
"PTRType": "ReIssueQuote", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15170620", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"BookingStatus": "Exchanged", Booking Status of the booking
"PTRStatus": "Completed", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"CreatedByName": "Activity Linker LTD", Client UserName for reference
"Resolution": "Reissued", Status of the of the PTR ID generated will be shown
"pTRPaxDetails": [
"Id": 5875, Booking ID for a particular Transaction
"PTRId": 5274, PTR – ID from the Quote response
"PaxId" 223499, Specified Passenger unique number
"TicketNumber": "1234580095753", Ticket Number of passengers
"TicketStatus": 1, 1 - True or 0 - false
"IsActive": true, Boolean value, to check the booking status as active or not
"PassengerType": "ADT" Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
"Title": "Mr", Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"FirstName": "Alan", First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"LastName": "Tan", Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"Success": true,

TripDetails API Response:

TripDetails API should be performed to get hold of the New Ticket Number and status of the New ticket, which is Reissued, and the Old ticket number will be cancelled sample as shown below.

Search PTR "Resolutions" Values
SL:NO Values Description
1 "VoidRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected VOID PTR/Passenger
2 "QuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected PTR/Passenger
3 "QuoteDeclined" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Declined PTR/Passenger
4 "QuoteAccepted" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Accepted PTR/Passenger
5 "QuoteRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Requested PTR/Passenger
6 "QuoteUpdated" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Updated PTR/Passenger
7 "RefundQuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundQuote Rejected PTR/Passenger
8 "RefundRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Refund PTR/Passenger
9 "Refunded" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Refunded PTR/Passenger
10 "RefundRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundRequested PTR/Passenger
11 "ReissueRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Reissue PTR/Passenger
12 "Reissued" The same MF number can be reaplied for Reissued PTR/Passenger with new Tkt.

ReissueQuote – Create PostTicketingRequest - Error codes
Error Message Comments
UniqueID cannot be null Unique MF number cannot be empty
Invalid UniqueID. Unique MF number is invalid
Passenger Details cannot be null Make sure passenger details are passed
Passenger details are not matching Make sure that the passenger details are passed correctly
Passenger type not matching. Passenger type - ADT, CHD, INF is not matching with the associated booking.
Eticket number cannot be null Make sure that the E-ticket number is passed in the request.
Invalid selection. Infant must be accompanied with an Adult. Make sure that Infant must be get selected with Adult.
Passenger type not matching for ticket no = 2289477578367 Make sure that the correct E-ticket number is passed in the request.

ReissueQuote – Search PostTicketingRequest - Error codes
Error Message Comments
"Please enter valid page greater than 0. " Page number must be equal or more then 1, Each page contains 25 records
Invalid MFRef Unique MF number is invalid

Refund Quote - PostTicketingRequest (PTR services)

Introduction of “Refund Quote”:

Refundable airline tickets are flight tickets that can be returned for a refund to your original payment method you choose to pay for your flights with. Refund Quote API is performed to get hold out of the charges for cancelling a ticket and the total Refund amount associated with the Booking.

Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR):

Create Post Ticketing Request API is performed to “RefundQuote” and submit the “Refund” request for a specific booking reference generated by Activity Linker LTD. “RefundQuote” PTR response will provide you the PTR ID generated for tracking the request submitted.

Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR):

Search Post Ticketing Request API is performed to check the status of the PTR ID generated from the “RefundQuote” response created, this API also gives the information about the Booking status, Passenger details and Refund amount associated for the booking.

Workflow of Void API:

  • RefundQuote - (Create PostTicketingRequest)
  • GetRefundQuote - (Search PostTicketingRequest)
  • Accept the RefundQuote - (Create PostTicketingRequest)
  • Refund Confirmation - (Search PostTicketingRequest)

RefundQuote Request: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

RefundQuote Response: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

RefundQuote Request – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
{ Yes
"ptrType": "RefundQuote", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15170620", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"AllowChildPassenger": false, True/false Pass "true" only if any CHILD pax associated with the booking.
"passengers": [ Yes Passenger details associated with the booking.
{ Yes
"firstName": "Alex", Yes First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"lastName": "Tan", Yes Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"title": "MR", Yes Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"eTicket": "1234580096000", Yes e-ticket number of the passenger associated with the booking.
"passengerType": "ADT" Yes Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
} Yes
], Yes
"AdditionalNote": Free Text Yes Message for the agent should be passed here - Freetext
} Yes

RefundQuote Response – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5275, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the RefundQuote request.
"PTRType": "RefundQuote", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15170620", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"SLAInMinutes": 60, Maximum timeline for processing the request raised
"PTRStatus": " InProcess", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Message": "Free Text" "Request for refund quote has been submitted successfully. Your Request# is 5275."

Refund/RefundQuote – Create PostTicketingRequest - Error codes
Error Message Comments
"SessionId cannot be null" Make sure the session ID is passed.
"Invalid SessionId" Please check the session ID
"UniqueID cannot be null" Unique MF number cannot be empty
"Invalid UniqueID" Unique MF number is invalid
"Passenger Details cannot be null" Make sure passenger details are passed
"Passenger details are not matching" Make sure that the passenger details are passed correctly
"Partial Passenger Void is not supported" Ensure the details of the entire passenger associated with the bookings are passed in the request.
"Passenger count not matching." Number of pax in the request is not matching with the actual number of passengers in the booking.
"Passenger type not matching." Pax type passed in the request is not matching with the passenger type associated with the booking.
"Please verify the request" Request parameters are not in correct format.
"Voiding window expired" Voiding window of the booking requested is already expired.
"Eticket number cannot be null" Ensure that the E-ticket number is passed in the request.
"Passenger ticket number not matching." Ensure that the E-ticket number been passed correctly associated with the passengers in the booking.
"Invalid PTRType" Please make sure that a valid value been passed in this tag
"Booking not ticketed" Please make sure that the booking is ticketed.

RefundQuote Request: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

RefundQuote Response: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

RefundQuote Request – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ptrType": "RefundQuote", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15170620", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"PTRCategory": "All" Optional None, NotRead, Read, All, Please pass by default pass All.
"PTRStatus" "None" Optional None, Requested, InProcess, Completed, Rejected, QuoteChanged
"PTRId": 5275, Yes PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"ShowProcessingMethod": True, Optional True indicates if the PTR ID was processed Auto/Manuall, if False no tag passed
"Page": 1 Yes Page number to view PTR ID transaction details min 1 max of 25 records

RefundQuote Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Data": {
"PTRDetail": [
"PTRId": 5275, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the RefundQuote request.
"PTRType": "RefundQuote", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"PTRStatus": "Completed", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"MFRef": "MF15171220", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"RefundQuotes": [
"FirstName": "Alex", First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"LastName": "Tan", Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"Title": "Mr", Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"TicketNumber": "1234580096000", Ticket Number of passengers
"TotalFare": 628.43, Total Fare paid for the booking
"UnusedFare": 628.43, Total Unused fare in the booking, if Onward used and Return refund is applicable
"CancellationCharge": 50, Total cancellation fee charged for the booking
"NoShowCharge": 0, If Passenger is NoShow then this charges will also be applicable
"Tax": 6, Tax charged for cancelling the ticket
"AdminCharges": 10, Admin charges associated for cancelling the booking
"GSTCharge": 0, GST if any applicable.
"TotalRefundCharges": 66, Total refund fee charges for the ticket.
"TotalRefundAmount": "239.75", Total refund amount post Voiding the ticket.
"Currency": "USD", Refund amount that will be credited as per currency associated with booking
"YQ_Tax": 0, Part of Tax associated with the booking.
"YR_Tax": 0, Part of Tax associated with the booking.
"OtherTaxesK3": 0 Part of Tax associated with the booking.

Search PTR "Resolutions" Values
SL:NO Values Description
1 "VoidRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected VOID PTR/Passenger
2 "QuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected PTR/Passenger
3 "QuoteDeclined" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Declined PTR/Passenger
4 "QuoteAccepted" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Accepted PTR/Passenger
5 "QuoteRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Requested PTR/Passenger
6 "QuoteUpdated" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Updated PTR/Passenger
7 "RefundQuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundQuote Rejected PTR/Passenger
8 "RefundRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Refund PTR/Passenger
9 "Refunded" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Refunded PTR/Passenger
10 "RefundRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundRequested PTR/Passenger
11 "ReissueRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Reissue PTR/Passenger
12 "Reissued" The same MF number can be reaplied for Reissued PTR/Passenger with new Tkt.

RefundQuote Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Error Codes:
Error Message Comments
SessionId cannot be null Make sure the session ID is passed.
Invalid SessionId Please check the session ID
At least one parameter needs to be passed in the request Make sure that at least one parameter is passed in the request to get the details.
Invalid PTRID Please pass the actual PTRID in the request
PTRCategory is not valid. Please pass a valid input in PTR category.
Invalid MFREF Please pass the actual MFREF in the request.
The field MFRef must be a string with a maximum length of 20. MF reference number need to be passed with a valid input
Id not matching with the request type. PTRID is not matching with the request
No records found No data available for the given ID
Id not updated as read. PTRID yet to be updated as READ.

Accept the Refund from RefundQuote:

Refund confirmation allows the user to request the generated PTR ID and validate the status of the booking placed for Refund. The Refund API will allow the user to accept or decline the refund requested.

Refund Request: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Refund Response: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Refund Request – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
{ Yes
"ptrType": "Refund", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15170620", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"AllowChildPassenger": false, True/false Pass "true" only if any CHILD pax associated with the booking.
"passengers": [ Yes Passenger details associated with the booking.
{ Yes
"firstName": "Alex", Yes First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"lastName": "Tan", Yes Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"title": "MR", Yes Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"eTicket": "1234580096000", Yes e-ticket number of the passenger associated with the booking.
"passengerType": "ADT" Yes Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
} Yes
], Yes
"PtrId": 5275, Yes RefundQuote PTR ID should be passed that you would like to proceed.
"PreferenceOption": 1, Yes Preference Option number for itinerary selection
"AcceptQuote": "yes", Yes Pass "Yes" if accepted for RefundQuote to apply for REFUND, to Reject pass "NO"
"AdditionalNote": Free Text Yes Message for the agent should be passed here - Freetext
} Yes

Refund Response – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5275, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"PTRType": "Refund", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15170620", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"SLAInMinutes": 1440, Maximum timeline for processing the request raised
"PTRStatus": " InProcess", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Message": "Free Text" "Request for refund quote has been submitted successfully. Your Request# is 5275."

Refund Response – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5275, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"PTRType": "Refund", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15170620", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"SLAInMinutes": 1440, Maximum timeline for processing the request raised
"PTRStatus": " InProcess", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Message": "Free Text" "Request for refund quote has been submitted successfully. Your Request# is 5275."

Refund Request: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Refund Response: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Refund Request – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
"ptrType": "RefundQuote", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15170620", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"PTRCategory": "All" Optional None, NotRead, Read, All, Please pass by default pass All.
"PTRStatus" "None" Optional None, Requested, InProcess, Completed, Rejected, QuoteChanged
"PTRId": 5275, Yes PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"ShowProcessingMethod": True, Optional True indicates if the PTR ID was processed Auto/Manuall, if False no tag passed
"Page": 1 Yes Page number to view PTR ID transaction details min 1 max of 25 records

RefundQuote Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Data": {
"PTRDetail": [
"PTRId": 5275, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the RefundQuote request.
"PTRType": "RefundQuote", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"PTRStatus": "Completed", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"MFRef": "MF15171220", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"RefundQuotes": [
"FirstName": "Alex", First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"LastName": "Tan", Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"Title": "Mr", Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"TicketNumber": "1234580096000", Ticket Number of passengers
"TotalFare": 628.43, Total Fare paid for the booking
"UnusedFare": 628.43, Total Unused fare in the booking, if Onward used and Return refund is applicable
"CancellationCharge": 50, Total cancellation fee charged for the booking
"NoShowCharge": 0, If Passenger is NoShow then this charges will also be applicable
"Tax": 6, Tax charged for cancelling the ticket
"AdminCharges": 10, Admin charges associated for cancelling the booking
"GSTCharge": 0, GST if any applicable.
"TotalRefundCharges": 66, Total refund fee charges for the ticket.
"TotalRefundAmount": "239.75", Total refund amount post Voiding the ticket.
"Currency": "USD", Refund amount that will be credited as per currency associated with booking
"YQ_Tax": 0, Part of Tax associated with the booking.
"YR_Tax": 0, Part of Tax associated with the booking.
"OtherTaxesK3": 0 Part of Tax associated with the booking.

Direct Refund - PostTicketingRequest (PTR services)

Introduction of “Direct Refund”:

Refundable airline tickets are flight tickets that can be returned for a refund to your original payment method you choose to pay for your flights with. Refund API is performed to apply Refund directly without knowing the Penalties or Total Refund amount and submit the request for cancelling the booking and process the Refund. (Note - RefundQuote is not processed while performing Direct Refund)

Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR):

Create Post Ticketing Request API is performed to “submit the “Refund” request for a specific booking reference generated by Activity Linker LTD. “Refund” PTR response will provide you the PTR ID generated for tracking the request submitted.

Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR):

Search Post Ticketing Request API is performed to check the status of the PTR ID generated from the “Refund” response created, this API also gives the information about the Booking status, Passenger details and Refund amount associated for the booking.

Workflow of Refund API:

  • Apply for Direct Refund - (Create PostTicketingRequest)
  • Refund Confirmation - (Search PostTicketingRequest)

Refund Request: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Refund Response: Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Refund Request – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
{ Yes
"ptrType": "Refund", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15171620", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"AllowChildPassenger": false, True/false Pass "true" only if any CHILD pax associated with the booking.
"passengers": [ Yes Passenger details associated with the booking.
{ Yes
"firstName": "Alex", Yes First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"lastName": "Tan", Yes Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"title": "MR", Yes Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"eTicket": "3673876689999", Yes e-ticket number of the passenger associated with the booking.
"passengerType": "ADT" Yes Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
} Yes
], Yes
"AdditionalNote": Free Text Yes Message for the agent should be passed here - Freetext
} Yes

Refund Response – Create PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Success": true, Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"Data": {
"PTRId": 5285, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"PTRType": "Refund", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15171620", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"SLAInMinutes": 1440, Maximum timeline for processing the request raised
"Message": Free Text Request for refund quote has been submitted successfully. Your Request# is 5285

Refund – Create PostTicketingRequest - Error codes
Error Message Comments
"SessionId cannot be null" Make sure the session ID is passed.
"Invalid SessionId" Please check the session ID
"UniqueID cannot be null" Unique MF number cannot be empty
"Invalid UniqueID" Unique MF number is invalid
"Passenger Details cannot be null" Make sure passenger details are passed
"Passenger details are not matching" Make sure that the passenger details are passed correctly
"Partial Passenger Void is not supported" Ensure the details of the entire passenger associated with the bookings are passed in the request.
"Passenger count not matching." Number of pax in the request is not matching with the actual number of passengers in the booking.
"Passenger type not matching." Pax type passed in the request is not matching with the passenger type associated with the booking.
"Please verify the request" Request parameters are not in correct format.
"Voiding window expired" Voiding window of the booking requested is already expired.
"Eticket number cannot be null" Ensure that the E-ticket number is passed in the request.
"Passenger ticket number not matching." Ensure that the E-ticket number been passed correctly associated with the passengers in the booking.
"Invalid PTRType" Please make sure that a valid value been passed in this tag
"Booking not ticketed" Please make sure that the booking is ticketed.

Refund Request: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Refund Response: Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Refund Request – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Mandate Description
{ Yes
"ptrType": "Refund", Yes Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"mFRef": "MF15171620", Yes Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"PTRId": 5285, Yes PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the Refund request.
"Page": 1 Yes Page number to view PTR ID transaction details min 1 max of 25 records

Refund Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Data Description:
Parameter Values Description
"Data": {
"PTRDetail": [
"PTRId": 5285, PTR ID is Unique reference number generated for the VOID request.
"PTRType": "Refund", Indicates the PTR functionality requested for
"MFRef": "MF15170620", Activity Linker LTD reference starts with MF followed by 8 digits.
"BookingStatus": "Refunded", Status of the Booking or the MF number will be passed.
"PTRStatus": "Completed", Status of the PTR request will be provided.
"CreditNoteNumber": "3100205", Unique ID generated for tracking the Creditnote number for Refund status
"TotalRefundAmount": "605.05", Total refund amount post Voiding the ticket.
"Currency": "USD", Refund amount that will be credited as per currency associated with booking
"CreatedBy": "Activity Linker LTD", Client UserName for reference.
"Resolution": "Refunded", Status of the PTR ID, if "Rejected" reason will be passed next to the tag.
"CreditNoteStatus": "UnPaid", Status of Credit note for particular transaction
"PTRPaxDetails": [
"Id": 5888, Booking ID for a particular Transaction
"PTRId": 5285, PTR – ID from the Quote response
"PaxId" 223513, Specified Passenger unique number
"TicketNumber": "3673876689999", Ticket Number of passengers
"TicketStatus": 1, 1 - True or 0 - false
"IsActive": true, Boolean value, to check the booking status as active or not
"PassengerType": "ADT" Passenger type ADT/CHD/INF associated with the booking.
"Title": "Mr", Tittle of the passenger associated with the booking.
"FirstName": "Alex", First Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"LastName": "Tan", Last Name of the passenger associated with the booking.
"Success": true,

Search PTR "Resolutions" Values
SL:NO Values Description
1 "VoidRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected VOID PTR/Passenger
2 "QuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected PTR/Passenger
3 "QuoteDeclined" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Declined PTR/Passenger
4 "QuoteAccepted" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Accepted PTR/Passenger
5 "QuoteRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Requested PTR/Passenger
6 "QuoteUpdated" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Updated PTR/Passenger
7 "RefundQuoteRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundQuote Rejected PTR/Passenger
8 "RefundRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Refund PTR/Passenger
9 "Refunded" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Refunded PTR/Passenger
10 "RefundRequested" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for RefundRequested PTR/Passenger
11 "ReissueRejected" The same MF number cannot be reaplied for Rejected Reissue PTR/Passenger
12 "Reissued" The same MF number can be reaplied for Reissued PTR/Passenger with new Tkt.

Refund Response – Search PostTicketingRequest (PTR) - Error Codes:
Error Message Comments
SessionId cannot be null Make sure the session ID is passed.
Invalid SessionId Please check the session ID
At least one parameter needs to be passed in the request Make sure that at least one parameter is passed in the request to get the details.
Invalid PTRID Please pass the actual PTRID in the request
PTRCategory is not valid. Please pass a valid input in PTR category.
Invalid MFREF Please pass the actual MFREF in the request.
The field MFRef must be a string with a maximum length of 20. MF reference number need to be passed with a valid input
Id not matching with the request type. PTRID is not matching with the request
No records found No data available for the given ID
Id not updated as read. PTRID yet to be updated as READ.

MARK as READ - PostTicketingRequest (PTR)

Introduction of “Mark as Read” API:

MARK as READ PTR API service helps clients in changing the status of a specific PTR ID to READ status, by which the transactions can be fetched easily from PTR Queue API by sending the PTRCategory as ‘READ’. But once the PTR is marked as READ then it cannot be moved to UNREAD again.

MARK as READ PTR - API Request:

MARK as READ PTR - API Response:

MARK as READ PTR - API Request- Data Description
Parameter Required Example/Type Description
PTRID Mandatory 140 PTRID tag needs to be passed by the client in request, by which client will get the details of the booking associated with that ID in the queue response.
RequestType Mandatory VOID We need to pass the request type associated with the PTRID passed.
MFREF Mandatory MF001223223 MF reference number associated with the PTR ID need to be passed in this tag.

MARK as READ PTR - API Response - Data Description
Parameter Example/Type Description
Data -- --
PTRDetails -- --
PTRID 172 PTRID tag will share the unique reference number for which the status been updated to READ.
RequestType Void PTR type associated with the ID
Status Success Will give the status of the API transaction.
Success TRUE Response

MARK as READ PTR - API - Error Codes
Error Message Comments
SessionId cannot be null Make sure the session ID is passed.
Invalid SessionId Please check the session ID
Invalid PTR ID Make sure that we pass a valid PTR ID
Invalid MFREF Please pass the actual MFREF in the request.
Already marked as READ PTRID already marked as read
Invalid Request Type Make sure that the Request type is passed as ‘READ’
No records found. No data available for the requested id.
Please verify the Request. Please verify the request passed.



A multi-city flight is an itinerary that does not follow a typical there-and-back pattern, but instead goes from Point A to Point B and on to Point C (and possibly Point D, etc). A multi-city itinerary can be used to create a layover, visit several cities in one trip, or fly back to a different airport than where you started.

Note: The maximum number of sectors can be passed in Search request is 6 sectors and AirTripType should be passed as OneWay always, which will create a booking as per segment wise

Workflow of MulticityFares API:

  • Search-(multiCityFares/Search/Flight)
  • Revalidation-(multiCityFares/Revalidate/Flight)
  • Book-(multiCityFares/Book/Flightt)
  • TripDetails-(multiCityFares/TripDetails)

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

MulticityFares- Search – Request

API Method : /api/MultiCityFares/Search/Flight

"OriginDestinationInformations": [], Open "OriginDestinationInformations"
"DepartureDateTime": "2021-01-15T00:00:00", Departure city Date and Time
"OriginLocationCode": "BLR",Departure city code
"DestinationLocationCode":"DXB"Destination city code
"DepartureDateTime": "2021-01-17T00:00:00", Departure city Date and Time
"OriginLocationCode": "DXB",Departure city code
"DestinationLocationCode":"JFK"Destination city code
"DepartureDateTime": "2021-01-20T00:00:00", Departure city Date and Time
"OriginLocationCode": "JFK",Departure city code
"DestinationLocationCode":"DXB"Destination city code
"TravelPreferences": {}, Open:"TravelPreferences"
"MaxStopsQuantity": "All", To Specify the option of the flight only 1 value
"CabinPreference": "Y","S","C","F",Y=Economy,C=Business,F=First & S=Premium Economy, only 1 option to be passed
"Preferences":{}, Open -"Preferences"
"CabinClassPreference": {}, Open - "CabinClassPreference"
"CabinType":"Y","S","C","F",Y=Economy,C=Business,F=First & S=Premium Economy, only 1 option to be passed
"PreferenceLevel":"Preferred"Preferred - Lowest fare available results will be listed Restricted - Only Particular class preferences will be listed
"AirTripType": "OneWay"Type of trip returned by the search, one of the values need to be passed
"PricingSourceType": "Public","Private", & "All" Public, Private-Scheduled Airline fare. WebFare-LCC Airline fares.
"IsRefundable": true/false,This gives an information if the itinerary should be refundable or not.
"PassengerTypeQuantities": [], Open "PassengerTypeQuantities"
"Code": "ADT", "CHD", and "INF" Passenger Type Adult Child or Infant
"Quantity": 1 Indicates the Number of Passenger (Total number of pax should not exceed more than 9 pax)
"RequestOptions": "Fifty","Hundred","TwoHundred" Number of flight results given in response
"Target": "Test", "Production", Environment to connect with Activity Linker LTD (it’s an identifier in the request)

MulticityFares- Search - Response
"Success":true,Returns the search status in a Boolean
"ConversationId":"",Free flow text
"multiCityFares": [], Open Tag
"PricedItineraries": [] Open Priced itinerary tag
"RequiredFieldsToBookInOtherLanguages": [],Multi Language is not supported
"OriginDestinationOptions": [] Open Tag for Origin Destination
"FlightSegments":[] All the legs in the itinerary will be shown
"FlightNumber":"3743",Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode":"U",Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "BLR",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode":"IXE",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"OperatingAirline":{} OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code":"SG",Airline IATA Code
"FlightNumber":"", Indicates the flight number
"Equipment":"DH8" Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"MarketingAirlineCode": "SG",Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup":"", Group code for the marriage code
"StopQuantityInfo":{}, This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for the itinerary
"LocationCode":"",Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"StopQuantityInfo":{}, This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for the itinerary
"LocationCode":"",Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"CabinClassCode": "Y",Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy, or business
"ResBookDesigText":"SPICESAVER",Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"CabinClassText": "SPICESAVER",Information is provided by the supplier
"MealCode": "", Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"SeatsRemaining":{} Information shows on the number of seats available
"Number": 4, Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"BelowMinimum":false Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"AirlinePNR":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"Baggage":null, Check-in baggage information
"CabinBaggage":null,Cabin baggage information
"FareBasisCodes":null,Airline fare basis information
"LegIndicator":0, Legindicator for the itinerary
"DepartureDateTime":"2021-01-15T20:15:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"ArrivalDateTime":"2021-01-15T21:15:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"StopQuantity":0, Technical stopover
"JourneyDuration":60, Duration of the flight in minutes
"Eticket":true, Specifies the type of the ticket
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"FlightNumber":"59", Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode":"U", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"DepartureAirportLocationCode":"IXE", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "DXB",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"OperatingAirline":{}, OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code":"SG",Airline IATA Code
"FlightNumber":"" Indicates the flight number
"Equipment":"737"Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"MarketingAirlineCode":"SG",Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup": "", Group code for the marriage code
"StopQuantityInfo":{} Currency code
"LocationCode":"",Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"StopQuantityInfo":{} Currency code
"LocationCode":"",Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"CabinClassCode": "Y",Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy, or business
"ResBookDesigText":"SPICESAVER",Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"CabinClassText": "SPICESAVER",Information is provided by the supplier
"MealCode": "", Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"SeatsRemaining":{} Information shows on the number of seats available
"Number": 4, Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"BelowMinimum":false Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"AirlinePNR":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"Baggage":null, Check-in baggage information
"CabinBaggage":null,Cabin baggage information
"FareBasisCodes":null,Airline fare basis information
"LegIndicator":0, Legindicator for the itinerary
"DepartureDateTime":"2021-0116T00:20:00"YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"ArrivalDateTime":"2021-0116T02:40:00"YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time
"StopQuantity":0, Technical stopover
"JourneyDuration":230, Duration of the flight in minutes
"Eticket":true, Specifies the type of the ticket
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"AirItineraryPricingInfo":{} Open “AirItineraryPricingInfo”
"ItinTotalFare":{} Fare details information
"BaseFare":{} Base fare in local currency
"Amount":"7413.30", Total base fare value in Local currency
"CurrencyCode": "INR", Base fare in Local currency (Origin country)
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare":{} Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "103.76",Equivalent amount shown is set, as per account the configuration
"CurrencyCode":"USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TotalTax": {} Total Taxes information
"Amount": "16.14",Total Tax value
"CurrencyCode":"USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ServiceTax":null, Service Tax if any will be provided by supplier
"TotalFare":{} Total fare Tag
"Amount":"119.90",Total amount of fare
"CurrencyCode":"USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ActualFare":{} Actual Fare information
"Amount":"119.90",Actual fare value in local currency
"CurrencyCode":"USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"PTC_FareBreakdowns":{} Passenger wise fare break down details
"PassengerTypeQuantity":{} Open PassengerTypeQuantity
"Code":"ADT", Passenger type code
"Quantity":1 Quantity of specific passenger type
"FareBasisCodes":[] Airline fare basis information
"ASG3743U",Departure fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"ASG59U"Connecting flight fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"PassengerFare":{} Total fare breakdown
"BaseFare":{} Base fare in local currency
"Amount":"7413.30", Total base fare value in Local currency
"CurrencyCode": "INR", Base fare in Local currency (Origin country)
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare":{} Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "103.76",Equivalent amount shown is set, as per account the configuration
"CurrencyCode":"USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TotalTax": {} Total Taxes information
"Amount": "16.14",Total Tax value
"CurrencyCode":"USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ServiceTax":null, Service Tax if any will be provided by supplier
"TotalFare":{} Total fare Tag
"Amount":"119.90",Total amount of fare
"CurrencyCode":"USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ActualFare":{} Actual Fare information
"Amount":"119.90",Actual fare value in local currency
"CurrencyCode":"USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Surcharges": [], If provided by the supplier details will be added (Surcharge is part of the base fare)
"PenaltiesInfo": [], Penalties information
"Amount": "", Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "", Currency code
"Allowed":false,true,True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They do not support the functionality
"PenaltyType":"Cancel"Type of the Penalty supported
"Amount": "", Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "", Currency code
"Allowed":false,True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They do not support the functionality
"PenaltyType":"Exchange"Type of the Penalty supported
"BaggageInfo": [], Check-in baggage information
"SB", Departure bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"SB" Arrival / Connecting segment Bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"CabinBaggageInfo": null Cabin baggage information
"FareInfos": [] Open “FareInfos”
"FareReference":"U"Departure Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"FareReference":"U"Departure Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"SplitItinerary":"false",This gives an information if segments can split
"IsRefundable":"No", This gives an information if the itinerary is refundable or not
"FareSourceCode":ABCDEFGHIJK A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"FareType":"Private",Indicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates to LCC carrier
"DivideInPartyIndicator": false We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
ExtraServices1_1":null,We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"RequiredFieldsToBook":null,All possible fields are mandate
"SequenceNumber":1, Specifies the itineraries sequence number in the search
"DirectionInd":"OneWay",Indicates to DirectionID
"TicketType":"eTicket",Specifies the type of the ticket
"ValidatingAirlineCode":"SG",Specifies the validation Airline
"IsPassportMandatory":false,true, Read RequiredFieldsToBook
"IsResidentFare":false,true, Is Resident Fare info
"ResidentFareDocumentTypeLists":null,We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"PaxNameCharacterLimit": 60,Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s name including spaces and title
"FirstNameCharacterLimit": 58,Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s First Name
"LastNameCharacterLimit":58,Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s Last Name
"Fulfillmentdetails":{} Open Tag
"Ticketing":{}Request type
"TATinMinutes":"30"TAT to fulfill the request
"Void":{} Request type
"TATinMinutes":"30"TAT to fulfill the request
"Exchange":{} Request type
"TATinMinutes":"30"TAT to fulfill the request
"Refund":{} Request type
"TATinMinutes":"30"TAT to fulfill the request

MulticityFares - Reavalidation


AirRevalidate API service verifies the availability of the fare for the selected itinerary.

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

MulticityFares- Revalidation – Request

API Method : /api/MultiCityFares/Revalidation/Flight

"ListFaresourcecode":[] Open Fare source code tag
"FareSourceCode":MandateA Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"FareSourceCode":MandateA Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"FareSourceCode":MandateA Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"Target":"Test", "Production",Environment to connect with Activity Linker LTD (it is an identifier in the request)
"ConversationId":Free flow text

MulticityFares- Revalidation – Response
"Success": true,Returns the search status in a Boolean
"IsValid":false,True-No changes in the selected itinerary.False- Change in the selected itinerary. Ex: Fare, Class etc
"FareSourceCode":ABCDEFGH A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"PricedItineraries": [], All the itineraries returned will be in sequential order
"RequiredFieldsToBookInOtherLanguages":[],Multi Language is not supported
"OriginDestinationOptions":[],Open Tag for Origin Destination
"FlightSegments": [],All the legs in the itinerary will be shown
"FlightNumber":"174", Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode":"N",Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "BLR",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode":"CMB",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"OperatingAirline":{} OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code":"UL", Airline IATA Code
"FlightNumber":"174",Indicates the flight number
"Equipment": "320" , Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"MarketingAirlineCode":"UL",Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup":"", Group code for the marriage code
"StopQuantityInfo":{} This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for the itinerary
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"Duration":0Duration of the stopover
"StopQuantityInformations": [] Open StopQuantityInformations
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"Duration":0Duration of the stopover
"CabinClassCode":"Y",Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy, or business
"ResBookDesigText":"", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"CabinClassText": "", Information is provided by the supplier
"MealCode": "", Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"SeatsRemaining":{} Information shows on the number of seats available
"Number":4, Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"BelowMinimum":falseIndicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"AirlinePNR":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"Baggage":null, Check-in baggage information
"CabinBaggage": null, Cabin baggage information
"FareBasisCodes":null, Airline fare basis information
"LegIndicator":0, Legindicator for the itinerary
"DepartureDateTime": "2021-01-15T03:35:00"YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"ArrivalDateTime":"2021-01-15T05:00:00"YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"StopQuantity": : 0, Technical stopover
"JourneyDuration":85, Duration of the flight in minutes
"Eticket":true, Specifies the type of the ticket
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"FlightNumber":"231",Indicates the flight number
"ResBookDesigCode":"N",Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "CMB",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode":"DXB",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"OperatingAirline":{} OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code":"UL", Airline IATA Code
"FlightNumber":"231",Indicates the flight number
"Equipment": "321" , Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"MarketingAirlineCode":"UL",Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup":"", Group code for the marriage code
"StopQuantityInfo":{} This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for the itinerary
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"Duration":0Duration of the stopover
"StopQuantityInformations": [] Open StopQuantityInformations
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"Duration":0Duration of the stopover
"CabinClassCode":"Y",Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy, or business
"ResBookDesigText":"", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"CabinClassText": "", Information is provided by the supplier
"MealCode": "", Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"SeatsRemaining":{} Information shows on the number of seats available
"Number":4, Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"BelowMinimum":falseIndicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"AirlinePNR":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"Baggage":null, Check-in baggage information
"CabinBaggage": null, Cabin baggage information
"FareBasisCodes":null, Airline fare basis information
"LegIndicator":0, Legindicator for the itinerary
"DepartureDateTime": "2021-01-15T12:55:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"ArrivalDateTime":"2021-01-15T16:10:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"StopQuantity": : 0, Technical stopover
"JourneyDuration":285, Duration of the flight in minutes
"Eticket":true, Specifies the type of the ticket
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"AirItineraryPricingInfo":{} Open “AirItineraryPricingInfo”
"ItinTotalFare":{} Fare details
"BaseFare": {} Base fare in local currency
"Amount":"72.00",Total base fare value in Local currency
"CurrencyCode": "SGD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "51.69", Equivalent amount shown is set, as per account the configuration.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code, as per account the configuration.
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TotalTax": {}, Total Taxes information
"Amount": "88.30", Total amount of fare.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ServiceTax":null,Service Tax if any will be provided by supplier
"TotalFare":{} Total fare Tag
"Amount":"139.99", Total amount of fare
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ActualFare":{} Actual Fare information
"Amount":"147.67",Actual fare value in local currency
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"PTC_FareBreakdowns":[] Passenger wise fare break down details
"PassengerTypeQuantity":{} Open PassengerTypeQuantity
"Code":"ADT",Passenger type code
"Quantity": 1 Quantity of specific passenger type
"FareBasisCodes": [] Airline fare basis information
"QOW1IZ", Departure fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"QOW1IZ",Connecting flight fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"PassengerFare": {}, Total fare breakdown
"BaseFare": {}, Base fare breakdown
"Amount": "72.00",Base fare value
"CurrencyCode": "USD",Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "51.69", Equivalent amount for base fare
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Taxes": [], Taxes break down
"Amount": "62.39",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "YQF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "1.36",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "ZR",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "12.92",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "IN",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "2.58",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "K38",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "3.16",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": ""K3B",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "5.89",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "P2",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ServiceTax":null,ServiceTax if any will be provided by supplier
"TotalFare": {}, Total fare value
"Amount": "139.99",Total fare amount
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ActualFare":{} Actual Fare information
"Amount":"147.67",Actual fare value in local currency
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Surcharges": [], If provided by the supplier details will be added (Surcharge is part of the base fare)
"PenaltiesInfo":[], Penalties information
"Amount": "76.10",Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"Allowed":true,True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They do not support the functionality
"PenaltyType":"Cancel" Type of the Penalty supported
"Amount": "75.38",Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"Allowed":true,True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They do not support the functionality
"PenaltyType":"Exchange"Type of the Penalty supported
"BaggageInfo": [], Check-in baggage information
"30KG", Departure bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"30KG" Arrival / Connecting segment Bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"CabinBaggageInfo": null Cabin baggage information
"FareInfos":[] Open “FareInfos”
"FareReference": "N"Departure Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"FareReference": "N"Arrival / Connecting segment Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"SplitItinerary":null, This gives an information if segments can split
"IsRefundable":"Information NotAvailable",This gives an information if the itinerary is refundable or not
"FareSourceCode":null, A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"FareType":"Public",TIndicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates to LCC carrier
"DivideInPartyIndicator":false We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"ExtraServices1_1":null,We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"RequiredFieldsToBook": [], All possible fields which are mandatory for booking, as shown below.
"Passport", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Passport No", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"DOB", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PassengerNationality", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PostCode", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Gender", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Email", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"IssueCountry", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ExpiredOn", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Title", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ContactNumber" Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"SequenceNumber": 1, Specifies the itineraries sequence number in the search
"DirectionInd":"OneWay", Indicates to DirectionID
"TicketType":"eTicket", Specifies the type of the ticket
"ValidatingAirlineCode": "UL" Specifies the validation Airline
"IsPassportMandatory":true, Read RequiredFieldsToBook
"IsResidentFare": false, Is Resident Fare info
"ResidentFareDocumentTypeLists":null,We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"PaxNameCharacterLimit": 60, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s name including spaces and title
"FirstNameCharacterLimit":50, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s First Name
"LastNameCharacterLimit":46, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s Last Name
"Fulfillmentdetails":{} Open Tag
"Ticketing":null,Fulfilment request time
"Void": null,Fulfilment request time
"Exchange": null,Fulfilment request time
"Refund":null,Fulfilment request time
"RequiredFieldsToBookInOtherLanguages":[], Multi Language is not supported
"OriginDestinationOptions": [], Open Tag for Origin Destination
"FlightSegments":[] All the legs in the itinerary will be shown
"FlightNumber":"103", Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode":"R", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"DepartureAirportLocationCode":"JFK", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode":"SVO",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"OperatingAirline": {}, OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code": "SU",Airline IATA Code
"FlightNumber": "103", Indicates the number of the flight
"Equipment": "77W", Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"MarketingAirlineCode": "SU",Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup":"", Group code for the marriage code
"StopQuantityInfo":{} This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for the itinerary
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"StopQuantityInformations":{} Open StopQuantityInformations
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"CabinClassCode":"Y",Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy, or business
"ResBookDesigText":"", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"CabinClassText":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"MealCode": "", Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"SeatsRemaining": {}, Information shows on the number of seats available
"Number":4, Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"BelowMinimum":false Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"AirlinePNR":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"Baggage":null, Check-in baggage information
"CabinBaggage": null, Cabin baggage information
"FareBasisCodes":null, Airline fare basis information
"LegIndicator":0, Legindicator for the itinerary
"DepartureDateTime": "2021-01-20T19:25:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"ArrivalDateTime":"2021-01-21T12:40:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"StopQuantity": : 0, Technical stopover
"JourneyDuration":555, Duration of the flight in minutes
"Eticket":true, Specifies the type of the ticket
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"FlightNumber":"524",Indicates the flight number
"ResBookDesigCode":"R",Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"DepartureAirportLocationCode": "SVO",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode":"DXB",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"OperatingAirline":{} OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code":"SU",Airline IATA Code
"FlightNumber":"524",Indicates the flight number
"Equipment": "73H" , Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"MarketingAirlineCode":"SU",Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup":"", Group code for the marriage code
"StopQuantityInfo":{} This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for the itinerary
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"Duration":0Duration of the stopover
"StopQuantityInformations": [] Open StopQuantityInformations
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"Duration":0Duration of the stopover
"CabinClassCode":"Y", Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy, or business
"ResBookDesigText":"", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"CabinClassText": "", Information is provided by the supplier
"MealCode": "", Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"SeatsRemaining":{} Information shows on the number of seats available
"ResBookDesigText": "", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"SeatsRemaining": {}, Information shows on the number of seats available
"Number":4, Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"BelowMinimum":false Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"AirlinePNR":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"Baggage":null, Check-in baggage information
"CabinBaggage": null, Cabin baggage information
"FareBasisCodes":null, Airline fare basis information
"LegIndicator":0, Legindicator for the itinerary
"DepartureDateTime":"2021-01-21T18:45:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"ArrivalDateTime":"2021-0122T01:25:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"JourneyDuration":340, Duration of the flight in minutes
"Eticket":true,Specifies the type of the ticket
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"AirItineraryPricingInfo":{} Open “AirItineraryPricingInfo”
"ItinTotalFare":{} Fare details
"BaseFare": {} Base fare in local currency
"Amount":"363.16",Total base fare value in Local currency
"CurrencyCode": "SGD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "260.71", Equivalent amount shown is set, as per account the configuration.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code, as per account the configuration.
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TotalTax": {}, Total Taxes information
"Amount": "215.43",Total amount of fare.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ServiceTax":null,Service Tax if any will be provided by supplier
"TotalFare":{} Total fare Tag
"Amount":"476.14",Total amount of fare
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ActualFare":{} Actual Fare information
"Amount":"476.15",Actual fare value in local currency
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"PTC_FareBreakdowns":[] Passenger wise fare break down details
"PassengerTypeQuantity":{} Open PassengerTypeQuantity
"Code":"ADT",Passenger type code
"Quantity": 1 Quantity of specific passenger type
"FareBasisCodes": [] Airline fare basis information
"RVOLA",Departure fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"RVOLA",Connecting flight fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"PassengerFare": {}, Total fare breakdown
"BaseFare": {}, Base fare breakdown
"Amount": "363.16",Base fare value
"CurrencyCode": "USD",Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "260.71", Equivalent amount for base fare
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Taxes": [], Taxes break down
"Amount": "123.26",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "YQF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "59.37",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "YQF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "4.59",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "YRF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "4.59",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "YRF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "1.36",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "ZR",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "6.25",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "RI",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "6.25",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "RI2",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "5.38",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "AY",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "4.38",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "XF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ServiceTax":null,ServiceTax if any will be provided by supplier
"TotalFare": {}, Total fare value
"Amount": "476.14",Total fare amount
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ActualFare":{} Actual Fare information
"Amount":"476.15",Actual fare value in local currency
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Surcharges": [], If provided by the supplier details will be added (Surcharge is part of the base fare)
"PenaltiesInfo":[], Penalties information
"Amount": "",Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "", Currency code
"Allowed":false,True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They do not support the functionality
"PenaltyType":"Cancel" Type of the Penalty supported
"Amount": "40.20",Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"Allowed":true,True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They do not support the functionality
"PenaltyType":"Exchange"Type of the Penalty supported
"BaggageInfo": [], Check-in baggage information
"1PC", Departure bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"1PC" Arrival / Connecting segment Bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"CabinBaggageInfo": null Cabin baggage information
"FareInfos":[] Open “FareInfos”
"FareReference": "R"Departure Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"FareReference": "R"Arrival / Connecting segment Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"SplitItinerary":null, This gives an information if segments can split
"IsRefundable":"Information NotAvailable",This gives an information if the itinerary is refundable or not
"FareSourceCode":null, A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"FareType":"Public",TIndicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates to LCC carrier
"DivideInPartyIndicator":false We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"ExtraServices1_1":null,We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"RequiredFieldsToBook": [], All possible fields which are mandatory for booking, as shown below.
"Passport", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Passport No", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"DOB", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PassengerNationality", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PostCode", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Gender", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Email", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"IssueCountry", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ExpiredOn", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Title", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ContactNumber" Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"SequenceNumber": 1, Specifies the itineraries sequence number in the search
"DirectionInd":"OneWay", Indicates to DirectionID
"TicketType":"eTicket", Specifies the type of the ticket
"ValidatingAirlineCode": "SU" Specifies the validation Airline
"IsPassportMandatory":true, Read RequiredFieldsToBook
"IsResidentFare": false, Is Resident Fare info
"ResidentFareDocumentTypeLists":null,We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"PaxNameCharacterLimit": 60, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s name including spaces and title
"FirstNameCharacterLimit":50, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s First Name
"LastNameCharacterLimit":46, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s Last Name
"Fulfillmentdetails":{} Open Tag
"Ticketing":null,Fulfilment request time
"Void": null,Fulfilment request time
"Exchange": null,Fulfilment request time
"Refund":null,Fulfilment request time
"RequiredFieldsToBookInOtherLanguages":[], Multi Language is not supported
"OriginDestinationOptions": [], Open Tag for Origin Destination
"FlightSegments":[] All the legs in the itinerary will be shown
"FlightNumber":"763", Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode":"Q", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"DepartureAirportLocationCode":"DXB", IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode":"IST",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"OperatingAirline": {}, OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code": "TK",Airline IATA Code
"FlightNumber": "763", Indicates the number of the flight
"Equipment": "77W", Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"MarketingAirlineCode": "TK",Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup":"", Group code for the marriage code
"StopQuantityInfo":{} This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for the itinerary
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"StopQuantityInformations":{} Open StopQuantityInformations
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"CabinClassCode":"Y",Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy, or business
"ResBookDesigText":"", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"CabinClassText": "", Information is provided by the supplier
"MealCode": "", Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"SeatsRemaining":{} Information shows on the number of seats available
"Number":4, Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"BelowMinimum":false Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"AirlinePNR":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"Baggage":null, Check-in baggage information
"CabinBaggage": null, Cabin baggage information
"FareBasisCodes":null, Airline fare basis information
"LegIndicator":0, Legindicator for the itinerary
"DepartureDateTime":"2021-01-17T08:35:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"ArrivalDateTime":"2021-01-17T12:50:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"JourneyDuration":315, Duration of the flight in minutes
"Eticket":true,Specifies the type of the ticket
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"FlightNumber":"1",Indicates the number of the flight
"ResBookDesigCode":"Q", Specifies the RBD code for the itinerary
"DepartureAirportLocationCode":"IST",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to depart
"ArrivalAirportLocationCode":"JFK",IATA code of the airport the flight is scheduled to arrive
"OperatingAirline": {}, OperatingAirline shows the information for the airline that administrates the flight
"Code": "TK",Airline IATA Code
"FlightNumber": "1", Indicates the number of the flight
"Equipment": "789", Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"MarketingAirlineCode": "TK",Airline IATA Code of the marketing airline
"MarriageGroup":"", Group code for the marriage code
"StopQuantityInfo":{} This information will be shared in response only if there is a stopover available for the itinerary
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"StopQuantityInformations":{} Open StopQuantityInformations
"LocationCode":"", Location of the stopover
"StopOverEquipment":null,Information of the equipment being used (Provided by the supplier)
"ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight departure date and time (As per origin time zone)
"Duration":0 Duration of the stopover
"CabinClassCode":"Y",Specifies the class code if the cabin is economy, business, premium economy, or business
"ResBookDesigText":"", Specifies the RBD text for the segment
"CabinClassText": "", Information is provided by the supplier
"MealCode": "", Meal code will be passed if provide by Airline
"SeatsRemaining":{} Information shows on the number of seats available
"Number":4, Static value passed by the supplier on number seats available for the itinerary
"BelowMinimum":false Indicates if the number of seats available are under the required minimum
"AirlinePNR":"", Information is provided by the supplier
"Baggage":null, Check-in baggage information
"CabinBaggage": null, Cabin baggage information
"FareBasisCodes":null, Airline fare basis information
"LegIndicator":0, Legindicator for the itinerary
"DepartureDateTime":"2021-01-17T14:55:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"ArrivalDateTime":"2021-01-17T18:25:00",YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 format for the flight arrival date and time
"StopQuantity": 0, Technical stopover
"JourneyDuration":690, Duration of the flight in minutes
"Eticket":true,Specifies the type of the ticket
"isReturn":false Indicates to return segment
"AirItineraryPricingInfo":{} Open “AirItineraryPricingInfo”
"ItinTotalFare":{} Fare details
"BaseFare": {} Base fare in local currency
"Amount":"732.14",Total base fare value in Local currency
"CurrencyCode": "SGD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "525.60",Equivalent amount shown is set, as per account the configuration.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code, as per account the configuration.
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"TotalTax": {}, Total Taxes information
"Amount": "242.56",Total amount of fare.
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ServiceTax":null,Service Tax if any will be provided by supplier
"TotalFare":{} Total fare Tag
"Amount":"768.16",Total amount of fare
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ActualFare":{} Actual Fare information
"Amount":"768.18",Actual fare value in local currency
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"PTC_FareBreakdowns":[] Passenger wise fare break down details
"PassengerTypeQuantity":{} Open PassengerTypeQuantity
"Code":"ADT",Passenger type code
"Quantity": 1 Quantity of specific passenger type
"FareBasisCodes": [] Airline fare basis information
"QLS2PXOW" ,Departure fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"QLS2PXOW"Connecting flight fare basis (If there is no fare basis passed from supplier, Activity Linker LTD generates a SUDO code)
"PassengerFare": {}, Total fare breakdown
"BaseFare": {}, Base fare breakdown
"Amount": "732.14",Base fare value
"CurrencyCode": "SGD",Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"EquivFare": {}, Base fare in Equivalent currency
"Amount": "525.60",Equivalent amount for base fare
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Taxes": [], Taxes break down
"Amount": "58.51",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "YRF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "130.44",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "YRF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "19.60",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "AE4",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "9.19",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "F62",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "1.36",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "TF",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "1.36",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "ZR2",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "5.81",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "TR",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "3.80",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "XA",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "6.75",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "XY2",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Amount": "5.74",Tax value
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"TaxCode": "YC",Tax code
"DecimalPlaces": 2, Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ServiceTax":null,ServiceTax if any will be provided by supplier
"TotalFare": {}, Total fare value
"Amount": "768.16",Total fare amount
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"ActualFare":{} Actual Fare information
"Amount":"768.18",Actual fare value in local currency
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"DecimalPlaces": 2 Only 2 decimals are allowed.
"Surcharges": [], If provided by the supplier details will be added (Surcharge is part of the base fare)
"PenaltiesInfo":[], Penalties information
"Amount": "124.92",Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD",Currency code
"Allowed":true,True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They do not support the functionality
"PenaltyType":"Cancel" Type of the Penalty supported
"Amount": "0.00",Penalty charges
"CurrencyCode": "USD", Currency code
"Allowed":true,True -Indicates Airline supports the functionality False- They do not support the functionality
"PenaltyType":"Exchange"Type of the Penalty supported
"BaggageInfo": [], Check-in baggage information
"2PC", Departure bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"2PC" Arrival / Connecting segment Bag details (Either it will be in KG/PC/SB-Standard Baggage, as passed from supplier)
"CabinBaggageInfo": null Cabin baggage information
"FareInfos":[] Open “FareInfos”
"FareReference": "Q"Departure Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"FareReference": "Q"Arrival / Connecting segment Flight RBD code for the itinerary (Provided if the information is passed by the supplier in response)
"SplitItinerary":null, This gives an information if segments can split
"IsRefundable":"Information NotAvailable",This gives an information if the itinerary is refundable or not
"FareSourceCode":null, A Unique FSC for every single itinerary generated
"FareType":"Public",TIndicates the ‘source’ requested for – can be either public or private for GDS carriers. Source type ‘WebFare’ indicates to LCC carrier
"DivideInPartyIndicator":false We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"ExtraServices1_1":null,We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"RequiredFieldsToBook": [], All possible fields which are mandatory for booking, as shown below.
"Passport", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Passport No", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"DOB", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PassengerNationality", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"PostCode", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Gender", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Email", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"IssueCountry", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ExpiredOn", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"Title", Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"ContactNumber" Mandate Details are mandate and should be passed
"SequenceNumber": 1, Specifies the itineraries sequence number in the search
"DirectionInd":"OneWay", Indicates to DirectionID
"TicketType":"eTicket", Specifies the type of the ticket
"ValidatingAirlineCode": "TK" Specifies the validation Airline
"IsPassportMandatory":true, Read RequiredFieldsToBook
"IsResidentFare": false, Is Resident Fare info
"ResidentFareDocumentTypeLists":null,We will provide if we get the response form Supplier
"PaxNameCharacterLimit": 60, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s name including spaces and title
"FirstNameCharacterLimit":50, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s First Name
"LastNameCharacterLimit":46, Indicates the maximum characters allowed for the passenger’s Last Name
"Fulfillmentdetails":{} Open Tag
"Ticketing":Fulfilment request time
"Void": null,Fulfilment request time
"Exchange": null,Fulfilment request time
"Refund":null,Fulfilment request time
"Target":"Test", “Production”Target specified in the request captured a passed in the response
"Errors":null Error message caused for the failures
"Success":true Returns the search status in a Boolean

MulticityFares - Book


BookFlight API service provides the functionality to pass the traveler information to book an itinerary.

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

MulticityFares- Book – Request

API Method : /api/MultiCityFares/Book/Flight

"FareSourceCode":ABCDEFGH A Unique FSC for every single itinerary
"TravelerInfo": {}, This is an mandate information (All the passengers and their details wil be passed)
"AirTravelers": [], The details of every passengers will be passed, if more than one passenger then multiple AirTravelers information should be passed
"PassengerType": "ADT" Type of the passenger. Adult-ADT, Child-CHD, Infant-INF
"Gender": "M"Gender of the passenger
"PassengerName": {}, Passenger name and the length of the name should not exceed based on the max character limit from search response, characters including the title and space
"PassengerTitle": "MR" Title of the passenger
"PassengerFirstName": "MOHAMMED", First name of the passenger
"PassengerLastName": "MUBARAK" Last Name/Family Name
"DateOfBirth": "1989-08-03T00:00:00.00Z",Passengers birth date in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format
"Passport": {}, "The passenger’s passport information; Required - if the revalidation response indicates passport field as required for the itinerary, than it is mandate to pass the details"
"PassportNumber": "Z76554444",Passport number
"ExpiryDate": "2022-08-03T00:00:00.00Z",Passengers passport expiry in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format
"Country": "IN" Issuing Country of the passport
"PassengerNationality": "IN", Nationality of passenger
"CountryCode": "91", Dialing Country code
"AreaCode": "080", Area code of the phone number
"PhoneNumber": "45678909",Phone number of the passenger/client (As per IATA 830D, where the details need to be passed for any Involuntary changes in flight operations)
"Email": "", Email address of the passenger/client (As per IATA 830D, where the details need to be passed for any Involuntary changes in flight operations)
"PostCode": "560044"Postcode
"Target": " Test" “Production” Target specified in the request captured an passed in the response
"ConversationId":"Free Text",Free flow text
"LccHoldBooking":false Optional field

MulticityFares- Book – Response
"Success":true,Returns the search status in a Boolea
"UniqueID":"MB1000120",A unique Activity Linker LTD Master Booking reference number starts with MB followed by 8 digits
"Status":"CONFIRMED",Indicates the status of the booking
"Errors":null,Error message caused for the failures
"Target":"Test", Target specified in the request captured a passed in the response
"ConversationId":"string",Free Text - can be used for Tracking at Client end
"ClientUTCOffset": 5.3
"Success": true Returns the search status in a Boolean

MulticityFares - TripDetails


Trip Details API service provides the functionality of retrieving the itinerary and passenger details for the ordered ticket

Request - Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

Response- Sample JSON
Below textbox provides a sample of the request from REST Tool:

MulticityFares - TripDetails – Request

API Method : /api/MultiCityFares/Book/Flight

"BookingRef":"MB1000120"Master Booking reference

MulticityFares - TripDetails - Response
"bookingRefs":[] Activity Linker LTD unique reference code as per segment wise
164215,A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number, please add MF followed by 6 digit and last 2 digit year
164214,A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number, please add MF followed by 6 digit and last 2 digit year
164213 A unique Activity Linker LTD reference number, please add MF followed by 6 digit and last 2 digit year
"Errors":null Error message caused for the failures
"Success":true Returns the search status in a Boolean

Points to be Noted:

  • Tripdetails and FareRules API must be called for individual MF reference to know the booking status ad rules.
  • Please find the example to retrieve MF reference from above response, for ex: 164215, please retrieve adding MF in the staring of the reference and 2 digit year at the end -MF16421520.
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